17th Virginia Infantry Regiment
The Old Dominion Rifles |
Roster of Company A personnel - Alexandria Riflemen (From "17th Virginia Infantry" by Lee A. Wallace Jr.) Abbreviations used include:
Please note: All dates are in the British system. (Day/Month/Year) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ABBOTT, Francis H.: b. Georgetown, D.C., son of Ellen J. Abbott,; age 21; enl. 19/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Killed at Williamsburg, 5/5/62. Bur. Williamsburg. Applied for commission 2/62. Described as 6 ft. 1 in., blue eyes, light hair, fair complexion. ADAMS, Francis: enl. 29/8/61, at Camp Harrison; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred in 1862 tp Capt. Edmund Barry's Co., Maryland Line. Pvt., Co. C, 2nd Bn. Maryland Inf., 1862-1864. Captured 27/7/63. Took Oath of Allegiance. Released 28/7/63. Res. Prince Georges Co., Md.; age 22, 6 ft 4 1/2 in., florid complexion; hazel eyes, brown hair. ADAMS, John Grove: Maryland; age 20; clerk; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Absent, sick in Richmond, 3-8/62. Transferred 22/9/62, to Co. D, 4th Regt. Va. Cav. Hospitalized in Richmond, 3/63-6/64. Reported as a deserter, 25/3/65, in Richmond, 8/5/65; stated residence in Alexandria. ADDISON, John: b. Baltimore Co., Md., son of Edmund Brice and Eliza Bowie Addison; ed., Hallowell's Sch., Alexandria; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; merchant. Enl. 17/4/61 at Alexandria; Sgt., Co. A. Elected 2nd Lt., 26/4/62. Wded. at Manassas, 30/8/62. In Gen. Hosp. No. 4, Richmond, with fever, 8-10/63. Captured at Sayler's Creek, 6/4/65; sent to Johnson's Island, Ohio. Released after taking the oath, 18/6/65; gives Alexandria as place of residence; age 28, fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes, 5 ft. 10 in. Married Rebecca French Ball, 11/12/72. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C.V., Alexandria. Died 26/4/1904. ADDISON, John Fayette: b. Maryland; educated at Episcopal High School, Alexandria; enl. 5/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt. Co. A. Elected 2nd Lt., Co. G, 26/4/62. Killed at Williamsburg, 5/5/62. Bur. Bruton Parish Church Cem., Williamsburg. ADDISON, Walter D.: scholar; age 17; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Rejected by mustering officer but permitted to be retained by order of Gen. R. E. Lee. Promoted to 2nd Lt., 3/3/64, for valour and skill by Lt. Col. Herbert, but Addison refused a commission, and requested the return of the application, 31/10/64. Wded., 2/4/65; sent to Stuart Hosp., Richmond. Paroled at Richmond, 25/4/65. Died 30/1/66. ARCHIBALD, C.: Co. A. Appears on a list of oath subscribers at Goldsboro, N. C., 10/6/65. Res. Fairfax Co., Va. ASHBY, William Wirt: b. Fauquier Co., 1832, son of George William and Hebe Carter Ashby. Res. St. Louis, Mo., before enlistment. Enl. 3/6/61, at Camp Pickens: Pvt., Co. A. Shown as AWOL on rolls, 7/62-6/63. Postwar roster shows he transferred to the secret service. U. S. doc. dated St. Louis, Mo., 11/4/65, indicates he was a resident of the city, and a pilot on the Mississippi and Missouri river. Ashby told U. S. authorities he served out his term of enlistment in Co. A, 17th Va., and afterwards was conscripted, and served 3 months. He went home sick and stayed about 4 months. He was conscripted again, and served until Gettysburg, when he went home, and to Canada. About 11/64, he was advised that if he returned to St. Louis, and took the Oath of Amnesty, he could remain in the city. Ashby declared he was not a Southern sympathizer, and he had no relatives in the rebellion. The ASHBY BOOK asserts he served with Mosby, and was said to have been a favourite cousin of R. E. Lee. After the war he married Marie LaBarge. He died in 1891. AVERY, Richard W.: b. 22/11/39, son of Wesley Avery; clerk; enl. 22/5/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Wded. badly at Seven Pines, 31/5/62. Detailed as a clerk at Pickett's hdqrs., but served as a courier in battle, 1862-1865. Avery reached Appomatox, and when Pickett told him the army was going to surrender, he left with the intention of joining the army in the south. He changed his mind, and went home to Alexandria. Took the Oath of Amnesty, 15/5/65. Postwar occ. grocer. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V. Mbr. Washington Lodge of Masons. Died 24/5/99. BOWERS, Daniel: conscripted; enl. 5/6/64, in Wythe Co., assd. to 17th Va. Inf., 11/6/64; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred to 29th Regt. Va. Inf., 11/7/64. Present, 12/64. Living in Carroll Co., 1898. Dead by 1903. BRYANT, John Carlye Herbert: b. Lexington, Va., 19/5/43, son of William Bryant, moved with family to Wash., D. C., 1840, educated at St. Timothy's Hall, Md. Enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Apptd. Cadet, C. S. Army, 12/1/62, assd. to 17th Va. Inf. Prom. to 2nd Lt. Inf.; apptd. Adjutant, 17th Va. Inf. Prom. to 1st Lt., 1/6/62. Wded. and captured at Sharpsburg, 17/9/62. Apptd. 14/11/62, Aide-de-Camp to Brig. Gen. M. D. Corse. Appt. Capt., P. A. C. S., 19/11/63, and Asst. Adjt. Gen., Gen. Longstreet's staff. Wded. (left arm) and captured at Sayler's Creek, 6/4/65. Admitted to U. S. A. Hosp. Str. State of Maine, 18/4/65. Paroled and returned to Alexandria. Operated an agriculture house and fertilizer plant. Capt. Alexandria Greys, 1871. Mbr. City School Board, Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V. Vestryman, St. Paul's Church. Mbr. of alderman. Died 11/4/1914. BRYANT, John Y., Jr.: b. Wash., D. C., 1841; stud. Columbia College, D. C., enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd. 31/5/62, under conscription act, "being a Washingtonian". Died in 1867. BURFORD, Powhatan S.: enl. 23/11/63, in Amherst Co.; Pvt., Co. A. Det. to Pioneer Corps. Paroled at Burkeville Junction, 4/65. Postwar occ. grocer, coal and wood merchant. Died 16/10/1908. BURKE, Jourdon Muse: enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Absent, looking for deserters, 10-12/61. Absent, det. to Signal Corps, 1862-1864. Some 1864 records show him as Sgt. Died at Clifton, Caroline Co.; age 38, in 4/72.
