17th Virginia Infantry Regiment
The Old Dominion Rifles |
Roster of Company G personnel - Emmett Guards (From "17th Virginia Infantry" by Lee A. Wallace Jr.) Abbreviations used include:
Please note: All dates are in the British system. (Day/Month/Year) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ALLEY, Hezekiah: conscripted; enl. 5/6/64, at Dublin, and sent to Camp Lee at Richmond; assd. to 17th Va., 11/6/64; Pvt., Co. G. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. ALLEY, Leonard: conscripted; enl. 5/6/64, at Dublin, and sent to Camp Lee at Richmond; assd. to 17th Va., 11/6/64; Pvt., Co. G. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. ARCHIBALD, James: laborer; age 44; enl. 13/5/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. G. Present through 8/62; and AWOL, 12/62. Dischd. 10/2/63, as over age. Taken prisoner at Manassas, 8/5/63; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C., where he took the oath, 24/6/63. U. S. doc. show him as age 57, born in Ireland, and a "Union man". AUSTIN, John: conscripted; enl;. 5/6/64, at Dublin, assd. to 17th Va., 17/6/64; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted 27/6/64. AUSTIN, Thomas W.: enl. 13/10/63, in New Kent Co.; Pvt. Co. G. Wded. (face) at Drewry's Bluff, 16/5/64. Admitted to Chimborazo hosp., Richmond, 24/5/64; furloughed 30/6/64, for 40 days, and was still absent, 12/64. In provost marshal's register, 4th Dist., Richmond, as a farmer, age 26, 5 ft. 11 in., dark complexion. AUSTIN, William S.: enl. 1/63, in New Kent Co.; Pvt., Co. G. Absent, wded., 8-12/64. BALDERSON, Arthur: farmer; age 23; Lurienburg Parish, Richmond Co., 1850 census. Enl. 4/11/63, in Richmond Co.: Pvt., Co. G. Present, 12/63. Paroled at Farmville, 4/65. Pension records show he was wounded, 3/4/65. Living in Newland, Richmond Co., 5/90, illiterate, age 70. BALDERSON, Manoah B.: Enl. 4/11/63, in Richmond Co.: Pvt., Co. G. In Chimborazo hosp. with debility, 5-7/64. Captured 2/4/65, in Amelia Co.; sent to Point Lookout. Died there 3/5/65. BISHOP, Joseph C.: enl. 28/12/64, transferred from 45th Va. Inf.; Pvt., Co. G. Absent under guard, 12/64. BOWERS, B. B.: enl. 1/6/63, at Culpeper; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted c. 6/1863, with gun and accoutrements. BRADLEY, James: b. Limerick, Ireland; tailor; age 30; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd., 12/8/62, under conscription act; document shows he was age 38; 5 ft. 6 in., fair complexion, grey eyes, silver hair. Postwar occ. tailor. Died 2/6/1901, at Alexandria. Funeral from St. Mary's Catholic Church. BRANNON, James: b. County Kildare, Ireland; laborer; age 25; enl. 24/4/61, at Alexandria; Cpl., Co. G. Dischd. 31/8/62, under conscription act; age 36, blue eyes, sandy hair, fair complexion. Died 7/9/85. Bur. St. Mary's Cem., Alexandria. BURKE, Patrick; laborer; age 26; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Rolls 1861-1862, show him as sick in Alexandria, 14/5/61. Carried on rolls as a deserter, 8/62. BURTON, James Henry: enl. 23/5/63, in Montgomery Co.; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted c. 6/63, in Castle Thunder, Richmond, 6/63. Present, 8/63. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. BUTLER, Thomas: b. Alexandria; laborer; age 18; enl. 29/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. G. Prom. to Sgt. Captured at Manassas Gap, 21/7/63; sent to Point Lookout. Name appears on roll of prisoners of war who desired to take the oath: "Tired of fighting - nothing to fight for - willing to enter U. S. service against any foreign power, but not against the South." Records show he joined the U. S service, 1/2/64. CARROLL, Thomas: b. Ireland; laborer; age 38; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd. 27/7/62, under conscription act; doc. shows age 40. CARTER, John A.: enl. 6/11/63, in