17th Virginia Infantry Regiment
The Old Dominion Rifles |
Roster of Company K personnel - Warrenton Rifles (From "17th Virginia Infantry" by Lee A. Wallace Jr.) Abbreviations used include:
Please note: All dates are in the British system. (Day/Month/Year) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ALLEN, Henry: Mexican War veteran; laborer; age 35; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt. Co. K. Absent, sent to Richmond Hosp., with neuralgia, 30/4/62; transferred to Lynchburg Hosp., 14/5/62. Dischd. as being over age, 22/7/62. ALLISON, Richard S.: house painter, age 23, N. E. Revenue Dist., Fauquier Co. 1860 Census. Enl. 16/7/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. K. Paroled 3/5/65, at Winchester; age 28, 5 ft. 8 in., dark complexion, dark hair, grey eyes. Bur. Warrenton Cem., Warrenton. BECKHAM, John: b. 1842; clerk; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Cpl., Co. K. Apptd. Sgt., 27/4/62. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released 31/7/62, for exchange. Commd. by Gov. of Va. as 2nd Lt., 30/4/64, Co. B. 1st Bn, Va. Inf. (Irish Bn.) On duty as R. F. & P. Railroad guard, 12/64. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/64. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria, 3/9/93. Died 1917. Bur. St. Paul's Cem., Alexandria. BENNETT, Henry T.: b. 23/11/28; farmer; enl. 25/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62. Apptd. Cpl. 1/5/63, and Sgt., 10/64. AWOL, 12/64. Died 9/7/93. Bur. Bennett Cem., Morrisville, Va. His diary 1/63-3/64, is in The Years of Anguish (1965). BOWLING, Egbert T.: b. Nelson Co., shoe and boot maker, age 30, Nelson Co. 1860 census. Conscripted; enl. 14/10/64, at Amherst C. H., assd. to 17th Va. Inf.; Pvt., Co. K. Sent to Chimborazo hosp., Richmond, 6/3/64. BOWLING, William: Conscripted; enl. 14/10/64, at Amherst C. H., assd. to 17th Va. Inf.; Pvt., Co. K. Present, 10/64. BRAGG, Charles Passipi: b. Warrenton; mbr. Texas Rangers for several years; clerk; age 21; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Absent sick, 7-8/61. Det. to Med. Dept., 1861-1862. Hospital Steward, Surgeon General's Office, Richmond, 6/63 until 15/7/64, when ordered back to his company. Lived in Baltimore after the war. Returned to Warrenton. Employed in County Clerk's Office. An amateur musician of "no mean attainment" in violin and voice. Died at Warrenton, 21/2/1905. BRAGG, William M. (Billy): Ensign, Warrenton Rifles, 1859; age 22; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Ensign, Co. K. Absent sick, 6-10/61. Shown on roll as a Pvt. Dischd., 15/12/61. for disability. Served as Pvt., Co. A, 43rd Bn. (Mosby's) Va. Cav. Transferred to Co. B, 1/10/63. Prom to Sgt. Captured 24/4/64; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Washington, and on 27/4/64, to Fort Delaware, where he died 27/3/65. Remembered as a tall, handsome, gallant young soldier, with a sense of humour and an excellent musician. BRIGGS, Henry Clay: lawyer; age 28; enl. 7/6/61, in Fairfax Co.; Pvt., Co. K. On duty with Commissary Dept., 1861-1862. Transferred to Co. F, 1st Confederate Engineer Troops, 24/7/64, but wounded before his transfer order was received. Absent, wded., on furlough from hosp., 10/64. Apptd. Artificer. Paroled as Sgt. at Appomatox C.H. 9/4/65. Described as a dignified man of fine character, and a great beau, but never married. A good soldier but took poorly to the hardships of camp life. Survived the war by some 15 years, and died in his native county of Clarke. BRODIE, Alexander Marr: b. Scotland, 14/11/29; came to U. S. at age of 14; tailor; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Sgt., Co. K. Prom. to 1st Sgt., 1/10/61. Elected 1st Lt., 26/4/62. Wded. at Seven Pines, 31/5/62. Absent, enrolling conscripts, 10/62. Wded. (thigh), 25/8/64; sent to Gen. Hosp. No. 4, Richmond; furloughed to Warrenton, 8/9/64. Paroled at Winchester, 28/4/65. Died at Warrenton, 18/4/1915. Bur. Warrenton Cem. BROOKS, Thomas D.: tinner; age 17; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Dischd. 