Name |
Position/rank |
Profile |

Simon Morse |
Recruitment officer
I joined early in
2002. I've re-enacted before, English Civil War, but this is MUCH better.
So come and join the "Bloody 17th" |

Adrian "Widey" Pring |
2-i-C |
Ex-matelot, many
years re-enacting and now looking for love! Anyone interested? |

Jed Gibson |
Pte. |
Does anyone know
what he actually looks like? It's so hard to tell underneath that hat! |

Kevin Beck |
Pte and Powder Monkey |
"The quiet
and calming influence of the company" |

Christopher Charity |
Pte. |
" Chris is
the brainy & good looking one that the rest of the company
aspire to be like". (His words - not mine!) |

Martyn "Baboon" Charity |
Pte. |
"The Baboon of the company. If you want to
learn the monkey run or just a war face then I'm your man.
Yes Chris is my brother, he may think he is
the best looking one in the company, but we all have our
No picture yet |
Helen Gibson |
Fifer. |

Peter Goldsmith |
Company Treasurer
" Best
thing I have done since retiring seven years ago, was to join Soskan and
the 17th, Anne is not really interested in the ACW, BUT she really enjoys
coming to events and making new friends." |

Graham Peacock |
Pte. |

Thomas "Young'un"
Moreton |
Pte. |
The quiet one -
silent but deadly on the field. |
No picture yet |
Steve 'New Fish' Bickley |
Pte. |

Steve Gibson |
Pte. |
Founder member of
the company and recently returned to the ranks after a year's stint as
Battalion Sergeant Major. |
No picture yet |
Derek Head |
Pte. |

Ralph Bennett |
Pte. |
No picture yet |
Charlene Bennett |
Civilian |

Wendi Gibson |
Civilian coordinator |
Co-founding member
with Steve in 1988. 10 years as a Private soldier in the ranks. Now organizes
rations for the men, support the 17th whilst portraying a
civilian caught up in the struggle as accurately as possible. |
No picture yet |
Ann Gibson |
Civilian |
No picture yet |
Kiera Gibson |
Civilian Junior |
No picture yet |
Anne Goldsmith |
Company secretary |
No picture yet |
Jo Peacock |
Civilian |

Sharon Morton |
Civilian |

Jade Morton |
Junior |