Richmond Co., Pvt., Co. G. Admitted to Chimborazo hosp., Richmond, 19/6/64, chronic diarrhea. Died in hosp., 1/8/64. CLARKE, Green L.: enl. 14/11/63, in Patrick Co.; Pvt., Co. G. Absent in hosp., Petersburg, 12/63-8/64. Wded. (abdomen), admitted to hosp., Danville, 3/4/65; furloughed for 60 days, 9/4/65. Paroled at Greensboro, N. C., 19/5/65. COLLINS, James: enl. 20/10/63, in Brunswick Co., Pvt., Co. G. AWOL, 11/63 through to 4/64. Deserted 9/64; took Oath of Allegiance, and was sent to Phila. COMPTON, James R.: enl. 18/5/63, in Floyd Co., Pvt., Co. G. Deserted about 23/6/63, in Lynchburg; in arrest at Petersburg, about 20/12/63. In hosp., Richmond and Lynchburg, typhoid fever, 6-7/64. Present 8/64. Captured in Jackson Hosp., Richmond, 3/4/65. Paroled 25/4/65. Deserted from hosp. 3/5/65. CONNELLY, Francis: laborer; age 45; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Emmett Guards. Deserted in 5/61 from Manassas. CONNER, Cornelius: laborer; age 31; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted in Md., about 15/9/62. Paroled at Office of Provost Marshall Gen. near Sharpsburg, 17/9/62. COOK, William: b. Westward, Ireland; laborer; age 40; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd. 28/4/62, on surgeon's certificate (varicose veins). CORDLE, William M.: enl. 24/10/63, in Luneburg Co., Pvt., Co. G. Dropped as a deserter, 12/12/64; under arrest. Captured 6/4/65; taken to City Point, and to Point Lookout. Took the oath, 5/6/65. COSTIGAN, Edmund: laborer; age 41; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Left at Centreville and supposed to have been captured, 1862. AWOL on regtl. return, 5/62. DANIEL, Theophilus: enl. 10/10/63, in Brunswick Co.; Pvt., Co. G. Absent, in arrest at Petersburg. Deserted c. 11/63; re-arrested c. 5/1/63, shot for desertion, 7/4/64, at Kinston, N. C., by sentence of Gen. Court-Martial. DELAHUNT, John: b. Ireland; came to U. S., 1849; baker; age 34; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. On extra duty baking, 9-10/61. Deserted about 5/6/62, near Richmond. U. S. Provost Marshal Gen. record states he was conscripted in the fall of 1862; assd. to the 17th Va., and deserted at Lexington, Va., 6/64. Took oath at Lexington, and he came to Washington, D. C., 24/8/64. Sent to Phila. DESMOND, S.: enl. 7/6/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted, 6/63, with gun and accoutrements. DICKERSON, William H.: enl. 9/11/63, at Spotsylvania; Pvt., Co. G. Paroled 27/4/65, at Ashland. DOHONEY, Daniel: laborer; age 19; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Wded. 15/9/62, in Md. In Gen. Hosp. No. 4, Richmond; furloughed 11/11/62. Roll 4/63: "said to have deserted & his name will be dropped." DOHONEY, John: b. Tipperary, Ireland; plumber; age 18; enl. 25/5/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd. 5/8/62, under conscriptions act. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria, 6/1/1906. DONOHEE, James: b. Carroll County, Ireland; laborer; age 45; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Sgt., Co. G. Shown as Pvt., 5-6/62 roll. Dischd. 27/7/62, under conscription act. DOWNEY, Michael: laborer; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted on march to Culpeper C. H., 21/11/62. DOYLE, Patrick: b. Ireland; laborer; age 27; enl. 24/4/61, at Alexandria; Cpl., Co. G. Reduced to ranks, 27/10/61. Killed at Seven Pines, 3/5/62. DYER, Michael: b. Ireland; age 29; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Captured at Williamsburg, 5/5/62; exchd. Dischd. 