5/62. CARTER, Charles Shirley: b. Fauquier Co., 1840; farmer; enl. 15/5/61, at Bristoe; Pvt., Co. K. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released for exchange, 31/7/62. Physically unfit for infantry service. Dischd. 7/463. Enl. 18/4/63, Pvt., Co. H, 4th Regt. Va. Cav. Captured in Jefferson Co., 14/5/64; sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Sent to City Point for exchange, 21/3/64. Paroled at Winchester, 26/4/65. Died 1922. Bur. Union Cem., Leesburg. COLE, Francis M.: b. Prince William Co., son of Bazil and Rebecca Lynn Cole; farmer; age 27; enl. 27/4/61, at Dumfries; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. (rt. hip) at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; hospitalized. Wardmaster, hosp., Lynchburg, 15/11/63. Wardmaster, Stuart Hosp., Richmond, 2/65. Paroled at Richmond, 5/5/65. Postwar res. North Fork, Loudoun Co. Died 8/99. Brother of Joseph N. Cole. COLE, Joseph N.: b. Prince William Co., son of Bazil and Rebecca Lynn Cole; farmer; age 23; enl. 28/4/61, at Dumfries; Pvt., Co. K. Absent sick 2-5/62. Rolls show him AWOL, 8-10/62. Present 12/62 through to 12/64. Paroled at Winchester, 27/4/65. After reaching home, he cut his foot in getting firewood, and bled to death, 8/65. Brother of Francis M. Cole. COLOGNE, John Cash: b. Warrenton; enl. 26/6/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. K. Captured at South Mountain, 9/62; sent to Fort Delaware. Sent to Alkens Ldg., for exchange 2/10/62. Apptd. Cpl., 22/1/63, and Sgt., 4/64. With Pen Jordan he rendered outstanding services as a scout. Captured 30/8/64; sent to military prison at Camp Hamilton, Va., 1/9/64. Released 12/10/64. Paroled at Fairfax C. H., 17/5/65. Employed by U. S. Internal Revenue Service for many years. Died 29/5/1903, a resident of Marshall, Va. CROMWELL, Oliver: moved from Baltimore to Warrenton about 1858; empld., Booth's carriage factory; believed to have joined Warrenton Rifles, 1859. Enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Dischd. 5/62. He was the company barber, " a fine fellow with an obliging disposition," wrote J. A Jeffries, whose haircut was interrupted when the long roll was beat for the battle at Manassas. Cromwell later, according to Jeffries, joined the Maryland Line. DAVISSON, Hugh Nathaniel: b. 1841, son of Theo. and Sally Rogers Davisson; clerk; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Dischd., 19/8/61, for poor health. Went into Quartermaster Dept., when health permitted. Postwar res. Jeffersonton. Died in late 1860's. Bur. Warrenton Cem. DAY, Alexander: b. Warrenton; enl. 14/3/62, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Died 6/7/62, of typhoid fever at Gen. Hosp., Richmond. Bur. Warrenton Cem. Joseph A. Jeffries' "quondam colleague", who was too young by law to enlist. DAY, Henry: enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Absent, sick at home, 12/61-1/62. Paroled at Winchester, 3/5/65, age 26. DIGGES, Charles W., Jr.: b. Warrenton; res. St. Louis, Mo., 1861; clerk; enl. 20/5/61, at Bristoe; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. at Seven Pines, 31/5/62; sent to Gen. Hosp. No. 18, Richmond. Transferred to private quarters, and, 23/6/62, to Orange C. H. Present, 8/62. Wded. and captured at Sharpsburg, 9/62. Absent, paroled prisoner, 4/63. Transferred, 3/6/63, to Co. H, 4th Regt. Va. Cav. Prom. to Aide-de-Camp to Gen. W. H. F. Payne. Returned to Mo. Mbr. Marmaduke Camp, U. C. V., Moberly, Mo. Died 1/1907. DIGGES, George Washington: b. Fauquier Co.; farmer; age 25; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Dischd., 15/12/61, for disability. Bur. Cedar Grove Cem., Bealeton. EDMONDS, Elias, Jr.: b. Fauquier Co.; farmer; age 40; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. (side), 31/5/62, at Seven Pines; sent to Gen. Hosp. no. 18, Richmond. Dischd. 