17th Virginia Infantry Regiment
The Old Dominion Rifles |
Roster of Company H personnel - The Old Dominion Rifles (From "17th Virginia Infantry" by Lee A. Wallace Jr.) Abbreviations used include:
Please note: All dates are in the British system. (Day/Month/Year) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ADAM, William W. : B 17/07/17; confectioner; enl 17/04/61 at Alexandria, must. 28/05/61 at Manassas; Pvt, Absent sick07-08/61. On conscript duty, 11-12/63. Transferred to Co. D, 4th Regt. Va. Cav., 26/07/64. Captured 09/10/64; sent to Point Lookout. Released after taking oath 13/05/65. Mbr. R.E. Camp, C. V., Alexandria, 03/02/98. Died 16/01/1913, at Richmond. Bur. Union Cem., Alexandria. APPICH, Daniel Harrison: b. Alexandria, 10/39; enl. 17/04/61 at Alexandria; Pvt., Wded. at Seven Pines, 03/05/62. Present, 10/62. Wded at Saylor's Creek, 06/04/65. Prisoner of war in U.S. hosp., Farmville, 04-06/65. Paroled at Farmville in April. Mbr. R.E. Lee Camp, C.V. Alexandria, 05/07/86. In bakery and confectionary business, Alexandria. Died 30/03/1919. ARNOLD, John A.: hatter; age 19; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Absent wded., 31/08/62. Present, 03-04/63. Shown as AWOL on rolls, 11/62-02/63. Under arrest in 10/63, and absent under sentence of court-martial, 11-12/63. Present through 12/64. Captured in 04/65, and subscribed to Oath of Amnesty at Alexandria, 09/05/65. Mbr. R.E. Camp, C.V., Alexandria. Removed c. 1869 to Bloomington, III., where he died 01/10/1906. ASHBY, Vernon Wilbur; son of Robert S. Ashby; clerk; enl. 17/04/61 at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Transferred to Co. A. Wded. at Frayser's Farm, 30/06/62, unfit for further field service. Mbr, R.E. Camp, C.V., Alexandria. In dry goods business in Alexandria. Removed to Washington, D.C., where he died 20/04/1908. Bur. Union Cem., Alexandria. AUBINOE, Samuel N.; age 18, 1860 census; shoemaker; enl 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Old Dominion Rifles. Not mustered into service because of physical inability, and did not want to remain in company. Dischd. 28/05/61. Res. Alexandria, 1870. BACON, William H.: b. 17/06/42; went to sea for one voyage, after which he was associated with his father, Capt. Ebenezer Bacon, a ship chandler. Enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. In Chimborazo Hosp., Richmond for debility 03-04/62. Det. to arrest conscripts, 08-10/63. Present, 12/64. Postwar occ. clerk, Southern Railway. Mbr. R.E. Camp, C.V., Alexandria. Died 10/04/99. Bur. St. Paul's Epis. Churchyard. BALDWIN, Edwin F.: carpenter; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Rolls state he escaped from Alexandria and joined his company. Wded. 31/05/62, at Seven Pines; returned to duty, 07/10/62. Hospitalized in Richmond with intermittent fever, 05/03/65. Wded. (rt. hip), at Five Forks; sent to Gen. Hosp., Farmville. Paroled at Farmville in 04/65. Apparently transferred to hospital at Petersburg, 24/06/65. Postwar roster (c. 1880) states "now living". BALDWIN, Jonah: b. Maryland; printer; age 19; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Wded 31/05/62, at Seven Pines. Died 11/08/62. Buried at Richmond. BALLENGER, Clinton P.: b. Alexandria, 04/07/43; enl. 01/07/61, at Manassas Junction, Pvt., Co. H. Killed 05/05/62, at Williamsburg, where he was buried. BALLENGER, Francis S.: b. Alexandria; enl. 05/03/62, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. H. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/06/62. Sent to Fort Columbus, N.Y Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Exchd., 31/07/62. killed at Manassas, 30/08/62, or died of wounds on 31/08/62. Bur. Meth. Protestant Cem., Alexandria. BARBOUR, Edwin G.: carpenter; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Cpl., Co. H. Prom to Sgt. Wded. and captured at Williamsburg, 05/05/62. Admitted on 12/05/62, to Mill Creek Gen. Hosp., near Fort Monroe. Died 22/05/62. BEACH, John; occ. "Gent at large", age 23; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. at Boonsborough, Md., 14/09/62; returned to duty by 02/63. Present as a cook, 1864. Taken prisoner at Fairfax C.H., and sent, 17/04/65, to Provost Marshall Gen., Alexandria. BERRY, William Douglass; age 25; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Hosp. Steward at Culpeper, 11-12/61. Served at various periods as Hosp. Steward, Mess Steward, and Wardmaster in Hospitals at Lynchburg and Richmond, 1862-1864. Died in Richmond, 20/04/73, age 31. BOTH, J. S.; Pvt., Co. H. Paroled at Appomatox C.H., 09/04/65. BOYER, William H.; occ. "Gent at large"; age 19; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Prom. to Cpl., 1862. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/06/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N.Y. Harbor; and t o Fort Warren, Mass; transferred 31/07/62, to be exchanged. Prom. to Sgt. Wded at Manassas, 30/08/62. Admitted (wded.) to Gen. Hosp., Petersburg, 18/12/62. Wded. 18/03/64. Present, 04/64. Captured 03/04/64. Died at Washington St. Hosp., Petersburg, 11/04/65. BRADLEY, Henry Harrison; bricklayer; age 8; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Regt. Colour Cpl., 08/61. Wded. (temple) at Williamsburg, 05/05/62; absent wded., 08/62. Shown on rolls as Cpl., 01/06/62. Dischd., 22/08/62. Applied for clerkship, War Dept., 09/62. BRENT, Virginius King; Cadet, V.M.I. (Class of 1856) 6 months. Occ. "Gent at large"; age 19; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt. Co H. Wded. at Frayser's Farm, 30/06/63; present by end of 12/62. Nurse in field hosp., 06-08/64., Absent, unfit for active service and det. as division commissary Sgt., 10/64. Paroled at Appomatox C.H., 09/04/65. Tool Oath of Amnesty at Alexandria. Died at Alexandria, 01/05/71. Brother of George W. Brent. BUCHANAN, Robert Edward; occ. "Gent at large"; age 20; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Captured at Sharpsburg, 17/09/62; Exchd. Prom. to Colour Cpl., 06/63. Wded. at Manassas Gap, 21/07/64. Died in Lynchburg hosp. 23/03/64, from wounds. Bur. Old Town Cem., Lynchburg. Removed to Meth. Protestant Cem., Alexandria, 11/65. BURGESS, Charles R.; clerk; age 19; enl. 17/04/62, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Killed at Frayser's Farm, 30/06/62. BUTTS, Joseph; enl. 15/02/64 at Orange C.H.; Pvt., Co. H. Exchd. from Co. D, 4th Va. Cav. for William W. Adams. Det. with brigade quartermaster, unfit for active service. CALMUS, August: baker; age 20; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Det. 52 days for work in bakery at Manassas, 1961. Wded. at Seven Pines, 13/05/62. Absent on rolls to 04/63, when he i shown as a deserter. Living c. 1880. CARLIN, James E. F.: b. 1828; carpenter; enl. 01/06/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. H. Det. to work in Commissary Dept. at Manassas 35 days, 07-08/61. Dischd. 23/05/62, under conscription act, being a non-resident. Died 1911. Bur. St. James Catholic Cem., Falls Church. CASTLEMAN, William D.: b. Clare Co.; clerk; age 19; enl. 17/04/61 at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Killed at Sharpsburg, 17/09/62. Bur. on the field. COLLINGSWORTH, Robert M.: Pvt., Mount Vernon Guards, 1859; shoemaker; age 21; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Except for sick leave late in 1861, he was present from enlistment through to 12/64. Campe into U. S. lines above Fairfax Stn., 14/04/65, and was sent to Provost Marshal Gen., Alexandria. Yardmaster, B. & O. Railroad at Locust Point, Baltimore, where he was killed in an accident, 19/01/91. Bur. Meth. Protestant Cem., Alexandria. CORSE, Montgomery Dent: b. Alexandria, 14/03/16; ed. Maj. Bradley Lowe's military sch.; Capt., Co. B, 1st Regt. Va. Vols., 1846-1848. Lt., Capt., Sutter Rifles, Sacramento, Calif., 1852; Lt. Col., 175th Regt. (Alexandria) Va. Mil.; Capt. Old Dominion Rifles, 01/61; Maj. comdg. 6th Bn. Va. Vols., 02-04/61; AAG, Alexandria forces, 05/61. Commd. Colonel of Volunteers, 17/05/61. Elected Col., 17th Regt. Va. Vols., 02-04/61. Apptd. Col., P. A. C. S., 01/07/61. Prom. to Brig. Gen. 01/11/62. Admitted to Gen. Hosp. No. 4, Richmond, 14/10/64, with intermittent fever; sent to Gen. Hosp., 15/10/64, and to private quarters; returned to duty 11/11/64. Captured at Sayler's Creek, 06/04/64; sent to Fort Warren, Mass. Released 24/07/64 after taking the oath. Described as 5 ft. 6 1/2 in., dark complexion, brown hair, hazel eyes. Postwar occ. banker. Injured in capitol disaster, Richmond, 1870; probably caused his blindness for some years. Mbr. Bd. of Visitors, V.M.I., 1876-1882. Charter Mbr. R.E. Camp, C.V., Alexandria, 07/07/84. Honoured at dedication of Confederate monument, Washington and Prince Sts., Alexandria, 1869. Corse donated his Mexican War Pension to the monument fund, and enjoyed telling the "Yankee government helped to pay for the statue." Died 11/02/95. Funeral held at St. Paul's Church. Bur. St. Paul's Cem., Alexandria. DARLEY, Charles: painter; age 30; enl. 27/06/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. H. Wded at Manassas, 30/08/62. Right arm amputated from fall of train, 1863. Ret. by Med. Bd., 24/08/64, to Invalid Corps, P. A. C. S. Name on list of prisoners received at Alexandria, 14/05/65. DEAVERS, Barney: enl. 13/09/1, at Fairfax C.H.; Pvt., Co. H. In Chimborazo hosp., Richmond, with measles, 04-05/62; transferred to hosp., Farmville. Served in 7th Regt. Va. Cav. Mbr. R.E. Camp, C.V., Alexandria, 07/07/97. Res. Fairfax Co., 1902. Died 06/02/911 in Alexandria. DEAVERS, Ira; res. Fairfax Co.; occ. "Gent at large"; age 23; enl. 16/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt. Co. H. Wded. at Manassas, 30/08/62. Prom. to Sgt. Acting Orderly Sgt. to Co. G pro tem, 1864. Colour bearer at Five Forks. Captured at Fairfax C.H., 16/04/65; sent to Old Capitol Prison; Wash., D.C. Said to have left the 17th Va., 02/04/65. Paroled at Alexandria, 27/04/65.Took