27/7/62, under conscription act, being age 42. ELLIOTT, Thomas Jefferson: b. 1/12/26; mechanic, Upper Dist., Chesterfield Co., 1850 census. Enl. 1/8/63, in Chesterfield; Pvt., Co. G. Wded. (abdomen) severely at Drewry's Bluff, 16/5/64; furloughed from Gen. Hosp., Howard's Grove, Richmond. Present, 10/64. Died 10/9/97, in Chesterfield Co. FARRELL, Anthony: laborer; age 22; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. In Chimborazo hosp., Richmond, with bronchitis, 3-4/62. AWOL, 8/62. FISHER, James Alexander: farmer; age 30; enl. 22/4/61 at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Prom. to Sgt.; transferred to Co. G. Wded. (thigh) slightly at Drewry's Bluff, 16/5/64; returned 1/65. Blog. sketch states he was at Appomatox, but parole lists do not include him. Mbr. John S. Marmaduke Camp, No. 554, Marshall, Mo. Died 17/11/1916, at Marshall. Bur. Ridge Park Cem. {Also listed under Co. K} FITZGERALD, Jerry: laborer; age 44; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Supposedly a prisoner, left at Centreville, 3/62. No further record. FITZGERALD, Lawrence: b. Ireland; laborer; age 30; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released for exchange 31/7/62. Captured at Manassas Gap, 21/7/63; sent to Point Lookout. U. S. doc.: "Willing to do anything but fight against the South." Released 22/6/64, after taking the oath, and joined U. S. service. FORTUNE, Creed T.: conscripted; enl. 28/12/64; Pvt., Co. G; transferred from 45th Regt. Va. Inf. Absent under guard, 12/64. FREEMAN, Burton: conscripted; enl. 5/6/64; at Dublin, sent to Camp Lee, assd. 11/6/64, to 17th Va.; Pvt., Co. G. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. FRY, William: enl. 24/5/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. G. Listed as a deserter 12/64; returned. Paroled 9/4/65, at Appomatox C. H. GARNER, Samuel P.: enl. 31/8/63, at Richmond: Pvt., Co. G. Dischd. 8/9/64, from Gen. Hosp. No. 3, Goldsboro, N. C., return to regt. Present, 10/64. Bur. Bethel Baptist Church Cem., Mecklenburg Co. GOODE, F. L.: enl. 3/6/63, at Richmond; Pvt. Co. G. Deserted about 25/6/63. GRACE, John M.: laborer; age35; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria: Pvt., Co. G. Hosp., Petersburg, chronic diarrhea, 5/63. In U. S. Military Prison (Libby), Richmond, 10/4/65, "deserter." GRAY, William E.: b. Loudoun Co.; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; farmer; age 23; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Co. A. Elected 1st Lt., Co. G, 26/4/62. Killed at Seven Pines, 31/5/62. {Repeated in Co. A.} GREER, Charles: enl. 28/12/64; Pvt., Co. G. Transferred from 45th Regt. Va. Inf. Absent, under guard, 12/64. GRIFFIN, Daniel: b. County Nerry, Ireland; emig. to U. S. c. 1856; laborer; age 25; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd., 8/11/62, non-resident of the C. S. A. GROGAN, John E.: enl. 9/11/63, in Henry Co.; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted 26/2/64, at Lexington, N. C. HANSON, G.: Pvt., Co. G. Reported 14/10/62, as wded. 30/8/62, at Manassas. HARPER, Charles: laborer; age 18; enl. 29/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt. Co. G. Wded. at Manassas, 30/8/62. Absent wded., 12/62 AWOL, 4/63. HARRINGTON, Patrick: b. Ireland; laborer; age 27; enl. 2/5/61, at Alexandria; Pvt. Co. G. Apptd. Cpl., 9/61, Pvt. by 31/5/62, when he died of wounds at Seven Pines. HART, Patrick: laborer; age 38; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt. Co. G. Deserted on march from Culpeper C. H., 21/11/62. HASSAN, Patrick: laborer; age 26; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Emmett Guards. Left Manassas for Alexandria, 24/5/61; never returned. HAWKINS, Tazewell: enl. 15/9/63, at Halifax; Pvt., Co. G. Absent sick, chronic rheumatism; Richmond and Lynchburg, 6-7/64. Received as a "Rebel Deserter", Bermuda Hundred, 21/2/65. Sent to Wash., D. C. and took oath; transportation furnished to NYC. HAYES, Thomas: laborer; age 22; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt. Co. G. Prom. to Cpl., 1861, and to Sgt., 1862. Wded. at Sharpsburg, 17/9/62 (Wise). On rolls as having deserted about 1/3/63. Postwar occ. policeman, Alexandria. Died 24/11/99. HENRY, Alexander E.: b. Antrim Co., Ireland; laborer; age 45; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt. Co. G. Det. as baggage guard, 1861-62. Dischd. 