CADLE, James, Richard: enl. 29/8/61, at Camp Harrison; Pvt., Co. A. Present through 12/61. Transferred 14/4/62, as Pvt., Co. C, 19th Bn. Va. Heavy Arty. Transferred to Maryland Line, 17/12/62. Pvt., Co. E, 1st Maryland Cav. Captured at Moorefield, 7/8/64; sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Prison records show him age 21, farmer, and a resident of Price Georges Co., Md. Paroled at New Market, Va., 19/4/65. Took the Oath of Amnesty, 9/5/65, at Alexandria. CARTER, Meriwether: b. Fauquier Co.; clerk; age 18; enl. 6/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd. 5/2/62, disability. CAWOOD, Charles H.: enl. 29/8/61, at Camp Harrison; Pvt., Co. A. On signal and secret service duty with Capt. E. P. Alexander, 1861-1863. Commd. 2nd Lt., Signal Corps, 26/6/63. Det. in King George Co. - crossed the Potomac as secret service operator every week, sometimes 3 times, contacting agents in Md., and arranging for mail service. Appl. for captaincy, 24/6/64, rejected; no law authorizing appointment. Paroled at Ashland, 26/4/65. CLAGETT, William H.: Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; clerk; age 24; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Cpl., Co. A. Prom. to Sgt., 26/4/62. Wded. (left shoulder) at Seven Pines, 31/5/62; permanent disabled. Det. as clerk, War Dept., 18/3/64. Dischd. 22/9/64. Paroled at Greensboro, N. C., 5/5/65. CROCKFORD, William Hamilton: engineer; age 18; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Wded. at Manassas, 30/8/62. Sick in Orange Co., 10/62. Transferred, 26/1/63, to Co. E, 12th Regt. Va. Inf. Det. to brigade commissary dept., 1865. Lived at Charlottesville after the war. Mbr. John Bowle Strange Camp, C. V. DAVIDSON, Francis J.: b. Alexandria; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; clerk; age 22; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd. 7/12/61, for disability. Paroled 9/5/65, at Augusta, Ga. Took the Oath of Allegiance, 20/5/65. DOUGLAS, Thomas V.: lawyer; age 26; enl. 8/5/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred to Co. E, 30th Regt. Va. Inf. by S. O. No. 472, Army of Potomac, 30/10/61, but he is not in the CSR for that regt. DUNN, John W.: clerk; age 21; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Left camp on sick leave c. 10/61. Transferred, enl. 2/9/61, as Pvt., Co. I. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. E. 6th Regt. Va. Cav. At home in Orange Co., sick, 12-61-2-63, last record. DYER, Thomas Baker: enl. 12/8/61, at Camp Harrison; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred from Capt. Frank B. Schaeffer's Co. F, 1st Regt. Va. Inf. Dischd., 18/2/62, on surgeon's certificate. EACHES, Hector Braden: b. Alexandria, 1840; raised as a Quaker; art student in Alexandria and NYC; studio, Louisville, Ky., 1859-1861. Enl. 28/10/61; Pvt., Co. A. Wded. (left knee) and captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Delaware; and to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor. Described as 5 ft. 9 in., light hair, dark eyes, light complexion. Exchd; sent to Gen. Hosp. No. 7, Richmond, 24/9/62, and furloughed for 30 days. Declared unfit for field duty, and detailed 9/7/63, as a draftsman for the War Dept. Paroled at Greensboro, N. C., 20/5/65. Painted in Alexandria, 1867, but in 1870 opened a studio in NYC. Died 2/7/75. Bur. Ivy Hill Cem., Alexandria. EACHES, John M.: age 26; enl. 24/8/61, at Memphis; Pvt., Co. F, 1st Missouri Inf. Absent sick at hosp., Corinth, miss., 1862. Employed as cook, City Hall Hosp., Jackson, Miss., 1862-1863. Transferred, 13/2/64, to Co. A, 17th Regt. Va. Inf. Wded., sent to Stuart Hosp., Richmond, 10/6/64; transferred, 14/6/64, to Lynchburg. Hospitalized at Chimborazo No. 1, Richmond, 9/64, with Hemorrhoids. Captured 3/4/65, in Jackson Hosp., Richmond, and paroled. Took amnesty oath at Alexandria, 21/5/65; document states res. Alexandria, dark hair, light complexion, grey eyes, 5 ft. 8 1/2 ins. Died 5/68. Bur. Ivy Hill Cem., Alexandria. EDWARDS, Brice J.: res. Albemarle Co.; conscripted; enl. 28/9/63; Pvt., Co. A. Present through to 12/64. AWOL, 2/65. FAIRFAX, Archibald Carlyle: scholar; age 17; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Wded. at Seven Pines, 31/5/62; furloughed "for the war". Paroled 10/6/65, a resident of Wake Co., N. C. Died in Baltimore, 4/8/79. FAIRFAX, Eugene V.: b. Fairfax Co.; enl. 28/10/61, at Centreville; Pvt., Co. A. Killed at Williamsburg, 5/5/62, age 22. Son of Albert B. Fairfax; res. Warrenton, N. C. FAIRFAX, Raymond: b. 19/7/29, son of Henry Fairfax of Ashgrove Co.; engineer, enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A Dischd, 23/5/61. Elected 2nd Lt., O'Connell Guards. Capt., comdg. Pioneer Corps, Pickett's Dev., 1863-1865. Died 9/3/1907. Brother of Herbert C. Fairfax. (Co. D) FORD, Hezekiah: enl. 17/10/63, at Lynchburg; Pvt., Co. A. Hospitalized at Lynchburg, 1864. Paroled at Lynchburg, 14/4/65. FORD, Norval E.: newspaper reporter; age 23; enl. 24/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd. 2/1/62, for disability. Clerk, Treas. Dept., 1862. Conscripted; enl. 26/5/64, at Camp Lee. Det. to Capt. James W. Archer, Ord. Dept., 1864. Paroled at Augusta, Ga., 7/5/65. Oath of Allegiance, 20/5/65. FOSTER, George R.: conscripted; enl. 17/10/63, at Lynchburg; Pvt., Co. A. Present to 12/64. Paroled at Campbell C. H., 30/5/64. GRADY, Frank T.: clerk; age 19; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Det. as clerk to Capt. W. Powell, Paymaster's Dept., 1861-1863. Prisoner, Fort Delaware, 5/63. GRAY, William E.: b. Loudoun Co.; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; farmer; age 23; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Co. A. Elected 1st Lt., Co. G, 26/4/62. Killed at Seven Pines, 31/5/62. {Repeated in Co. G.} GREEN, Charles W.: clerk; age 23; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Sgt., Co. A. Apptd. 1st Sgt., 26/4/62. Elected 2nd Lt., 4/5/62. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; exchd. Actg. Regtl. Quartermaster 1862. Apptd. Asst. Quartermaster 17th Va., 11/4/63. Prom to Capt., 9/63. Relieved as Asst. Quartermaster, 2/1/64. Assd. to 13th Bn. Va. Light Arty., 24/8/64. GREEN, Robert H.: b. Fauquier Co.; enl. 18/7/61, at Bull Run; Pvt., Co. A. Prom. to Cpl.; 1/5/62. Died in 7/62, at Charlottesville. GUNNELL, Henry L.: b. Fairfax Co.; sheriff; age 19; enl. 17/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Present to 8/64. Prom. to 2nd Lt., 24/9/64. Co. E. 1st Bn. Va. Inf. (Irish Bn.). Paroled at Burkeville Junction, 4/65. Oath of Amnesty, Alexandria, 29/5/65. Mbr. Marr Camp, C. V. Fairfax. Admitted to R. E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, 11/12/1900. Dismissed 1/8/1905. Readmitted from Wash., D. C., 14/4/1916, age 74. Dishon. dischd., 2/3/1917. Died in 1918. GWYNN, George S.: b. Prince Georges Co., Md.; farmer; enl. 29/8/61, at Camp Harrison; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred to Maryland Line. Pvt., 1st Regt. Md. Inf., at disbandment, 8/62. Enl. 11/9/62, at Richmond, Pvt., Co. F. 1st Bn. Md. Inf., age 32. Dischd., Gen. Hosp., Farmville, 9/8/63, as unfit for duty. Transferred to Signal Corps, 21/10/63, at request of Maj. Wm. Norris. HALL, James H.: res. Petersburg; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred 15/1/64, from Co. D, 5th Regt. Va. Cav. Deserted to the enemy, 17/4/64. Came into U. S. lines, New Bern, and sent to Fort Monroe. Took Oath of Amnesty, 25/4/64. Employed by U. S. Quartermaster. HANCOCK, John Douglas: res. Campbell Co.; conscripted; enl. 12/10/63, at Leesburg; Pvt., Co. A. Captured 6/4/65; sent to Point Lookout. Released 14/6/65, after taking the oath. HANCOCK, W. T.: enl. 18/10/63, at Lynchburg; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd. 4/2/64, being over 45 yrs. HANNON, Thomas: Pvt., Co. A. Shown on rolls as wded., 29-30/8/62, at Manassas. HARMON, Charles Pascoe: enl. 8/7/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Absent sick, hosp., Richmond, Charlottesville. Dischd. 1863, on decision of Judge John A. Meridith, Richmond. HARMON, William Walton: clerk; age 24; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, and to Fort Warren, Mass. Transferred to Fort Monroe for exchange, 31/7/62. Transferred to cavalry by decision of Judge John A. Meridith. Enl. 1/3/63, in Albemarle Co., Pvt., Co. F, 10th Regt. Va. Cav. On Provost Marshal Gen. Register, Wash., D. C., 2/6/65, as having taken the oath. HARTLEY, Ephraim W.: clerk; age 25; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Died at Staunton, 28/7/62. HAYES, Thomas Gordon: b. Anne Arundel Co., Md., 1844; ed. Alexandria; enl. 7/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd. 3/6/61. Sgt. Major, 10th Regt. Va. Cav., 1861. Cadet, V. M. I. (Class of 1867). Col., Co. B. at New Market. Mbr. Maryland House of Delegates, and Senate. U. S. Dist. Atty. Mayor of Baltimore. Died 27/8/1915. HICKS, George Luther: b. Alexandria; clerk; age 22; enl. 18/5/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd. 8/6/62, for disability. Grad. 1866, Columbian College, D. C. Physician, Cornersville, Md., 1891. HILL, Thomas T.: occ. "at large", age 17; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen. Rejected by mustering officer, 21/5/61, and left the company. HILLSMAN, Aurelius S.: conscripted; enl. 17/10/63, at Lynchburg; Pvt., Co. A. "Charged with one cartridge 10 c," 4/.64. Absent sick, Lynchburg, 6-12/64. In U. S. Military Prison (Libby), Richmond, 10/4/65, as a deserter. HITE, Hugh S.: b. Prince William Co.; clerk; age 22; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Wded. and captured at Williamsburg, 5/5/62, and died the next day. HITE, Kidder Meade: res. Alexandria; clerk; age 20; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Apptd. Cpl., 1/12/63. Captured at Petersburg, 2/4/65; sent to Point Lookout. Released 13/6/65, after taking the oath. HOOE, Philip Beverley: b. Alexandria, 15/9/33; removed to Louisville, Ky., 1847; enl. U. S. Coast Survey; returned to Alexandria, c. 1853; empld., Fowle & Co. Quartermaster, Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; Enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; 2nd Lt., Co. A. Not re-elected, 1862, ill health. Apptd. Capt., A. A. G., and Corse's brigade, 14/11/62. Wded. 16/5/64, at Drewry's Bluff. Resgnd. 