Amnesty Oath, 29/05/65. DOZIER, Melville: carpenter; age 18; enl. 17/06/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. H. Absent, sick, 08/61-01/62. Dischd. DUFFEY, John H.: Sgt., Quartermaster, 1859; carpenter; age 22; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Det. to Ordnance Dept., 1861-1863. Admitted to Gen. Hosp. no. 21, Richmond, typhoid fever, 15/05/63; sent to private quarters. Carried on rolls, 10/63, as a deserter. Removed to Baltimore after the war. Capt. Co. B, 6th Md. Regt., when he died 13/08/78. None found. FEWELL, L. N.: enl. 06/04/62, at Orange C.H.; Pvt., Co. H. captured near Howlett's House, 30/07/64; sent to Point Lookout, and to Elmira, N.Y. Released 19/06/65, after taking oath. Res. Lynchburg. FEWELL, W. Haydon: b. Fairfax Co., son of William S. Fewell. Enl. 06/04/62, at Orange C.H.; Pvt., Co. H. Killed at Frayser's Farm, 30/06/62. Doc. states age 17, occ. student. FITZHUGH, Albert: Sec., Old Dominion Rifles, 01/61; occ "Gent at large"; age 27; enl. 17/04/61, at FOWLE, James H.: clerk; age 18; FOWLE, William Holmes, Jr.: b. GARDNER, William Fowler: b. GIBSON, James E.: occ. "Gent.. at large"; enl. 17/04/61 at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Roll 06/61: captured on sick leave in Alexandria; rejoined regt. without pass or parole from U.S. authorities. Not allowed to serve. Probably James E. Gibson, Pvt., Co. A, 19th Regt. Va. Inf., aged 19, enl. 10/06/61, at Charlottesville. Dischd. 04/07/62 for disability. Mbr. John Bowie Strange Camp, U.C.V., Albemarle Co. Died 15/04/1924. GODWIN, James Langhorne: clerk; age 18; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. at Seven Pines, 13/05/62; returned by 10/62. Courier for Brig. Gen. M. D. Corse, 1862-65. Paroled prisoner in Richmond, 12/05/65. Amnesty oath, 16/06/65. Died in Baltimore, 28/01/73, age 26, only son of Col. S. Godwin, late of Fairfax Co. GREEN, James E.: b. 14/04/38; Cpl., Old Dominion Rifles, 01/61; clerk; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria in Co. H, but was not mustered in with his company. Elected 2nd Lt., O'Connell Guards, 28/05/61; 2nd Lt., Co. I. Absent in charge of regtl. baggage at Manassas, 1861-1862. Dropped 26/04/62. Died 01/01/1917. {Also in Co. I} GRIMES, James E.: b. Alexandria; Cpl., Old Dominion Rifles, 01/61; tinner; age 23; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Cpl., Co. H. Wded slightly 21/07/61, at Manassas. Killed at Williamsburg, 05/05/62. HALL, William Joseph: b. Anne Arundel Co., Md., 15/04/40; came to Alexandria, 1852; apothecary; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. 30/05/62, at Seven Pines. Wded. in four places, severely at Sharpsburg, 17/09/62; left at Shepherdstown. Paralysis of left arm, shattered right arm. Det. Post Office Dept., Richmond. Postwar occ. in retail drug business with Edgar Warfield. Mbr. R.E. Lee Camp, C.V., Alexandria. HART, John T.: b. Alexandria; clerk; age 23; enl. 28/05/61, at Alexandria; Sgt., Co. I. Transferred t o Co. H. as 1st Sgt. Reduced to Pvt., 1861. Wded. at Frayser's Farm, 30/06/62. Died in Charlottesville 12/07/62. HEISS, Fred S.: b. Hesse Darmstadt, Ger.; butcher; age 21. enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Det. as butcher, Quartermaster Dept. Dischd., 31/07/62. HERBERT, Arthur: b. in Carlyle House, Alexandria, 27/07/29; raised in Loudoun Co.; baker, Alexandria, 1852; Capt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1858; 1st Lt., Old Dominion Rifles, 01/61. Enl. 17/04/61, in Alexandria; Capt., Co. H. Elected Major, 17th Va. Inf., 27/04/62. Prom. to Lt. Col., 01/11/62. Det. to command 29th Regt. Va. Inf., 1863. Apptd. Colonel, 17th Va. Inf., 08/07/64. Paroled at Appomatox C.H., 09/04/65, comdg. Corse's brigade. Postwar occ. banker. Mbr. R.E. Lee Camp No. 2, C.V., Alexandria. Active in affairs of Epis. Theo. Sem., Alexandria, and Epis. Hi. Sch. Died 23/02/1919. Bur. Ivy Hill Cem. The neglected grave plot was beautifully restored in 1988, through the untiring efforts of Dr. Lon W. Keim, Omaha, Neb., and David M. Frantum, Falls Church, Va., with the aid of Burke and Herbert Bank and Trust, Alexandria. HIGDON, William J.: b. Alexandria; house painter; age 42; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Killed at Seven Pines, 31/05/62, and buried on the field. HOLLAND, William J.: butcher; age 18; enl. 17/04/61 at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Transferred to Maryland Line, 21/05/62. HOUGH, Harry: clerk; age 19; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Orderly to Col. Corse, 1861. Transferred to Co. A, 01/05/62. Det. as clerk, Pickett's H.Q., 1862-1864. Oath of Amnesty, 14/05/65, at Alexandria. HOUGH, Louis E.: printer; age 23; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Det. t o Army Post Office, 1861-64. HOWELL, Francis Asbury: b. Alexandria, 10/08/46. Pvt., Co. H; transferred 26/07/64, from Co. B (French's Mtd Guard), 1st Bn. Va. Cav., Local Defense Troops, in which he enl. 