27/7/62, under conscription act. Bur. Old Payne's Church Cem., Rt. 123, near Fairfax Stn. HOARE, Morris: b. Gary Co., Ireland; laborer; age 35; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt. Co. G. Dischd., 27/7/62, under conscription act. HODNETT, John H.: enl. 9/11/63, in Pittsylvania Co.; Pvt. Co. G. Transferred 4/64 to Co. E. 53rd Regt. Va. Inf. Admitted to Chimborazo Hosp. No. 3, Richmond, 24/8/64, diarrhea; furloughed 26/8/64, for 60 days. HOGWOOD, William: enl. 13/10/63, in Luneburg Co.; Pvt. Co. G. Died of wounds received at Drewry's Bluff, 16/5/64. HORRIGAN, John: laborer; age 27; enl. 12/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt. Co. G. Died 17/5/64 or18/5/64, of wound (left lung) received at Drewry's Bluff. HOWELL, James: enl. 5/6/63, at Richmond; Pvt. Co. G. Deserted about 28/6/63. IVORS, James W.: b. Ireland; served in British Army; occ. soldier; age26; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Sgt., Co. G. Reduced to Pvt. Accidentally wded. 1/5/62, and died 18/5/62, in Richmond. Widow: Ann Ivors. JOHNS, Henry: enl. 24/5/63; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted about 28/5/63. JOHNSON, James; laborer; age 36; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Died 11/9/62, in C. S. Hosp., Petersburg, from effects of gunshot wound just below right shoulder. JONES, George W.: enl. 5/6/64, at Dublin, assd. to 17th Va. 11/6/64; Pvt. Co. G. Paroled at Appomatox C. H. 9/4/65. JONES, Jeremiah.: enl. 5/6/64, at Dublin, assd. to 17th Va. 11/6/64; Pvt. Co. G. Paroled at Appomatox C. H. 9/4/65. KEATING, James; laborer; age 18; enl. 24/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Wded. and captured at Williamsburg, 5/5/62. Died at Baptist Church Hosp., Williamsburg, 27/5/62. Bur. Bruton Parish Church Cem. KEATING, Patrick: b. Ireland; laborer; age 29; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Wded. at Williamsburg. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released 31/7/62, fro exchange. Supposed to have deserted about 1/11/63. KEESE, Isaac Henderson: b. 2/9/24; res. Pittsylvania Co.; enl. 9/11/63, in Pittsylvania Co.; Pvt., Co. G. Absent sick for much of 1864. Died 21/1/1922. Bur. Keese Cem., Pittsylvania Co. KELLY, John: enl. 5/6/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. G. Captured 21/7/63, at Manassas Gap; sent to Point Lookout. Released 128/4/64, on taking the oath. KEMPER, William H. H.: clerk; age 20; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; 1st lt., Co. G. Declined to run for re-election as 1st Lt., in 4/62. Elected 26/5/62, 2nd Lt., Capt. D. L. Smoot's Co. E. (Alexandria Artillery), 18th Bn. Va. Heavy Arty. Prom. to 1st Lt., 13/11/62. Det. as Adjt. with Col. S. D. Lee's Reserve Bn. Arty. Court-martial sentence, 9/10/63, remitted, 22/1/263, and assd. to duty at Charleston, S. C. as Insp. of Arty. Actg. Adjt., light artillery batteries, James Island, S. C., 1864. Relieved 25/2/64, assd. as 1st Lt., Co. A, 1st S. C. Arty. Recommended by Gen. W. J. Hardee 28/12/64, for promotion and assignment to light arty. Bn. Paroled at Tallahassee, Fla., 20/5/65, as 1st Lt., Chief of Arty., Maj. Gen. Sam Jones' staff. KENNEDY, Daniel: enl. 26/5/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. G. Wded. (rt. arm), admitted 2/4/65, hosp., Farmville. Paroled at Farmville, 4/65. KING, Henry: conscripted; enl. 5/6/64, at Dublin, sent to Camp Lee, assd. 11/6/64, to 17th Va. Inf.: Pvt., Co. G. Deserted 27/6/64. KNOX, Robert Fitzgerald: b. Warrenton, 19/11/35; merchant, Alexandria; Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; 2nd Lt., Co. G. Elected Capt., 26/4/62. Wded. (thigh) at Seven Pines. Wded. 16/5/64, at Drewry's Bluff; sent to hosp., Camp Winder, furloughed. Wded. (rt. side), Dinwiddie C. H., sent to Stuart Hosp., Richmond. Paroled, 13/5/65. Postwar occ. commission merchant, commissioner of revenue, Alexandria. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria. Died of pneumonia, 2/4/1916. Bur. St. Paul's Cem. LANE, Patrick: b. Limerick, Ireland; laborer; age 27; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd., 15/8/62, under conscription act, age 38. LOVING, Bird: enl. 14/10/63, in Caroline Co.; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted from Hosp., Richmond, about 30/6/64. AWOL, 12/64. LOVING, Taliaferro: enl. 14/10/63, in Caroline Co.; Pvt., Co. G. Captured 16/5/64, at Drewry's Bluff. Died of bronchitis, 6/6/65 at Point Lookout, where he was buried. LYNCH, Morris: b. Ireland; laborer; age 39; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd., 27/7/62, under conscription act. McCARTHY, Dennis: Pvt., Co. G. Dischd. 15/7/61. McCARTHY, Charles; laborer; age 40; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Left at Centreville, 3/62. AWOL, 5/62. McELLEER, Francis: b. County of Londonderry, Ireland, peddler, age 39; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Cpl, Co. G. Dischd. 14/6/61, disability (hernia). McGINNITY, John: laborer; age 28; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Sick and detailed at hosp., Lynchburg, 1863-64. Bur. Old Town Cem., Lynchburg. McKEOWN, William: laborer; age 22; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Wded., 18/7/61, at Blackburn's Ford. Deserted. McKILLIGAT, John: laborer; age 25; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Emmett Guards. Deserted, went back to Alexandria, 24/5/61. McSHERRY, Patrick: laborer; age25; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted in Md., 15/9/62. McSHERRY, Richard: b. Ireland; laborer; age 40; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd. 27/7/62, under conscription act, age 42. MANLY, David: b. Fairfax Co.; blacksmith; age 21; enl. 29/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. G. Captured 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; exchd. Wded. Second Manassas. Stabbed James R. Hurst, Co. F; in Petersburg jail, 10/63/-4/64. Prom. to Cpl., 1864. Transferred 1/2/65, to Fredericksburg Arty. Admitted to R. E. Lee Soldiers' Home, Richmond, 25/8/1902. Died 28/2/1904. Bur. Hollywood Cem., Richmond. MANLY, Joseph: laborer; age 19; enl. 29/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted about 3/62. MARTIN, James: b. Ireland; laborer; age 34; enl. 29/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd., 30/9/61, disability. MAYBERRY, Joseph: enl. 28/12/64; Pvt., Co. G; transferred from 45th Regt. Va. Inf. Absent under guard, 12/64. MACK, Dennis: b. Ireland; age 24; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Captured 21/7/63, at Manassas Gap; sent to Point Lookout, where he took the oath, 27/11/63. Prison doc: wants to volunteer, "will fight any foreign power but not against the Confederacy." MONAHAN, Lawrence: b. Ireland; laborer; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd., 24/5/62, on surgeon's certificate. MONGOLL, Frederick: b. Nassau, Germany; laborer; age 45; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd., 29/7/62, under conscription act.; documentation shows occ as cabinet maker. Died at Alexandria, 14/3/75. MOORE, Michael: laborer; age 44; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. In Gen. Hosp. No. 21, and 23, Richmond, typhoid fever, 1862. Dischd., 10/2/63, over age. MURPHY, John: b. Ireland; laborer; age 38; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Cpl., Co. G. Reduced to Pvt., 20/9/61. Wded. and captured at Williamsburg, 5/5/62; exchd., 5/8/62. MURPHY, John: b. County Wexford, Ireland; res. Alexandria, 1850; laborer; age 20. Enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. On