4/11/64. Postwar occ. merchant, Fowle & Son, Hooe & Johnston. Died 20/4/78. HOSKINS, D. H.: enl. 20/10/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. A. "Charged with 4 cartridges, @ 10c," 4/64. Present, 12/64. HOWELL, Emory: hatter; age 21; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd. 21/10/61. HOXTON, William: b. 30/3/44; stud. College of William & Mary; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred, 24/12/61, to Capt. John Pelham's Co. Va. Horse Arty. Commd. 9/1/63, 2nd Lt., Capt. Daniel Shanks' Co., Va. Horse Arty. Wded. badly at Trevillian Stn., 6/64. Grad. Va. Theo. Sem., 1868. Ordained Deacon, Epis. Church, 26/6/68, and Priest, 22/11/69. Rector, Chatham, Isle of Wight Co., Fauquier Co. Died in Richmond, 31/5/76, at home of his father-in-law, Rev. Dr. Chas. F. Minnegerode. HUMPHRIES, Andrew J.: b. Culpeper; merchant; 2nd Lt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; Adjt., 175th Regt. (Alexandria) Va. Mil., 3/61; Adjt., 6th Bn. Va. Vols., 4/61. Age 36; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; 1st Lt., Co. A. Adjt., 17th Regt. Va. Inf. Prom. to Capt., Co. A. 27/4/62. Killed at Williamsburg, 5/5/62. Bur. Bruton Parish Church Cem., Williamsburg. HUNT, Albert L.: b. Maryland; clerk; Alexandria for 2 years; removed to Memphis, Tenn.; returned to Alexandria; age 21, when he enlisted 7/5/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Det. to Commissary Dept., 1862. Transferred, 1/1/64, as Pvt., Co. D. 5th Regt. Va. Cav. On detached service at corps hdqrs., no further record. HUNTER, Alexander: b. Norfolk, 1843, son of Lt. Bushrod W. Hunter, USN; student; enl. 7/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released 31/7/62, for exchange. Captured at Sharpsburg, 17/9/62; paroled. Transferred, 27/5/63, to Co. H, 4th Regt. Va. Cav. Captured 1/1/64, at Warrenton; sent to Old Capitol Prison, and to Point Lookout; escaped. Wded. at Todd's Tavern, 7/5/64; furloughed for 60 days. Postwar occ. writer. Mbr. Gen. Assembly. Mbr. R. E. Lee camp, C. V., Alexandria. Mbr. and Historian, Charles Broadway Rouse Camp No. 1191, U. C. V., Wash., D. C. Died 30/6/1914. Bur. with military honours, Confederate Section, Arlington Natl. Cem. Author: Johnny Reb and Billy Yank (1905); The Huntsman in the South (1908); The Women of the Debatable Land (1912). HUTCHISON, Ludwell L.: clerk; age 21; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Killed 10/5/64, while on signal duty in Spotsylvania Co. HYDE, Reginald F.: Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; clerk; age 19; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Det. to Ordnance Dept., 1863. Transferred 21/3/64, as Quartermaster Sgt., 1st Regt. Engineer Troops. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. U. S. prisoner doc. has res. Charles Co., Md. Oath of Amnesty, 9/5/65, Alexandria, has res. Alexandria. None found. JACKSON, Andrew: b. Fairfax Co.; clerk; Alexandria court; age 22; enl. 24/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd., 5/10/61, to accept salaried clerkship in Commissary Dept. Replaced by detailed soldier, 1862. Empld., Treasury Dept., 26/9/62. JAMIESON, George W.: son of Robert Jamieson; book keeper; age 26; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Orderly, Gen. Beauregard's hdqrs., 1861. Dischd. 24/8/61, ill health. Empl., Treasury Dept., Richmond. Postwar occ. Sec & Treas., Alexandria Water Co., insurance agt., machinist, empld., First Natl. Bank. Elder, Second Presby. Church. Died 18/6/1903, in Alexandria. JOHNS, E. F.: b. Pittsylvania Co.; miller; enl. 23/10/63, at Lynchburg; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd., 17/12/64, disability. JOHNSON, Robert Conrad: b. Alexandria; student; age 17; enl. 7/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Killed at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62. JOHNSTON, William S.: clerk; age 21; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd., 18/6/61. JONES, Spottswood J.: conscripted; enl. 20/9/63, in Louisa Co.; Pvt., Co. A. "Charged with one bayonet," 2/64. Wded., admitted 2/4/65, to hosp., Farmville. KELLY, Edward F.: clerk; age 19; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Det. as nurse and hospital steward, 1861 to 1864. KERR, George: conscripted; enl. 17/10/63, at Lynchburg; Pvt., Co. A. Sick in hosp., Lynchburg and Richmond, 5-12/64. LAMBERT, Benjamin H., Jr.: b. Alexandria, 28/1/44; mbr. Alexandria Riflemen, 1860; clerk; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Absent sick, Culpeper Co., Charlottesville and Richmond, 1861-63. Det. Commissary Dept., Lynchburg, 1863-64. Paroled at Richmond, 15/4/65. Oath of Amnesty, 19/5/65. Occ. importing and commission merchant, Alexandria. Died 1/2/1908. LANDRETH, Thomas: furnace hand at lead mines, age 19, Wythe Co. 1860 census. Conscripted; enl. 5/6/64, at Camp Lee, assd. to 17th Va., 11/6/64; Pvt., Co. A. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 19/4/65. LAUGHLIN, William C.: res. Lynchburg; conscripted; enl. 17/10/63, at Lynchburg; Pvt., Co. A. Deserted at New Bern, N. C. 17/4/64. Took the oath at Fort Monroe, 10/5/64. LEE, Daniel M.: b. Fairfax Co.; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; clerk; age 24; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Killed at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62. LOGGANS, Samuel S.: enl. 5/4/62, in Wythe Co.; transferred 1/7/64, from Co. F, 29th Regt. Va. Inf., to Pvt., Co. A. 17th Regt. Va. Inf. Deserted 24/1/65, to the enemy at Bermuda Hundred. Took the oath, 26/1/65, and was sent to Wash., D. C. Transportation furnished to Cincinnati. McCAULEY, Albert S. B.: enl. 29/8/63, in Rockingham Co.; Pvt., Co. A. Furloughed from hosp., Camp Winder, Richmond, 23/7/64. Deserted. McKNIGHT, Charles Henry: b. Alexandria, 21/4/40; ed. Mechanic's Hall Institute; teacher, Fauquier Co. Enl. 2/7/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Wded., seriously, and captured, 5/5/62, at Williamsburg. Dischd., 10/9/62, disability (loss of arm). Clerk, Bureau of Ordnance, 1862-65. Postwar occ. railroading. Traveling widely in Europe and Asia. Died 15/8/1916. Brother of William P. McKnight. (Co. E, 17th Va.) McMURRAY, Samuel: clerk; age 21; enl. 24/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Captured at Manassas Gap, 21/7/63; exchd., 17/3/64. Wded. (face) severely, 16/5/64, at Drewry's Bluff. Wded. (left thigh) 6/4/65; sent to U. S. Army Corps Hosp., City Point, and by U. S. Army hosp. train, State of Maine, to Lincoln Gen. Hosp., Wash., D. C., where he died 23/4/65. McVEIGH, James Harvey, Jr.: clerk; age 21; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Prom. to Cpl., 26/4/62, and to Sgt., 1/5/62. Captured and wounded at Williamsburg, 5/5/62. Transferred, 15/5/63, to Pvt., Co. H, 4th Regt. Va. Cav. Det. to Ordnance Dept. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. Died 31/3/74, at Baltimore, age 35. MARSHALL, Edward C., Jr.: Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; clerk; age 19; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. On duty at Post Office, Manassas, 1861-62. Transferred, 11/3/62, as Pvt., Co. C, 12th Regt. Va. Cav. Det. to brigade Quartermaster Dept., 11/62, and Commissary Dept., 1863-64. Transferred 27/4/64, to 5th Regt. Va. Cav. MARYE, Charles Bonnycastle: b. Brompton, Fredericksburg, 3/40; occ. "at large", when he enl. 18/5/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred, 12/4/62, to Capt. Willis J. Dance's Powhatan Light Arty. Acting Ordnance Sgt., with his brother Lawrence S. Marye, Ordnance Officer, Trimble's division, 1863-65. Died 3/1/21912, probably at Williamsburg, where he was hospitalized. MARYE, Morton: b. Brompton, Fredericksburg, 7/9/31; ed. Fredericksburg Classical and Math Acad.; merchant, Alexandria; 1st Lt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1858-61. enl. 7/4/61, at Alexandria; Capt., Co. A. Elected Lt. Col., 17th Regt., 27/4/62. Wded., 30/8/62, at Manassas; left leg amputated above knee. Permanently disabled; retired, 8/7/64. Apptd., 10/8/64, to take rank, 1/11/62. Ret. to Invalid Corps. Postwar occ. merchant, Memphis, Baltimore, and Alexandria. Clerk, Circuit and Corporation Courts, Alexandria, 1870-83. Auditor of Public Accounts State of Va., 1/84. Died 22/12/1910, at Richmond. Bur. Hollywood Cem., Richmond. MASON, John Stevens: teacher; age 21; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Wded., 30/8/62, at Manassas. Dischd. 13/10/62. Commissioned in the Signal Corps, but turned it down to enlist as Pvt., Co. D, 43rd Bn. (Mosby's) Va. Cav. Served with Mosby until the disbandment of his command. Mbr. Va. legislature for two terms, and held important positions in his county. Died at his home near Marshall, Fauquier Co., in 1918, at the age of 79. MASON, John Thompson: b. Michigan, son of Isaac Springer and Catherine Armistead Mason Rowland; son's surname was changed from Rowland to Mason to continue the Mason family name. Ed., Epis. Hi. Sch., Alexandria. Enl. 1/7/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd., 27/9/61, to accept appt., actg. midshipman, C. S. Navy with James River Sqdn., and C. S. S. Shenandoah, 1864-65. Farmed two yrs., Argentina. Book keeper, Baltimore. Studied law, Univ. of Va.; practiced in Baltimore. Mbr. Soc. of the Army and Navy of the Confederate States. Died 21/6/1901, of heart disease. MASON, Landon Randolph: b. Oakley, Fairfax Co., 1/1/41, son of Dr. Richard Chichester Mason and Lucy Randolph. Ed., Epis Hi. Sch. Enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd. 5/8/62, disability. Served as Pvt., Co. D, 43rd Bn. Va. Cav. (Mosby's). Captured and sent to Fort Warren, Mass., about two months before the war ended. Obit. states Mason served 1866-1869 as a midshipman in the United States Navy, on the cruiser Monogahela, but his name does not appear in the registers for this period. Grad., Va. Theological Seminary (Epis.); ordained deacon, 1873, and priest 1874. Served Cornwall Parish, Charlotte Co., 1873-79, and as Rector Trinity Church, Sheperdstown, West Va., 1880-90; St. James Church, Marlett,a, Ga., 1890-91, and Grace Church, Richmond, 1891-1917. Chaplain, R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Richmond. Died 20/6/1923. MAY, Reuben: res. Rockingham Co.; conscripted; enl. 6/10/63, at Harrisonburg; Pvt., Co. A. Captured in hosp., Richmond, 3/4/65. Transferred from Military Prison (Libby), Richmond, to Newport News, where he took the Oath of Allegiance, 1/7/65. MILBURN, Washington C.: b. 30/12/40; res. Alexandria; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; merchant; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Hosp. Steward, 17th Va., 1861-65. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. Oath of Amnesty, Alexandria, 21/5/65. Died suddenly in Fairfax Co., 7/8/91. Bur. St. Paul's Cem. MILLS, John: b. Charleston, S. C., son of Clark Mills (1810-1883), sculptor, and bronze founder; student; age 18; enl. 1/5/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd., 28/5/62, being a Washingtonian, a non-resident of the Confederate States. MALONE, Edward Eugene: enl. 13/8/61, at Camp Harrison; Pvt., Co. A. Apptd. 