22/7/62, under conscription law; document states his age as 45 yrs. Captured in Va., 21/7/63; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C. "to be kept in confinement during the war," Resided at Ivy Hill, near Warrenton. EMBRY, Albert G.: farmer; age 23; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Captured 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released, 31/7/63, for exchange. Wded. (abdomen), 7/6/64, near Gaines' Mill, and died 8/6, in an ambulance between Gen. Hosp. No. 9, and Howard's Grove Hops., Richmond. Bur. Oakwood Cem., Richmond. FANT, John E. P.: clerk; age 17; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Det. as nurse at hosp., Camp Pickens, and Moore Hosp., 8-12/61. In Chimborazo Hosp., Richmond, with gonorrhea, 3-5/62. In hosp., Danville, 5/4/64, with nephritis. Paroled at Charlotte, N. C., 17/5/65. FIELD, William H.: b. Culpeper Co., son of Richard H. Field; carpenter; age 19; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Died at Richmond, 19/8/62, of typhoid fever. FISHER, Edward L.: age 20; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Furloughed on surgeon's certificate. Dischd., 15/7/61. Enl 15/3/62, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. H, 4th Regt. Va. Cav. Captured at Warrenton, and paroled, 1863. FISHER, James Alexander: farmer; age 30; enl. 22/4/61 at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Prom. to Sgt.; transferred to Co. G. Wded. (thigh) slightly at Drewry's Bluff, 16/5/64; returned 1/65. Blog. sketch states he was at Appomatox, but parole lists do not include him. Mbr. John S. Marmaduke Camp, No. 554, Marshall, Mo. Died 17/11/1916, at Marshall. Bur. Ridge Park Cem. {Also listed under Co. G} FISHER, John E.: farmer; age 26; enl. 22/4/61 at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. 31/5/62, at Seven Pines; sent to Gen. Hosp. No. 18, Richmond, and Madison C. H. Reported AWOL, 2/64. FLETCHER, Albert: b. 27/2/41; clerk; enl. 22/4/61 at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Det. as teamster, 1861-1862. Det. to brigade QM, 1862-64. Actg. Quartermaster Sgt., 1864. Postwar res. Warrenton. Dir., Fauquier Natl. Bank, 1902. Died at Warrenton, 11/10/1917. Bur. Warrenton Cem. FLETCHER, Edwin: enl. 16/7/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. 30/8/62, at Manassas. Present, 1863-64. Res. Fairfax Co., 1902. FLETCHER, Harrison: laborer; age 20; enl. 2/5/61 at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. On list of prisoners taken, and paroled at Warrenton, 29/9/62. Absent, sick, 10/62. AWOL, 8-12/63. Paroled 4/5/63, at Winchester. FLETCHER, Robert H.: mbr. Warrenton Rifles, 1859; shoemaker; age 32; enl. 22/4/61 at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Det. as shoemaker, Quartermaster Dept., Columbus, Ga., 1862-1864. Bur. Warrenton Cem. FLORENCE, Benjamin M.: carpenter; age 23; enl. 22/4/61 at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Captured at Fairfax C. H., 1/6/61; escaped. Prom. to Col., 17/9/61, and to Sgt., 14/12/61. Reduced to ranks, 27/4/62. Wded. at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62. Captured and paroled at Fairfax C. H., 29/4/65. FOGUS, Andrew L.: farmer; age 30; Eastern Dist. Amherst Co. 1850 census. Enl. 14/10/64, at Amherst C. H.; Pvt., Co. K. Absent on furlough 12/64. No further record. FOSTER, William G.: b. Prince William Co.; enl. 24/7/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. K. Apptd. Cpl., 14/12/61. Wded. at Seven Pines, 31/5/62; hospitalized. Prom. Sgt., 31/8/62. Det. to division provost guard, 1863-64. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. Admitted to R. E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, 30/10/1911. Died 21/3/1915. FRANCIS, Aaron Brice: b. New Baltimore, Fauquier Co., 14/5/42, son of Robert H. and Susannah E. Francis; remove to farm 3 1/2 miles north of Warrenton; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass.; exchd. Detailed to division provost guard. Apptd. Color Corporal, 1863. Prom. to Color Sergeant, 1864. Wded. 31/3/65, at Dinwiddie C. H. Made his way to the Southside Railroad the next day, and went by rail to Lynchburg, where he was hospitalized. Paroled at Lynchburg, 15/4/65. Removed to a farm in eastern Loudoun Co., in 1881, near Willard in Fairfax Co. Preached for nearly 31 yrs., serving as a pastor and evangelist in Va., Md., Del., N. J., and Pa. Mbr. Clinton-Hatcher Camp C. V., Loudoun Co. FRANKLIN, Walter E.: b. Warrenton, 10/4/39; res. Wash., D. C.; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Dischd. 