rolls as having deserted about 5/6/62. Appears on clothing record, C. S. Hosp., Petersburg, 23/3/63. Deserted. Empld., Smoot's tannery, Alexandria, for over 30 yrs. Died 30/1/1912. NASH, Jesse: enl. 9/10/63, in Hanover Co.; Pvt., Co. G. Reported as AWOL 9/3/65, to enrolling officer, Spotsylvania Co. NUGENT, John: b. Ireland; age 21; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Prom. to Sgt., 1862. Deserted about 1/3/63, on furlough. Empl., T. W. Robinson and predecessors in commission business since 1868. Died at Alexandria, 18/2/1905. O'CONNOR, Cornelius: res. Lynchburg; enl. 23/5/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted to the enemy 6/5/64, at New Bern, N. C. Sent to Fort Monroe, where he took the Oath of Amnesty, 2/6/64; transportation furnished to Phila. OLIVE, William H.: enl. 4/11/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. G. Furloughed from Gen. Hosp. No. 9, Richmond, 30/1/264, for 30 days, last record. OWENS, John: enl. 6/6/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted about 29/6/63. PAUL, Samuel Brown: Pvt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1859; clerk; age 20; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Apptd. Cpl., 26/4/62. Apptd. Sgt., 1/5/62. Wded. and captured at Williamsburg; exchd. Elected 2nd Lt., Co. G, 28/11/63. Killed 31/3/65, at Dinwiddie C. H., age 21 yrs., 6 mos., 10 days. Bur. Woodbine Cem., Harrisonburg. (Repeated in Co. A) PAUL, William J.: clerk; age 22; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. A. Wded. and captured, 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass.; released for exchange, 31/7/62. Wded. at Sharpsburg, 17/9/62. Transferred to Co. G, 31/12/62, last record. (Repeated in Co. A.) POLUNSKY, A.: enl. 6/6/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted about 25/6/63. Arrested by R. B. Munford, Co. B, Camp Guard (Camp Lee), who was paid $30. Polunsky was jailed in Petersburg until 8/64, when he was sent to Castle Thunder, Richmond, last record. PURCELL, William H.: clerk; age 19; enl. 29/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. G. Det. to Post Office, Manassas Junction and Richmond, 1861-64. Died of disease, 12/8/64. QUICK, John: enl. 24/5/63; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted about 28/5/63. QUINN, James: b. Galway, Ireland; laborer; age 37; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. On duty as a teamster for Regtl. Quartermaster, 10/61-1/62. Dischd., 13/8/62, under conscription act, over 35 yrs. of age. Paroled at Gordonsville, 22/5/65, as Pvt., Co. G, 17th Regt. Va. Inf. RATCLIFF, Thomas C.: enl. 28/12/64; Pvt., Co. G; transferred from 45th Regt. Va. Inf. Absent under guard, 12/64. READY, John: age 32; enl. 28/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. G. Wded., admitted to Gen. Hosp. No. 18, Richmond, 12/6/63. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. RIELY, Michael: enl. 1/1/63, at Guiney's Stn.; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted about 25/9/63. RIELY, Patrick: age 24; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Wded., slightly, 18/7/61, and 21/7/61. Apptd. Cpl., 20/9/61. Prom. to Sgt., 1862. Captured, 21/7/63, at Manassas Gap; sent to Point Lookout. Transferred to Elmira, N. Y., 16/8/64. Transferred for exchange, 20/2/65. Paroled at Lynchburg, 13/4/65. Oath of Amnesty, 10/5/65, at Alexandria. ROBERTSON, George E.: enl. 18/1/063, in Luneburg Co.; Pvt., Co. G. AWOL, 11/11/63. Last record. ROBERTSON, T. C.: enl. 6/9/63, in Nottoway Co.; Pvt., Co. G. Captured at Five Forks, 1/4/65; sent to Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor. released 20/6/65, after taking the oath. ROBERTSON, Thomas F.: enl. 14/11/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. G. AWOL, 10/64. Last record. ROOP, Harmon: farmer; age 28; P. O. Snowville, Pulaski Co., res. Montgomery Co. 1860 census. Enl. 24/5/63, in Montgomery Co.; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted about 23/6/63; caught and sent to Castle Thunder, Richmond. Present, 8/63-12/64. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. ROOP, Harrison: farmer; age 35; P. O. Snowville, Pulaski Co., res. Montgomery Co. 1860 census. Enl. 28/12/64; Pvt., Co. G; transferred from 45th Regt. Va. Inf. Under guard, 12/64. Deserted 23/1/65; received at Hdqrs., Provost Marshal, Bermuda Hundred, 25/1/65. Took the Oath of Allegiance; sent to Wash., D. C., where transportation was furnished to Columbus, Ohio. ROOP, James R.: farmer; age 30; P. O. Snowville, Pulaski Co., res. Montgomery Co. 1860 census. Enl. 28/12/64; Pvt., Co. G; transferred from 45th Regt. Va. Inf. Under guard, 12/64. Captured at Five Forks, 1/4/65, sent to Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor; released after taking the oath, 20/6/65. SICAK, George: enl. 30/5/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted 7/6/63. SMITH, Hugh: b. Ireland; age 39; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd. 10/62, at Lynchburg, disability. SMITH, James: age 47; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Emmett Guards. Rejected, over age. SOUTHER, W. A.: enl. 1/6/63, at Culpeper C. H.; Pvt., Co. G. Deserted about 25/6/63. SRANT, Henry: Pvt., Co. G. Appears on list of prisoners of war paroled 10/5-11/65, in West Va., and Maryland. Date: 11/5/65. Charleston, West Va. SUMMERS, Charles C.: enl. 3/6/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. G. Died of disease, 26/10/64, at Chimborazo Hosp. No. 3, Richmond. Widow: Nancy Summers. A seaman by occupation, and described as 6 ft. 2 in., fair complexion, blue eyes, light hair. SUMMERS, Nancy: Laundress, Co. G. Widow of Charles C. Summers. Shown on rolls for 3-4/64; as "absent detached," 5-6/64. On roll for 7-8/64, but presence or absence is not stated. THOMAS, George H.: res. Essex Co.; enl. 13/10/63, at Ivor Stn., Pvt., Co. G. Paroled prisoner at Bowling Green, Carolina Co., 13/5/65. THOMPSON, James: age 32; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Absent sick, 8/63. Present 10/.63-12/64. TOLER, Frederick H.: enl. 14/1/64, at Ivor Stn.; Pvt., Co. G. Dischd. 9/12/64, by habeus corpus. TOWSON, James Edward, Jr.: Cadet, V. M. I. (Class of 1856), 1 yr.; merchant; age 28; enl. 28/4/61, at Alexandria; Capt., Co. G. Dropped in reorganization of regt., 26/4/62. Mustered in, 30/6/63, at Richmond, as Pvt., Co. D. (Treasury Guards), 3rd Bn. Va. Inf., Local Defense Troops. Prom. to Sgt., and apptd. 1st Lt., 22/9/64. Paroled at Winchester, 6/5/65. Died in the fall of 1895. Bur. Ivy Hill Cem., Upperville, Fauquier Co. TRAVERS, Michael: age 27; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. G. Absent sick in Richmond, 6/62. On rolls as "said to be crazy in Richmond," 1862-63. None found. None found. WALKER, James: enl. 6/6/63, at Richmond: Pvt., Co. G. Deserted about 7/6/63. WARF, Hugh: b. Austinville; enl. 5/6/64, at Dublin, sent to Camp Lee, assd. 11/6/64, to 17th Va. Inf.; Pvt., Co. G. Paroled at Charlestown, West Va., 21/6/65, age 28, 5 ft. 7 1/2 in., sandy complexion, hazel eyes, sandy hair, sandy whiskers. Admitted to R. E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, 20/6/1922, age 85. WHALAN, James: age 17, Alexandria 1860 census; age 19 on enlistment, 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Emmett Guards. Deserted 10/5/61. WHITE, John: age 33; enl. 25/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Emmett Guards. Rejected for physical unsoundness. WRIGHT, William: Pvt., Co. G. Captured on South Side Railroad, 9/4/65. Sent to City Point. Took the Oath of Allegiance, 3/7/65, at Newport News; document states res. Fauquier Co. None found. None found. None found. |
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