2nd Lt., co. C, 3rd Regt. Engineer Troops *formerly Presstman's Bn.). Served through 3/65. MORRILL, William Todd: b. Alexandria, 7/6/38; ed. Univ. of Va.; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen. enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Apptd. Regtl. Color Cpl. Mortally wded. at Seven Pines. Died 11/6/62. MURRAY, Jesse: b. 20/6/44; scholar; enl. 5/5/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Captured 21/7/63, at Manassas Gap; sent to Point Lookout; exchd. 17/3/64. Paroled prisoner, 4/64. Present 6/64. Oath of Allegiance, 77/7/65, at Alexandria. Described as: dark complexion; dark hair; grey eyes; 3 ft. 7 1/2 in. tall. For many years a guard at Mount Vernon. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria. Died at his home at Mount Vernon, 9/8/1930, as one of the two Alexandrians who served with the 17th Va. Inf. MURRAY, William: b. Fredericksburg, 1817; moved to Alexandria, early 1850's; merchant tailor; Enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Cpl., Co. A. Procuring clothing at Warrenton, 10/61. Prom. to Sgt., 26/4/62. Dischd., 20/7/62, under conscription act. Described; 5 ft. 8 in., fair complexion, light hair, dark eyes. Served in Home Guard, Richmond. Postwar occ. merchant tailor. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria. Died 30/8/99. Bur. Trinity Meth. Cem. Father of Jesse Murray (Co. A) and John S. Murray. (Co. H) NUWINE, Bennett W.: conscripted; enl. 15/9/63, in Mecklenburg Co.; Pvt. Co. A. Died 22/1/263, in hosp., Petersburg, phlthesis pulmonellis. None found. PARTLOW, Theodore A.: b. Madison Co.; clerk; age 19; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Accidentally killed Albert Taylor of Pledmont Guards (Albermarle Co.,) at Manassas, 10/6/61. Wded. 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm. Died 1/7/62. Bur. Oakwood Cem., Richmond. PAUL, Samuel Brown: Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; clerk; age 20; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Apptd. Cpl., 26/4/62. Apptd. Sgt., 1/5/62. Wded. and captured at Williamsburg; exchd. Elected 2nd Lt., Co. G, 28/11/63. Killed 31/3/65, at Dinwiddie C. H., age 21 yrs., 6 mos., 10 days. Bur. Woodbine Cem., Harrisonburg. (Repeated in Co. G) PAUL, William J.: clerk; age 22; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Wded. and captured, 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass.; released for exchange, 31/7/62. Wded. at Sharpsburg, 17/9/62. Transferred to Co. G, 31/12/62, last record. (Repeated in Co. G.) PERRY, Thomas: b. Charles Co., Md., 31/1/29; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; commission merchant. Enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Sgt., Co. A. Elected Lt., 26/4/62. Captured at Manassas Gap, 21/7/63; sent to Johnson's Island, Ohio, and to Point Lookout. Exchd., 11/10/64. In Stuart Hosp., Richmond, debilitas, 3/65. Paroled 13/4/65, at Burkeville. Oath of Amnesty, 8/5/65, Alexandria. Occ. commission merchant, flour inspector for Alexandria. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria, 2/2/85. Died 20/12/1907. Bur. Ivy Hill Cem., Alexandria. PERRY, William: Maryland, 1835; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; merchant; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Prom. to Cpl., 11/5/62. Captured 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; exchd. Wded., 30/8/62, at Manassas. Apptd Sgt., 1/12/63. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. Oath of Amnesty, 9/5/65, Alexandria. Moved to Fla., where he died in 1913. Bur. East Conway Church Cem., near Orlando. POTTER, George Fred: b. New York; age 22; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; merchant; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. On duty with Capt. S. W. Presstman (Co. I) building roads, 12/61-1/62. Transferred to Capt. McNairy Hobson's Co., Pate's Regt. Va. Cav. Prom to 2nd Lt. Captured 10/7/62; sent to Fort Delaware; exchd. 5/8/62. POWELL, Alfred H.: b. 1840, son of Ann M. Powell and Dr. ___ Powell; age 21; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred 30/11/61, to Co. H, 1st Regt. Va Cav. Captured 22/3/63; exchd. 28/3/63. Captured 11/11/64 at Kernstown; sent to Point Lookout. Released 16/6/65, after taking the oath. POWELL, Robert Conrad: b. 1/8/38; ed. Univ. of Pa.; doctor; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Det. as Hospital Steward at Charlottesville and Liberty, 1861-62. Apptd. Asst. Surgeon, C. S. Navy, 8/1/63; and Asst. Surgeon, Provisional Navy, 2/6/64. Served on C. S. S. Missouri, and C. S. S. Tuscaloosa, and at the Mobile station. Paroled 10/5/65. After a year in South America with the Chilean Navy, Powell returned to Alexandria, where he began his practice. Surgeon, R. E. Lee Camp, C. V. Asst. Surgeon, U. S. Marine Hospital. Surgeon, Richmond and Danville Railroad. Died 9/5/90. Bur. Presby. Cem., Alexandria. PRICE, Martin Luther: clerk; age 23; enl 3/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. In Chimborazo Hosp, No. %, Richmond, for dysentery, 5-6/64. Confined in U. S. Military Prison (Libby), Richmond, 10/4/65. Resided at one time in Prince George Co., Va. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria. Died 17/4/1921. Bur. Arlington Natl. Cem., Sec. 16, Grave 124-A. PULLIAN, Thomas A.: conscripted; enl. 17/10/63, at Lynchburg; Pvt., Co. A. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. PURCELL, William T.: b. Loudoun Co.; clerk; age 30; enl 5/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Apptd. Cpl., 26/4/62. Dischd., 14/5/62, under conscription law, being a Marylander. None found. RAMSAY, George William: b. Alexandria; enl. 1/7/63, at Gordonsville; Pvt., Co. A. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. Oath of Amnesty, 9/5/65, Alexandria; described: 5 ft. 11 in., dark complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes. Postwar occ. grocer. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria. Died 5/1/1926. His hat, Richmond-made jacket, trousers and veteran's badge, are in the collections of the Smithsonian Institution. RICHARDS, William B.: Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; age 28, Alexandria 1860 census; merchant, sold military goods at his store at 110 King St., Alexandria. Quartermaster, 6th Bn. Va. Vols., 4/61. Mustered into State service, 17/4/61. Served as Quartermaster for all troops at Alexandria, 5/61. Quartermaster, 17th Regt. Va. Inf., 6/61. Apptd. Quartermaster, 17th Va. Inf., and assd. as Post Quartermaster, Gordonsville. Prom. to Major, 23/4/63. Relieved 23/3/65, as quartermaster at Gordonsville, and assigned as Quartermaster, Brig. Gen. James Conner's brigade. ROBINSON, Robert H. P.: b. Orange Co.; clerk; age 23; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Absent, sick in hosp., Orange C. H. Dischd. 12/62, disability. Empl., clerk, Adjt. and Inspector General's Office, War Dept., Richmond, 1863-64. Prepared for publication, General Orders From the Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, Confederate States Army, For the Year 1863, Richmond, 1864. Took Oath of Amnesty, 11/9/65, at Richmond; stated occ. merchant. ROWLAND, Abner: conscripted; enl. 4/11/63, in Patrick Co.; Pvt., Co. A. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. RYAN, S. Seabrook: clerk; age 21; enl. 19/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Reported to have transferred to Capt. F. B. Schaeffer's Beauregard Rifles, which, on 23/7/61, became Co. F, 1st Va. Inf., but his name does not appear on the company's rolls. SALE, James A.: Pvt., Co. A. Det. 2/7/64, to report to Supt., Orange & Alexandria Railroad. SANGSTER, John Hancock Lee: b. Alexandria; lawyer; age 23; enl. 19/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Prom. to Cpl., 25/6/62. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. released for exchange, 31/7/62. Wded. 30/8/62, at Manassas. Died in hosp., Warrenton, 8/9/62. SANGSTER, Thomas A.: b. Alexandria, son of Edward Sangster; farmer; age 26; enl. 3/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Killed at Blackburn's Ford, 18/7/61. SAUNDERS, Addison E.: clerk, 6th Aud. Office, Wash., D. C.; age 21; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Cpl., Co. A. Prom to Sgt., 26/4/62. Prom to 1st Sgt., 11/5/62. Actg. Sgt. Major, 17th Va., 2/64. Postwar roster: killed by a shell at Sayler's Creek, 6/4/65. SAVAGE, John H.: enl. 29/8/61, at Camp Harrison; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred 29/4/62, to Deas Arty., composed largely of Marylanders. Ordered to Richmond defenses where it became Co. C, 19th Bn.. Va. Heavy Arty. SLATER, Joseph: farmer; age 23; enl. 13/5/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Absent sick for much of 1861-62. Dischd., 28/7/62. SMITH, Charles A.: clerk; age 21; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Wded. 30/8/62, at Manassas. Paroled 4/5/65. Occ. farmer. Res. Beaver Dam. SMITH, William W.: Sgt., Alexandria Rifles, 1859; merchant; age 25; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; 2nd Lt., Co. A. Prom to 1st Lt., 27/4/62. Prom. to Capt., 6/5/62. Wded. at Frayser's farm, 30/6/62. Captured, 21/7/63, at Manassas Gap; sent to Johnson's Island, Ohio. Released 11/6/65, after taking the oath, stated residence as Gordonsville. SMOOT, William Albert: b. Alexandria, 30/8/40; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen. Rejected for physical disability, but, according to biog. sketch in CMH, served with 17th Va. without pay until 4/62. Enl. 1/5/62, as Pvt., Co. H, 4th Va. Cav. Wded. at Frayser's Farm, and at Manassas, 30/8/62. Wded., again, in the fall of 1862, at Liberty Mills, and in the spring of 1864, near Warrenton. Det. to Quartermaster Dept., 9/63-4/64. Paroled at Winchester, 6/5/65. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria. Died 10/7/1917. Bur. Meth. Cem., Alexandria. STICKLEY, James: clerk; age 26; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Prom. to Cpl., 11/5/62. Prom. to Sgt. On scouting duty with 2nd Lt. W. S. Roy, 1863-64. Captured 30/3/64; sent to Point Lookout; exchd., 14/3/65. STOUTS, John: conscripted; enl. 5/6/64, in Wythe Co., sent to Camp Lee, assd. 11/6/64, to 17th Va. Inf.; Pvt., Co. A. Deserted 25/6/64; returned. Present, 12/64. Last record. SULLY, Robert M.: engineer; age 25; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. On duty building bridges, 8/61. Absent, engineer on Gen. R. S. Ewell's staff, 6-10/62. SUTHERLAND, John: conscripted; enl. 5/6/64, in Wythe Co., sent to Camp Lee, assd. 11/6/64, to 17th Va.; Pvt., Co. A. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. SWAN, John N.: b. Loudoun Co.; clerk; age 19; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Wded. and capture , 5/5/62, at Williamsburg. Died 10/5/62, in Hosp. No. 1, Williamsburg. TALIAFERRO, Edward Taylor; b. Culpeper Co.; clerk; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Dischd., 22/1/63, unfit for duty. TALIAFERRO, Hay Buckner: merchant; age 27; enl. 27/5/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Apptd. Actg. Commissary of Subsistence, 17th Va., 13/12/62. Apptd. Capt., Commissary Dept., assd. to 17th Va., 11/4/63. Assd. Commissary, Corse's brigade, 11/8/63. Paroled as Capt., Asst. Commissary of Subsistence, Pickett's division, 1st Corps, Army of No. Va. THOMAS, George I., Jr.: clerk; age 21; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred 11/6/61, to Capt., Francis B. Schaeffer's Co. (Co. F, 1st Regt. Va. Inf.). Dischd., 9/61, disability. Pvt., 3rd Co. Bn. Washington Artillery (La.), 1862-63. dischd., disability. Clerk, Treasury Dept., Richmond. THOMAS, Joshua: res. Georgetown, D. C.; merchant; age 20; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Clerk, Gen. R. E. Lee's hdqrs., 1862-64. Transferred 22/3/64, to Co. D, 39th Bn. Va. Cav. Continued as hdqrs clerk. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. Took the Oath of Amnesty, 10/5/65, at Alexandria. THOMPSON, John E.: enl. 29/8/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred to Capt. Edmund Barry's company of Marylanders. Enl. 1/9/62, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. F, 2nd Bn. Md. Inf. Captured at Petersburg, 2/4/65. Sent to Point Lookout; released 21/6/65; document gives residence as Prince Georges Co., Md. TURNER, Thomas B.: clerk; age 18; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Hospitalized, Chimborazo No. £, 12/3/63. Applied 3/62, for cadet warrant in C. S. service; died soon afterwards. TURNER, W. H. P.: enl. about 10/61; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred 24/12/61, to Capt. John Pelham's Co. Va. Horse Arty. Prom. to Sgt. Application for commission, 26/5/62, endorsed by Capt. Morton Marye, and Col. Montgomery D. Corse. He was still sergeant when killed 29/8/63; cited for conspicuous gallantry. None found. None found. WALLACE, Horatio Sidney: 2nd Lt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; clerk; age 26; enl. 28/5/61, at Manassas Junction; 2nd Lt., Co. I. Elected 1st Lt., 26/4/62. Wded. and captured at Frayser's farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor, and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released for exchange, 31/7/62. Absent sick, 6-12/64. Paroled 5/6/65, at Richmond. Died 20/6/70, at Glen Wallace, Madison Co., age 36. (Repeated at Co. I) WARFIELD, Abel Davis: b. Maryland, 1821; Seminole War vet.; Orderly Sgt., Ringgold Cav., Alexandria, Va. militia, 1848-1849; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; occ. dyer. Enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Wded., slightly, 18/7/61. Transferred to Brig. Gen. Taylor's La. brigade, in which he was forage master until 4/64. Mbr. City Council, Alexandria, 1867. Died suddenly, 1/4/86. Bur. Union Cem., Alexandria. Father of Edgar Warfield, Co. H, and George T. Warfield, Co. E. WHITE, Thomas Williams: book keeper, American Coal Co.; age 22; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. On duty as clerk, Gen. R. E. Lee's hdqrs., 1862-65. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. Oath of Amnesty, 12/7/65, Alexandria. Postwar occ. grocery and commission business, empld., First Natl. Bank. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria. Died 17/2/1918. Bur. Meth Cem., Alexandria. WISE, Charles James: b. 24/7/33; Sgt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; merchant; Enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; 1st Sgt., Co. A. Quartermaster Sgt., 17th Va. Inf., 1862-65. Paroled, 9/4/65, at Appomatox C. H. Oath of Amnesty, 14/5/65, Alexandria. Moved to St. Louis. Occ. hardware merchant. Sec. St. Louis Club. Returned to Alexandria about 1878. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria. Died 9/5/98. With him was a letter to George Wise asking him to burn a candle at his wrist, at take every precaution to preclude the possibility of being buried alive. Bur. Presby. Cem., Alexandria. WISE, Edward Newton: asst. resident engr. Orange & Alexandria Railroad, 7 yrs.; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Commd. 2nd Lt., Engineer Corps, 5/6/63. Actg. 1st Lt., 1st Regt. Engineers, 11/63. Apptd. 1st Lt., 6/4/64, Co. F., 1st Confederate Engineers. Died in Bedford Co., 1911. Brother of George and Francis Wise (both of Co. H). WITHERS, Littleton: Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; clerk; age 26; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Det. as clerk, Stuart Hosp., Richmond, 6/64-2/65. Paroled at Fairfax C. H., 5/5/65. WRIGHT, William D.: clerk; age 21; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Transferred to 30th Regt. Va. Inf., by S. O. No. 472, 30/10/61, Army of Potomac; however his name does not appear on regtl. rolls. None found. None found. ZIMMERMAN, John Robert: b. Fairfax Co., 18/12/38; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; clerk; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Captured at Manassas Gap, 21/7/63; sent to Point Lookout; exchd., 17/3/64. Paroled at AppomatoxC. H., 9/4/65. Oath of Amnesty, 12/7/65. Postwar occ. coal merchant. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria. Died 25/2/1926. Bur. St. Paul's Cem., Alexandria. |
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