19/5/62; ill health, and under conscription law, "being a non-resident of the Southern Confederacy." Enl. 10/7/63, in Fauquier Co., Pvt., Ca. A, 43rd Bn. Va. Cav. (Partisan Rangers). Prom. 24/10/63, to Capt. and Assistant Quartermaster; resgnd., 18/9/64. Paroled 22/4/65, at Winchester. Mbr. Turner Ashby Camp, C. V., Winchester. Postmaster, Stephens City. Died 9/2/97. Bur. Greenhill Cem., Stephens City. GOLWAY, William H.: merchant; age 35; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Absent sick for most of his enlistment. Dischd., 10/2/63, as over age. GRAHAM, David E.: b. Baltimore; vet. Fla. wars; came to Warrenton, 1856; tailor; age 45; Enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; 1st Sgt., Co. K. Reduced to ranks, 1/10/61. Det. as nurse, actg. hospital steward, at Manassas, Danville, Warrenton, 1861-6/62. No record of further military service. Removed to Danville c. 1886. Died in Norfolk, 23/3/97, age 80. For an incident of his service in Fla., see Klitch, Joseph Arthur Jeffries. GROVES, Robert H.: b. Rappahannock Co.; carpenter; age 25; enl. 2/5/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Apptd. Cpl., 27/4/62. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Sent to Fort Monroe for exchange, 13/7/62. Died of consumption, 6/4/63, in Rappahannock Co. HALL, James D.: enl. 14/10/64, in Amherst Co.; Pvt., Co. K. Paroled 9/4/65, at Appomatox C. H. HAMME, Luther: b. Berkeley Co.; opened drug store, Warrenton, 1854; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Cpl., Co. K. reduced to Pvt., 1861. Det. as Hospital Steward, Warrenton, 1861-62. Dischd., 28/7/62, by conscription act. Postwar occ. druggist, Warrenton. HANSBROUGH, James W.: res. Culpeper Co.; Pvt., Co. K. Name appears on list of beneficiaries, Assn. for the Relief of Maimed Soldiers, Richmond, 1861: amputated limb. HANSBROUGH, John G.: laborer; age 23; enl. 5/5/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Absent sick, Richmond, 4/62. Bur. Warrenton Cem., Warrenton. HANSBROUGH, Peter C.: laborer; age 18; 2/5/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Chimborazo No. 4, Richmond, contusion of foot, 11/63-2/64. Received as a "Rebel Deserter", 25/2/65, Provost Marshal Gen., Army of Potomac. Sent to Wash., D. C. Took oath, and went to Alexandria. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V., Alexandria, 5/6/93. HARRIS, Albert: carpenter; age 21; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Transferred, 11/11/63, to Co. E, 15th Regt. Va. Cav. HARRIS, John Albert: enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Prom. to Cpl., 31/8/62. Reduced to Pvt., 1863. Wded. (leg), 25/8/64; returned to duty, 23/2/65. In hosp., Richmond, debility, 30/3/65. Paroled at Fairfax C. H., 4/5/65, age 25. HART, Thomas Goodwin: res. Waterloo, Va.; ed. V. M. I. (Class of 1861). Enl. 7/3/62, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. 30/8/62, at Manassas. Apptd. Regtl. Sgt. Major, 6/12/62. Died 14/6/64, at Chimborazo Hosp. No. 1, Richmond, from wound (mouth) received at Drewry's Bluff, 16/5/64. Bur. Oakwood Cem., Richmond. HOFFAMN, Otterbine F.: came to Fauquier Co., from the Shenandoah Valley; farmer; age 35; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. 15/4/63, near Suffolk. Dischd. 