09/06/64. Postwar roster; wded. at Five Forks, 01/04/65. Mbr. R.E. Lee Camp No. 2, C.V., Alexandria. Obit. states he was a Spanish War vet., being in Co. A, 1st D.C. Vols. Died 19/02/1919. Bur. Arlington Natl. Cem. HUNTER, Charles Edgar: b. Alexandria; Pvt., Alexandria Artillery, 1858; cigarmaker; age 21; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Hosp. Steward, 1861-62. Accidentally wded. (leg) 17/05/64; hosp., Richmond and Lynchburg. Captured 03/04/65; Sent to Point Lookout. Released 10/05/65, after taking the oath. Res. Alexandria. Admitted to R.E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, 12/06/1912. Died 26/11/1919. Bur. Hollywood Cem., Richmond. HURDLE, Albion N.: b. 1840; Cpl., Alexandria Artillery, 1859; Cpl., Old Dominion Rifles, 01/61; apothecary; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Sgt., Co. H. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/06/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N.Y. Harbor; and t o Fort Warren, Mass. Released 31/07/62, for exchange. Wded. 26/04/62; ret. to duty, 13/05/63. Clerk at Camp Winder and Camp Lee, Richmond, 1863. Captured at Five Forks, 01/04/65; sent to Point Lookout. Released 15/05/65, after taking oath. Postwar occ. City Surveyor, Alexandria; civil engineer. Empl. near Columbus, Ga., when killed by a blast, a piece of stone striking him on the head, 25/07/86 "a good man and an expert civil engineer". Bur. Meth. Protestant Cem., Alexandria. HURDLE, Armistead U.: painter; age 25; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Dischd 22/08/63, disability. Died 01/12/65, of consumption. Bur. St. Mary's Cem., Alexandria. None found. JAMES, Samuel: b. Va., 1837; Pvt., Co. H. Settled in McLennan Co., Texas, 1894. Admitted t o Soldiers' Home, Austin, 18/06/1914; dischd. at own request 01/02/1915. Roster, Mens' Confederate Home, only record. JORDAN, James White: b. North Carolina, 27/08/11; res. Prince William Co.; Pvt., Co. H. Captured at Bristoe Stn., 26/02/64; chd in Jackson Hosp., Richmond, 22/11/64, chronic diarrhea; furloughed 28/11/64, for 60 days t o Orange C.H. Died in Alexandria, 29/08/65. Bur. Union Cem., Alexandria. JORDAN, James Pendleton (Pen): b. Culpeper Co., 24/09/43; ed. at Norfolk; empld., at Hart's drug store, Alexandria. enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Prom to Cpl. Wded (leg and breast) at Frayser's Farm, 30/06/62; captured but was recaptured the next day. Prom to Sgt. Captured on furlough, 14/11/62 and held for several months in Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D.C. Exchd. in time for spring campaign 1863 at Suffolk. On scouting duty, 12/63. Paroled at Winchester, 28/04/65. Removed in1874, t o Memphis, Tenn. Confederate Historical Assn., 1894, where he was in the lumber business. Mbr. Company A, Confederate Veterans, Memphis, and R.E. Lee Camp C.V., Alexandria. Died at Lakeland, Fla., 26/11/1922. KELL, Arthur Carrington: Sgt., Alexandria Artillery, 1859; painter; age 23; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; 1st Sgt., Co. H. Elected 2nd Lt., 28/04/62. Wded (head) at Boonsborough, Md., 14/09/62. Prom to 1st Lt., 04/05/64. Captured at Sayler's Creek, 06/04/65; sent to Old Capitol Prison, and t o Johnson's Island, Ohio. Released 18/06/65 after taking the oath. Elected Chief Engineer Fire Dept., Alexandria, 1867; removed by U.S. authorities for refusing to take the "ironclad oath". Subsequently re-elected and served another term. Mbr. Hydaullion Fire Co. Died of consumption, 01/11/77. Funeral attended by all fire companies. KELL, Luther Harrison: b. Alexandria, 1824; enl. 30/08/62, at Charlottesville; Pvt., Co. H. Dischd., 22/09/63, disability. Enl. 17/10/64, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. H. Captured 03/04/65; sent to Point Lookout. Released 30/04/65, after taking the oath. Admitted to R.E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, 02/08/1912. Died 08/03/1924. Bur. Method. Cem. Alexandria. KELLY, Thomas: b. 20/02/38; Pvt., Alexandria Artillery, 1859; tinner; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Prom. to Cpl., 1863. Present 12/64. Paroled at Ashland, 21/04/65. Oath of Amnesty, 29/05/65, at Alexandria. Mbr. R.E. Lee Camp, C.V. Died 03/02/1921. Bur. Presby. Cem., Alexandria. KEMPER, H. S.: Regtl. Quartermaster Sgt. Det. from Co. H, 22/06/61. KIDWELL, Robert: tailor; age 19; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. 