17th Virginia Infantry Regiment
The Old Dominion Rifles |
"Headquarters Army of Northern Virginia, October 23, 1862. Hon. George W. Randolph, Secretary of War. "Sir: I have the honor to transmit with the accompanying letter of Brigadier General James L. Kemper two stands of colors captured from the United States forces by the Seventeenth Virginia Regiment at the battles of Manassas and Sharpsburg. "This regiment, with its gallant colonel (M. D. Corse), who in the words of General Longstreet 'have distinguished in at least ten of the severest battles of the war', challenge the admiration of their countrymen. "The United States national flag was taken by Private Samuel S. Coleman, of the Mount Vernon Guards, from the color-sergeant of the Eleventh Pennsylvania Regiment in the Battle of Manassas, August 30. "The regimental flag of the One Hundred and Third New York Volunteers was captured by Lieutenant W. W. Athey in the battle of Sharpsburg, September 17, 1862. "The names of the captors are appended to the colors, respectively, and I hope will be preserved with them. "I have the honor to be "Your obedient servant, "R. E. Lee, General Commanding." |
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Last updated - 28th November, 2003 |