22/4/64. Rated as a thorough gentleman and Christian, who despised rowdyism and vulgarity. Consequently, he was often the butt of camp jokes. He was delicate in health and rarely complained. J. A. Jeffries regarded him as one of the squarest all around soldiers he had ever known. HOPE, James W.: b. Fauquier Co.; clerk; age 19; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Died 14/9/61, of typhoid fever, near Warrenton. HUGHES, George N.: saddler; age 28; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Det. to Quartermaster Dept., 1862-64. Paroled at Ashland, 27/4/65. None found. JEFFRIES, Frederick: b. Fauquier Co.; carpenter; age 28; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Det. as carpenter, Quartermaster Dept., 1861-63. Present, 12/64. Paroled, 28/4/65, at Winchester. Described: 5 ft. 11 in., fair complexion, dark hair, blue eyes. Settled in Wash., D. C., 1866. Bur. Warrenton Cem., Warrenton. Brother of Joseph A. Jeffries. JEFFRIES, Joseph Arthur: b. Bellair, near Warrenton, 30/12/40; ed. Rock Hill sch., Warrenton Acad.; appren. to apothecary. Enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Det. as Hospital Steward and Apothecary, at Manassas, Danville and Lynchburg hospitals, 1861-65. Postwar occ. druggist, writer, historian, raconteur. Published The Town and Country Almanac, 1906-1919, and articles for magazines and newspapers. Died 19/9/1919. See Klitch, Joseph Arthur Jeffries' Fauquier County 1840-1919 (1989) JENKINS, George F.: carpenter; age 22; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. and captured 31/5/62, at Seven Pines. Det. to Quartermaster Dept., 18645. JONES, Elcon: clerk; age 18; Warrenton P. O., res. SW Rev. Dist., Fauquier Co. 1860 census. Enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Det. to Capt. E. P. Alexander's Signal Corps as a telegraph operator. Det. with Signal Corps in Miss.; cited for gallantry at Island No. 10; recommended by Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard for commission as 2nd Lt. Apptd. 295/62, as signal officer to Beauregard with rank of captain of infantry. Served as Chief Signal Off., to Lt. Gen. E. Kirby Smith, Trans-Miss Dept., 1862-64. Paroled at Shreveport, La., 7/6/65. Survived the war but a few years. KANE, Thomas F.: tailor; age 29; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Absent sick for much of 1862-63. Died at Richmond, 2/6/64, severely wounded (abdomen). KEMPER, George Newton: b. Warrenton, 14/12/30; carpenter; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Captured 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released 31/7/62 for exchange. Present, 10/64. Died at Warrenton, 22/12/1918. Bur. Warrenton Cem. KEMPER, Hugh T.: b. 15/12/32; clerk; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Cpl., Co. K. Reduced to ranks, 6/3/62. Reported as AWOL since 1/4/62. Died 28/8/73. Bur. Warrenton Cem. KIRBY, James D.: carpenter; age 21; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Elected 3rd Lt., 17/9/61, 1st Lt., 1/3/62, and Capt., 26/4/62. Captured 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released for exchange, 31/7/62. Wded., Dinwiddie C. H., 31/3/65. Died near Warrenton, 2/8/93. KLOEBER, Charles E.: silversmith; age 25; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Absent sick, 4/62. AWOL, 8/62. LANCASTER, David: enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Cook, Co. K. Sick 7/61. LEAR, Alpheus: clerk; age 29; enl. 23/5/61, at Bristoe; Pvt., Co. K. Det. to Commissary Dept., 1861-62. Transferred, enl. 25/2/63, in Caroline Co.; Pvt., 49th Regt. Va. Inf. Det. to division Commissary Dept. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. LEAR, William; clerk; age 25; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Cpl., Co. K. Reduced to ranks, 17/9/61. Det. as nurse, hosp., Warrenton, 11/61. In hosp., Charlottesville, typhoid fever, 26/2/62; furloughed. AWOL, 12/62. LEITZ, George S.: b. Germany; baker; age 23; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. 