05/05/62, at Williamsburg. Wded. slightly 21/07/62. Wded. 29/08/62 at Manassas. Captured; paroled and furloughed, 05/63 through to 02/64. KIDWELL, William F.: printer; age 21; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Hospitalized at Richmond and Lynchburg. acute diarrhea, 06-07/64. Present, 12/64. KINSLOW, Owen W.: b. 14/09/36; stage driver; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Ambulance and wagon driver, 1861-64. Confined in U.S. Military Prison (Libby), Richmond, 10/04/65. Died 21/06/79. Bur. St. Mary's Cem., Alexandria. KRAUSE, John E.: tinner; age 29; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Det. to Orange & Alexandria Railroad, 1862-1865. Paroled at Lynchburg, 15/04/65. LANNON, Patrick: b. Ireland; bricklayer; age 22; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Killed 05/05/62, at Williamsburg. LATHAM, Richard Marley: b. Alexandria, 1840; watchmaker; enl. 02/06/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. H. Dischd., 31/12/62, disability. Capt. Relief Hook and Ladder Co., Alexandria, for 45 years; elected 1914 as honorary Capt. for life. Mbr. R.E. Lee Camp, C.V. Silversmith and watchmaker by trade. Died 22/07/1915, one of the oldest and best loved volunteer firemen in Va. Bur. St. Mary's Cem. LOVELACE, William Arthur: b. Alexandria; clerk; age 19: enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Prom. to Sgt. Killed at Manassas, 30/08/62. LUNT, William H.: soap maker; age 20; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Killed Seven Pines, 31/05/62. McDERMOTT, Dennis: stated occ. "Gent. at large", when he enl. at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. H. Killed at Manassas, 21/07/61. McKEOWN, Nicholas: b. Baltimore; bricklayer; age 25; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Dischd., 21/07/62, over 35 yrs. of age. McVEIGH, Thomas E.: clerk; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Old Dominion Rifles. Not mustered-in, under age, physical inability, did not desire to remain in the Confederacy. Dischd. 28/05/61. MARYE, Morton: b. Brompton, Fredericksburg, 07/09/31; ed. Fredericksburg Classical and Math Acad.; merchant, Alexandria; 1st Lt., Capt., Alexandria Riflemen, 1858-61. Enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Capt., Co. A. Elected Lt. Col., 17th Regt., 27/04/62. Wded. 30/08/62, at Manassas; left leg amputated above knee. Permanently disabled; retired, 08/07/64. Apptd. Col., 10/08/64, to take rank, 01/11/62. Ret. to Invalid Corps. Postwar occ. merchant, Memphis, Baltimore, and Alexandria. Clerk, Circuit and Corporation Courts, Alexandria, 1870-83. Auditor of Public Accounts State of Va., 01/84. Died 22/12/1910, at Richmond. Bur. Hollywood Cem., Richmond. MERRICK, Marcus M.: enl. 20/04/64, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. H. Name appears on register of prisoners, Provost Marshal, Army of the Potomac, as a "Rebel deserter", 23/01/65. Took the oath at Bermuda Hundred, and was sent to Wash., D.C., where he was given transportation to NYC. MILBURN, James Clinton: b. 04/01/44; enl. 29/05/62, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. H. Det. as hosp. nurse, Gordonsville, Hanover Junction, Dunlop's Farm near Petersburg, 05/62-10/64. Paroled at Appomatox C.H., 09/04/65. Oath of Amnesty, Alexandria, 10/05/65. Postwar grocer. Mbr. R.E. Lee Camp, C.V., Alexandria, 06/09/86. Died 09/09/1912, in his store. Bur. St. Paul's Cem. MILLER, Frederick W.: machinist; age 25; enl. 17/04/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. H. Det. to C.S. Laboratory, Richmond, 12/61-02/62. Det. to Med. Purveyors Dept., Richmond, 1863. Wded. 16/05/64, Drewry's Bluff. Det. as Regtl. drummer, 10-12/64. Paroled prisoner when he took the Oath of Amnesty, 14/05/65, at Alexandria. Mbr. Confederate Veterans' Assn., D.C. Died 10/07/1916, age 76. Bur. Arlington Natl. Cem. MILLS, John T.: carpenter; age 31; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Prom. to Cpl., 1863. Died 17/05/64, of wounds received at Drewry's Bluff. MILLS, William F. Pvt., Old Dominion Rifles, never mustered into service. Deserted when company retreated from Alexandria. MANKIN, Oscar: enl. 27/07/61, at Manassas Junction Pvt., Co. H. Wded. 30/08/62, at Manassas. Deserted, 1863. MOORE, Fred: student; age 18; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Family requested, 01/01/62, his discharge, to pursue his studies and, being only 16 yrs. old. Dischd., 01/62, by order of Sec. of War. MUNFORD, William: b. Richmond, 16/08/29; ed. Univ. of Va., and College of William and Mary. Apptd. Lt. Col., 17th Regt. Va. Inf., 13/06/61; served also at this rank with the 24th Regt. Va. for a while. Dropped from the rolls of the 17th Va., in reorgan., 04/62. Pvt., Richmond Otey Battery, 1862-65. Episcopal minister in Dallas, Memphis, and New Orleans. Died at Annapolis, Md., 08/03/1904. MURPHY, James: carpenter; age 25; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Det. to QM Dept., 1861-1862. AWOL on rolls, 12/62-04/63, last record. MURRAY, Charles H.: age 21; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Deserted at Williamsburg, 05/05/62. MURRAY, John S.: b. Fredericksburg, son of William Murray; printer; age 18; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Killed at Seven Pines, 31/05/62. NIGHTINGILL, John: enl. 15/07/61, at Richmond; Musician, Co. H. Det. as Regtl. drummer to 12/64. Prom. to Cpl. Captured 06/04/64; sent to Point Lookout. Released 02/06/65 after taking the oath. At various times he was a