17th Virginia Infantry Regiment
The Old Dominion Rifles |
Headquarters Fourth Brigade, First Corps, A. P. Fairfax C. H., October 13, 1861. "General Order no. 17" "In relinquishing the command of the Fourth Brigade, First Corps, Army of the Potomac, the Commanding General expresses his sincere thanks to the officers and soldiers of the command for the kindly patience, the soldierly fortitude, and the cheerful obedience with which they have invariably exhibited during the many hardships and privations of a long and trying campaign. "The command of a brigade second to none is well worthy the boast of any general, and even regret may well be felt at promotion which removes it a step, at least, from him. "By command of Maj.-Gen. Longstreet. "G. Moxley Sorrel, "Capt. and A. A. G." Congratulatory order from General Joseph E. Johnston C. S. Army. GENERAL ORDERS No. ---HDQRS.
DEPT. NORTHERN VIRGINIA The commanding general announces to the army an important success achieved yesterday in the repulse of the enemy's attacks upon the position of our rear guard near Williamsburg and the driving his forces to the woods by the troops of Major-Generals Longstreet and Hill and Brigadier-General Stuart, commanded by the former. He congratulates those engaged upon the honors they have won, and offers them the thanks of the army for their admirable conduct. This result was fore-shadowed by the manner in which the brigades of Kershaw and Semmes and cavalry commanded by Colonel Wickham and Major Butler, of Hampton's Legion, under Brigadier-General McLaws, repulsed the Federal advanced guard on the preceding afternoon. By command of General Johnston: THOS.
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