5/5/62, at Williamsburg. Det. as hospital baker, Danville, 5/62. Returned to company, 8/63. Deserted 25/8/64; went to Baltimore. LINDSAY, Stephen Clark: b. Orange Co., N. C. 1827; grad. Hampden-Sydney College; teacher; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Elected 2nd Lt., 4/6/61, Resgnd., 1/9/61. Died in 1902. LOVE, Robert: enl. 19/6/61, at Fairfax C. H.; Pvt., Co. K. Killed at Seven Pines, 31/5/62. McCLANAHAN, George W.: b. Fauquier Co.; laborer; age 18; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded., and captured 5/5/62, at Williamsburg. Died 10/5/62, Hosp., No. 1, Williamsburg. McCONCHIE, Benjamin Franklin: b. 2/12/27; shoemaker; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Prom. to Sgt., 27/4/62. Dischd. 22/7/62, under conscription act, age 35. Died 9/2/1909. McGEE, John W.: b. Maryland, 1821; 2nd Lt., Warrenton Rifles, 1859; dentist; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; 2nd Lt., Co. K. Elected 1st Lt., 3/6/61. Elected Capt., 1/3/62. Dropped 26/4/62, at reorganization. Went to Dallas Co., Texas, 1871. Admitted 2/4/98, to Soldiers' Home, Austin. Died 22/2/1900. Bur. State Cem., Austin, Sec. D, Row Q, Plot 21. McILHANEY, Hugh Milton: b. Hillsboro, Loudoun Co., 25/11/40; clerk; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Det. as Quartermaster Sgt., brigade and division, 1861-64. Prom. to Capt., and Asst. Chief Quartermaster, First Army Corps, 2/64; resgnd. Enl. 1st Sgt., Co. F, 43rd Bn. Va. Cav. (Mosby's). Captured 21/12/64; sent to Old Capitol Prison, and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released 15/6/65. Res. Staunton, 1873. Occ. merchant. Mbr. Stonewall Jackson Camp, C. V. Died 31/3/1920. Bur. Thornrose Cem., Staunton. McINTOSH, Charles Richard: b. Prince William Co., 8/12/38; carpenter; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. (left hand), 30/8/62, at Manassas. Dischd. 18/2/63, disability. Died 8/9/1922, at Warrenton. McLEARAN, Thomas Colman (Coly): b. 10/2/19; painter; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. AWOL, 3-4/62; probably dischd. "He was one of the older ones, and of bibulous habit," J. A. Jeffries. Died 12/11/86. Bur. Warrenton Cem. MARABLE, Champion: b. Lunenburg Co.; enl. 6/11/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. (left thigh), 25/8/64, furloughed from Chimborazo Hosp. No. 1. Admitted to Chimborazo Hosp. No. 4, 9/11/64. Rolls state he deserted 9/11/64. Admitted to R. E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, 3/8/96, age 70. Dischd. at own request, 1/9/96. MARR, John Quincy: b. Warrenton, 27/5/25; grad. V. M. I. (Class of 1846). Asst. Prof. Math., V. M. I., 1846-47. Practiced law at Warrenton. Sheriff, Fauquier Co., 1854. Elected Capt., Warrenton Rifles, 26/11/59. Delegate to 1861 State Convention. Enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Capt., Warrenton Rifles. Apptd. Lt. Col. of Va. Vols., 2/5/61. Killed while serving as Capt., Warrenton Rifles, 1/6/61, in a skirmish with enemy cavalry at Fairfax C. H. Bur. Warrenton Cem. Marr's uniform cap, jacket, overcoat and sword are in the collections of the Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond. MARSHALL, Robert Taylor: b. Va.; res. New Orleans: clerk; enl. 2/5/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Transferred 2/10/61, as Pvt., 1st Co. Battalion Washington Arty. (La.). Killed by explosion of gun at Battle of Rappahannock, 23/8/62. "While not in love with the hardships of camp life, yet he could be counted on to perform any duty assigned," J. A. Jeffries. Bur. St. James Church, near Warrenton Spgs. MAYS, Jefferson: enl. 14/10/64, in Amherst Co.; Pvt., Co. K. Unfit for field service, detailed for conscript duty in Amherst Co., 24/3/65. MINTER, William H.: enl. 17/7/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. K. Det. as teamster, Regtl. Quartermaster Dept., 11-12/61. Present 12/64. Paroled 29/4/65, at Winchester, age 25. MOONEY, Galenius T. C.: baker; age 23; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Det. to Regtl. Quartermaster, 6-8/62. Captured as a paroled soldier at Fairfax C. H., 15/5/65. MOONEY, Nicholas R.: laborer; age 25; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Det. as a nurse, hosp., Richmond, 8/12/62-1/9/63. Taken prisoner at Fairfax C. H., 8/5/65, paroled. MOORE, Joseph E.: clerk; age 19; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Det. as clerk, Longstreet's hdqrs., 1861-65. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. MURRAY, Daniel: age 19; enl. 3/5/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Transferred 15/7/61, to Capt. Edward Murray's Fauquier Guards, which became Co. C, 49th Regt. Va. Inf. Hosp. Steward, Pratt Hosp., Lynchburg, 1863-65. MURRAY, Thomas J., Jr.: ed. Georgetown College (Class of 1866); age 18; enl. 20/6/61, at Fairfax C. H.; Pvt., Co. K. Apptd. Cpl., 6/3/62, and Sgt., 3/8/62. Apptd. 2nd Lt., 27/1/64, in 1st Bn. Va. Inf. (Irish Bn.). Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. NELSON, Joseph H.: b. 1839; farmer; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. at Second Manassas, 8/62. One of Mosby's "First Four" joined 11/2/63, with Walter E. Franklin, Franklin Williams, and George H. Whitescarver. Apptd. 2nd Lt., Co. A, 43rd Bn. Va. Cav., 1863. Died 1904. Bur. Warrenton. NORRIS, William C.: res. Warrenton Co.; age 21; enl. 2/5/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Assd., Ordnance Dept., Warrenton, 8/61 through to 6/62. Joined company, 1/6/63, after a long AWOL. Captured 3/4/65, at Sutherland's Stn., Petersburg. Sent to Point Lookout. Released 9/5/65, after taking oath. None found. PADGETT, William T.: Pvt., Mount Vernon Guards, 1859; tailor; age 24; enl. 17/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. K. Killed at Williamsburg, 5/5/62. PARKINSON, John Wesley: b. Anne Arundel Co., Md., 14/9/17; shoemaker; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Dischd., 22/7/62, under conscription act. Died at Warrenton, 20/4/1903. Bur. Warrenton Cem. PATTIE, James S.: clerk; age 18; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. AWOL, 5-8/62. Enl. 1/9/62, at Salem, as Pvt., Co. H. 6th Regt. Va. Cav. Captured 27/1/64; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C. Took Oath of Amnesty, 12/3/64. Released on oath and sent to New York, 14/3/64. "Rebel deserter" on U. S. prison records. PAYNE, Henry; age 21; enl. 6/5/61, at Warrenton Spgs.; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. 31/5/62, at Seven Pines. Captured 1/4/65, at Five Forks; sent to Point Lookout; released 10/6/65, after taking the oath. Brother of Richard Payne, who died form Williamsburg wounds. PAYNE, Richard: b. Fauquier Co.; age 27; enl. 6/5/61, at Warrenton Spgs.; Pvt., Co. K. Died, 7/5/62, of wounds received at Williamsburg. "Generous to a fault, contributing much to the enjoyment of his comrades," J. A. Jeffries. Brother of Henry Payne. PAYNE, Richard S., Jr.: clerk; age 21; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Apptd. Sgt., 1/10/64. Captured 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; exchd. Prom. to 1st Sgt., 8/4/64. Prom. to 2nd Lt., 26/9/64. PEMBERTON, James O.: clerk; age 18; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. at Williamsburg, 5/5/62; furloughed 8/9/64, from Chimborazo Hosp. No. 1, Richmond, for 45 days. Absent wded., 12/64. Died 1/5/1902, at Culpeper, age 60. None found. REYNOLDS, Lewis H.: b. Columbia Co., N. Y.; merchant; age 38; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Dischd., 7/4/63, age 44. RISDON, William J.: carpenter; age 30; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Dischd., 28/6/61, disability. Bur. Warrenton Cem. SAUNDERS, Thomas B.: cabinetmaker; age 22; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. near Suffolk, 15/4/63. Captured at Warrenton, 8/9/63; sent to Point Lookout; exchd., 4/64. ret. to Invalid Corps., P. A. C. S., 22/8/64. SEDWICK, John F.: clerk; age19; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Apptd. Cpl., 27/4/62. Nurse at hospital, Hanover Junction, 7-12/63. Captured at Five Forks, 1/4/65; sent to Point Lookout; released 10/6/65, after taking the oath. SHACKLEFORD, Benjamin Howard: b. 10/11/19; moved from Culpeper Co. to Warrenton about 1840; lawyer; 1st Lt., Warrenton Rifles, 1859. Enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; 1st Lt., Co. K. Elected Capt., 3/6/61. Wded., slightly, 18/7/61. Resgnd. captaincy 20/2/62. Applied for appointment as Judge of Military Court, Cavalry Corps, Army of No. Va., 15/5/63. Maj. Gen. Fitz Lee recommended Shackleford of Va. House of Delegates, to be a member of the Military Court to be organized for the cavalry corps. Apptd. Colonel of Cavalry, 23/3/65. Renewed law practice after the war. Candidate for the General Assembly, and died 18/5/70, on the eve of the election. Bur. Warrenton Cem. SINCLAIR, Albert Gilbert: b. Fauquier Co.; clerk; age 25; enl. 2/5/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. 