policeman after the war. Mbr. R.E. Lee Camp, C.V., Alexandria. Died 17.09.92. NOLAND, James W.: enl. 22/07/64, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. H. Shown on U.S. register as a "deserter from the enemy", 21/01/65. Tool the oath at Bermuda Hundred; sent to Wash., D.C., where he was given transportation t o Alexandria. Died 15/01/85, age 37. None found. PADGETT, Benjamin: b. Alexandria, son of John G. and Susan Padgett; printer, Alexandria, 1860 census; age 21; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Died of typhoid fever, 12/11/61, in Gen. Hosp., Culpeper C.H. PATRICK, John H.: enl. 05/07/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. H. Transferred to Maryland Line. Served as Pvt., 1st Maryland Cav. Captured 23/09/64; sent to Point Lookout; released 22/05/65; transportation furnished to Baltimore. PATTIE, John H.: farmer; age 23; enl. 28/05/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. H. In hosp., Charlottesville, 07-08/61, typhoid fever. Deserted 1862. PAUL, Robert Castleman: b. Winchester, 22/04/42; moved t o Georgetown, c. 1850; removed t o Alexandria, 1855, clerk. Enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Transferred to Co. A, 14/05/61. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/06/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N.Y. Harbor; and Fort Warren, Mass; released for exchange 31/07/62. Captured 17/09/62, at Sharpsburg; exchd. Elected 2nd Lt., Co. I, 17/12/63. wded. at Dinwiddie C.H., 31/03/65. Res. Harrisonburg, for 10 yrs. before moving to Mexico, Mo., 1880, where he died 14/04/1918. PITTS, Henry S.: b. Caroline Co.; removed t o Alexandria; shoemaker; age 20; enl/ 21/06/61 at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. and captured 05/05/62, at Williamsburg; exchd., 05/08/62, at Aiken's Ldg. Captured at Sutherlands, Va., 03/04/65; sent to Point Lookout; released on oath, 10/05/65. Postwar occ. conductor, Southern Railway. Died 30/05/1911, as one of the oldest conductors in the Washington division, Southern Railway. PLAIN, Benjamin K.: clerk; age 19; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Det. as clerk, Provost Marshal's Office, Ivor, 12/63-02/64. Captured at Fairfax C.H., 16/04/65; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D.C., doc. states he left regt. 03/04/65. Paroled at Alexandria, 27/05/65. Oath of Amnesty, 10/05/65, at Alexandria. PRICE, Charles R.: enl. 01/06/64, at Cold Harbor; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. (rt. hand), admitted 29/10/64, to Chimborazo Hosp. No. 3, Richmond; ret. to duty, 22/02/65. Captured 06/04/65; sent to Point Lookout. Released 16/06/65, on taking the oath; doc. stated residence as Prince Edward Co. Oath of Amnesty, 21/05/65, at Alexandria. Died 08/03/1917, at the Confederate Home, Pikeville, Md., age 72. Bur. Loudon Park Cem., Baltimore. None found. RIELY, John P.: farmer; age 19; enl. 20/05/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. 21/07/61. AWOL, 06/62-04/63. ROBINSON, John P.: son of George H. Robinson (commission merchant), age 15, Alexandria 1860 census; clerk; enl. enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Old Dominion Rifles. Not mustered into service because of physical defects. ROXBURY, Edward Reese: clerk; age 17 3/4; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Under age, but was allowed to remain in service as he could not return to his home in occupied Alexandria. Paroled at Fairfax C.H., 27/04/65. Oath of amnesty, 29/05/65, at Alexandria. Died 31/03/74, age 31. Bur. Meth. Protestant Cem., Alexandria. RUDD, James N.: enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Reported to be on special duty 06/61, last record. SEDWICK, Charles: enl. 23/03/62, at Orange C.H.; Pvt., Co. H. Dischd. 03/06/62, being a minor. Enl. 01/04/63, age 18, in Co. H (Black Horse Troop), 4th Regt. Va. Cav. Paroled at Winchester, 05/06/65. SHINN, S. Robinson: Sgt. Old Dominion Rifles, 1860; gauger, age 31; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Sgt., Co. H. Elected Lt., 04/62, in Capt. Samuel T. Bayley's Co. Va. Heavy Arty. (disbanded 27/06/62). Died 06/04/66. Bur. Union Cem., Alexandria. SIMMONS, Joseph: butcher; age 22; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Det. as nurse at hosp. Manassas Junction and Camp Pickens, 1861-62. Deserted at Williamsburg. SMITH, James G.: b. Alexandria; enl. 05/03/62, at Orange C.H.; Pvt., Co. H. Dischd., 07/02/63, disability. SMITH, Orlando Fairfax: b. Alexandria, 02/01/42; mbr. Old Dominion Rifles, 1858, potter. enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Old Dominion Rifles. Not mustered in, physical disability. Captured at Burkeville Junction, 26/05/65, and took oath. He gave Alexandria as his former residence, and 711 Baltimore St., Baltimore, as his destination. Removed to Wash., D.C., 1866, and entered service of the Wash. Gas Light Co., and for many years he was superintendent of the works on G Street. Mbr. R.E. Lee Camp, C.V., Alexandria05/08/89. Mbr. Confederate Veterans' Assn., D.C. Died 16/01/1916. Bur. Arlington Natl. Cem. His obits, and a biog. sketch in Evans' CMH describe his war service as being a member of Co. H, 17th Va. at Bull Run, Yorktown, and the Seven Days' in which he was injured and captured. After his release from Fort Delaware, according to the sketch in CMH, he fought at Petersburg for 8 months, and at Brandy Stn., where he was wounded. The Sketch continues with presence at Five Forks where he was wounded, his capture and escape at Sayler's Creek, and his presence at Appomatox, where he was paroled. Curiously, his CSR is silent on all of these events and his name is not published among the published lists of paroled soldiers at Appomatox C.H. The circumstances of him being paroled in 05/65, at Burkeville Junction have yet to determined. SMITH, William Henry Harrison: son of Thomas Smith, Alexandria; Pvt., Mount Vernon Guards, 1859; occ. "Gent at large," when at the age of 21, he enl. 4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt, Co. H. Reduced to Pvt., 1862. Det. as Regtl. Drummer, 17th Va. Inf.; 1864-65. Hospitalized at Farmville, chronic diarrhea, 8/4/65. Paroled at Farmville, 4/65. Died at Farmville, 6/5/65. (Repeated at Co. E) SMITH, Seabury Dennison: b. 10/08/41; Pvt., Old Dominion Rifles, 1860; clerk. Enl. 28/05/61 at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. at Seven Pines. Wded. (left fore arm), 03/03/65, at Dinwiddie C.H. Captured at Fair Grounds Hosp., Petersburg, 03/04/65. Sent to Gen. Hosp., Fort Monroe, and the Military Prison, Camp Hamilton, Va. Released 31/05/65. Mbr. R.E. Lee Camp, C.V., Alexandria. Died 03/04/93. Bur. Ivy Hill Cem., Alexandria. SNOWDEN, Harold: b. Alexandria, 27/04/36, son of Edgar Snowden; ed., Univ. of Va., Jefferson College of Medicine, Phila.; practiced in Alexandria; Surgeon, Old Dominion Rifles, 01/61. Apptd. Asst. Surgeon, Volunteer Forces of Va., 16/05/61. Enl. 20/05/61, at Alexandria, assd. to Alexandria troops. Asst. Surgeon, 17th Regt. Va. Inf., 06/61. Commd. Surgeon, 19/01/63. On furlough as mbr. Va. Legislature 12/63. Released from duty, 17th Va. by Medical Dept., and ordered to Savannah. Postwar occ. editor, Alexandria Gazette. Clerk, City Council. Surgeon, R.E. Lee Camp, C.V. Died 04/05/1901. SOWERS, James Kerfoot: b. 1845; student; enl. 15/05/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. at Seven Pines. Dischd. 1862, being 18 yrs. Enl. 25/12/62, Pvt., Co. H, 4th Regt. Va. Cav. Killed in 1864. SUDDITH, Patrick H.: carpenter; age 17; enl. 02/05/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. at Seven Pines, 31/05/62. Captured in 02/63; sent to Point Lookout; exchd., 13/02/65. SUIT, John: tinner; age 26; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Det. to gov't workshops, Richmond, 1862-65. SUMMERS, George W.: clerk; age 30; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. at Manassas, 30/08/62. On duty as nurse, New School Presby. Church Cem. Winchester, 10/62. Postwar roster: wded. at Sayler's Creek. Paroled at Alexandria, 22/04/65. Oath of Amnesty, 12/05/65, Alexandria. SUMMERS, Wappelo: Pvt., Alexandria Artillery, 1859; blacksmith; age 20; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Det. as regtl. blacksmith, 1862-63, and brigade blacksmith, 1864-65. Paroled at Alexandria, 22/04/65. Oath of Amnesty, 13/05/65, at Alexandria. Postwar occ. manufacturer of vehicles, Barnesville, Ga. Died at Tampa, Fla., 03/01/1908, age 66. Bur. Barnesville, Ga. SUTHERLAND, Leigh M.: farmer; age 21; enl. 20/05/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Transferred t o Maryland Line, 01/05/64. Pvt., 1st Battery, Maryland Arty. Dischd. 1864, by writ of habeas corpus in C.S. Dist. Court, Judge James D. Halyburton. TATSPAUGH, William H.: b. Alexandria; shoemaker; age 32; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Dischd. 24/07/62, being over 35 yrs. Empld., Midland Railroad. Mbr. R.E. Lee Camp, C.V., Alexandria. Died 24/10/92. Bur. Meth. Protestant Cem., Alexandria. TAYLOR, Charles K.: enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Transferred 14/06/61, as bugler, Co. K, 2nd Regt. Va. Cav. Dischd. 27/06/62, disability, age 27, occ. musician. TAYLOR, George W.: clerk; age 173/4 yrs. enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Rejected as being under age, but allowed to remain in service, being unable to return to his home in occupied Alexandria. On sick leave at Plains Stn., Manassas Gap Railroad, 10-12/61. Reported s AWOL in Alexandria, 02/62, last record. TAYLOR, Robert J.: occ. "Gent. at large" when at 19 yrs. he enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Hospitalized in Richmond, 06-07/63. Captured; paroled and furloughed, 1863. TENNISON, Charles E.: clerk; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Old Dominion Rifles. Not mustered in, physical disability. TERRETT, William: farmer; age 32; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/06/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N.Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released for exchange, 31/07/62. Died 10/06/64, in Chimborazo Hosp. No. 3, Richmond, from wounds (both thighs) received at Cold Harbor, 07/06/64. Hosp. records show his home as Mount Rose, Fairfax Co. TRAVIS, John T.: ship carpenter; age 29; Alexandria 1860 census. Enl. 20/05/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Transferred to C.S. Navy, ironclad Neuse, at Kinston, N.C. 06/64. TURNER, William: Captured on the coast of Texas, 23/05/62. Records of prisoners of war at Fort Warren, Mass., show he was released 31/07/62, by taking oath of Allegiance; other records show him as a private, 17th Va. Inf., but do not include his rank or company. None found. None found. WARFIELD, Edgar: b. Wash., D.C., 07/06/62; entered drug business, Alexandria, age 15; Pvt., Old Dominion Rifles, 01/61. enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Det. as Regtl. Apothecary, 1861-12/64. Paroled at Appomatox C.H., 09/04/65. Oath of Amnesty, 12/05/65, at Alexandria; doc. describes him as 5 ft. 61/2 ins., dark complexion, dark hair, hazel eyes. Postwar occ. druggist with William J. Hall. Comdr., R.E. Lee Camp, C.V. Comdr. Grand Camp of Confederate Veterans of Virginia. Comdr., Virginia Division, U.C.V. Died 26/11/1934. Bur. Ivy Hill Cem., Alexandria. He was the last survivor of the volunteers who left Alexandria, 24/05/61. See: Warfield, "A Confederate Soldier's Memoirs" (1936). WHITE, Bartholomew C.: b. Alexandria; printer; age 19; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. 30/06/62, at Frayser's Farm. Prom. to Sgt., 1863. Det. for duty with E. W. Nelson, public printer, 12/64. Postwar occ. empld., on Sentinel, Alexandria. Admitted 01/08/1916, to R.E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond. Died 26/04/1921; remains sent to Alexandria, bur. in St. Mary's Cem. WHITELY, William F.: b. Yorkshire, Eng.; enl. 27/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Dischd. 21/07/62, over 35 yrs. of age. Postwar res. Baltimore. Occ. wood carver. Entered Old Soldiers' Home, Pikeville, Md., 20/10/93, age 67. Expelled 05/11/95. Admitted 08/10/95, to R.E. Lee Camp of Soldiers' Home, Richmond. Dismissed 17/10/95, having been dismissed from the Maryland home for stealing. Died 12/95. WHITING, Charles H.: enl. 20/05/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Captured 30/06/62, at Frayser's Farm; sent to Fort Columbus N.Y. Harbor. Prison document has 16 yrs. as his age. Sent to Fort Warren, Mass; released 31/0762, for exchange. Dischd., 1305/63. WHITINGTON, M. D.: b. Alexandria; enl. 28/05/62, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. H. Killed 31/05/62, at Seven Pines. Known to his friends as "Rodie". WILLIAMSON, James A.: farmer; age 22; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Absent, detailed a scout, 12/63. Captured 03/04/65; sent to Point Lookout. Released 21/06/65, on taking the Oath of Allegiance. WISE, George: b. Alexandria 14/05/40, son of Peter and Francis Newton Wise; ed. Stanton Sch. near Sandy Spgs., Md.; mbr. Old Dominion Rifles, 01/61; coal dealer. enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Cpl., Co. H. Prom. to Sgt. Regtl. Ordnance Sgt., 1862. Assd. 19/11/63, as Sgt., Co. G, 1st Regt. Engineers. On duty at Petersburg. Paroled in 04/65, and took the Amnesty Oath, 10/05/65, at Alexandria; document states he was 5 ft. 61/2 in., light complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. Empld., Orange & Alexandria Railroad, and after 01/67, he was in the insurance business. Mbr. R.E. Lee Camp, C.V. Died 31/01/1923. His diary, 1861-1863, is in the William Perkins Lib., Duke University. Author: History of the Seventeenth Virginia Infantry (1870); Campaigns and Battles of the Army of Northern Virginia (1916) -Currently out of print. WITHERS, John B.: clerk; age 19; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. slightly, 12/07/61. Regtl. Ordnance Sgt. pre tem., 1863. U.S. prison records indicate he was a Lt. in Mosby's 43rd Bn. Va. Cav. Partisan Rangers, and he was captured in Fauquier Co., 23/09/63. Sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D.C., Johnson's Island, Ohio; Point Lookout; and to Fort Delaware, where he was released 08/06/65, after taking the Oath of Allegiance. None found. YOUNG, Robert: age 24; enl. 20/05/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. H. Wded. 31/05/62, at Seven Pines, Detailed to ambulance corps, 1864. Paroled at Appomatox C.H., 09/04/65. ZIMMERMAN, William W.: clerk; age 20; enl. 17/04/61, at Alexandria; 2nd Lt., Co. H. Prom. to 1st Lt., 27/04/62. Detailed as Regtl. Adjt., 11-12/62. Apptd. Regtl. Adjt., according to act of Congress, to rank from 04/05/64. Captured at Dinwiddie C.H., sent to Johnson's Island, 09/04/65. Released on taking the Oath of Allegiance, 19/06/65. |
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