18/7/61, at Blackburn's Ford. Det. as hosp., steward, and nurse, 1861-62. Dischd., 7/8/62, disability. Died 1/8/1916, age 81. Bur. Arlington Natl. Cem. SINGLETON, James A.: age 20; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. and captured, 5/5/62, at Williamsburg; sent to Gen. Hosp., Fort Monroe; exchd., 5/8/62, at Aiken's Ldg. AWOL on rolls, 8-12/63. Last record. SLAUGHTER, Lewis M.: b. Maryland; age 21; enl. 22/4/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. K. Elected 2nd Lt., 26/4/62. Captured 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Transferred 31/7/62, for exchange. Wded. 17/9/62, at Sharpsburg. Took the Oath of Allegiance, 5/8/65. SMITH, Albert Gallatin: b. Fauquier Co., 4/1/34; ed., Univ. of Va.; moved to Kansas, espoused slavery; removed to Alexandria, ed. Virginia Sentinel; lawyer; Enl. 10/6/61, at Fairfax C. H.; Pvt., Co. K. Dischd., 3/10/61, for promotion to 1st Lt., and Adjutant, 38th Regt. Va. Inf. Wded., slightly, at Malvern Hill, 1/7/62. Tendered resignation, 20/2/65. Paroled at Winchester, 23/4/65. Founded Bethel Academy near Warrenton. Died 4/5/92. Bur. Alton Cem., Warrenton. SMITH, Edwin: b. Fauquier Co.; merchant; age 34; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Apptd. Commissary, 49th Regt. Va. Inf., 17/9/61. Promoted and re-assigned, 1863, to Capt. and Asst. Commissary of Subsistence, Caroline Co. post. Captured at Warrenton, 3/11/64, while on a visit with friends. Sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C., and to Fort Delaware. Released 17/6/65, on taking the Oath of Allegiance. Died 1869. Bur. Warrenton Cem. SMITH, G. W.: Pvt., Co. K. Appears on regtl. return, 5/62, as being absent, sick. SMITH, John J.: b. Fauquier Co.; carpenter; age 25; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Died, 26/1/62, typhoid fever. Bur. Warrenton Cem. SMITH, Norman E.: b. 24/5/45; clerk; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Transferred 16/12/61, as Pvt., Co. H, 4th Regt. Va. Cav. Courier for Gen. Ewell, 7-8/63. Killed while serving with Mosby's 43rd Bn. Va. Cav,, 10/9/63. SPILMAN, William M.: age 17; enl. 24/5/61, at Bristoe; Pvt., Co. K. Wded., severely (wind pipe and jaw bone), 5/5/62, at Williamsburg; disqualified for infantry service. Enl. 1/5/63, as Pvt., Co. H, 4th Regt. Va. Cav. Captured at Warrenton, 13/1/65; sent to Elmira, N. Y.; exchd., 10/3/65. Paroled at Winchester, 22/4/65. Died 3/12/98. Bur. Warrenton Cem. STANFIELD, Henry Abner R.: Enl. 24/7/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. K. Apptd. Sgt., 6/3/62. Reduced to the ranks, 31/8/62. Died 17/5/64, at 2:00 a.m. of wound received at Drewry's Bluff. STOUT, James H.: enl. 16/7/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. K. Det. on baggage guard, 7-10/62, 4/63, 2/64. Wded. (rt. leg), admitted to Gen. Hosp., Farmville, 11/3/65. SUDDUTH, Robert A.: printer; age 17; enl. 3/5/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Deserted 10/8/61. SYMINGTON, William H.: enl. 1/8/62, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. K. Det. as division Ordnance Sgt., 1863. Transferred to Capt. Joseph G. Blount's Battery, Co. D., 38th Bn. Va. Light Arty. TAPP, Henry J.: res. Warrenton, 1858; house painter; age 25; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Det. as baggage guard, Manassas, 12/62-3/62. AWOL, 12/5/62. Last record. THOMAS, John P.: enl. 26/6/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. K. Wded. 5/5/62, at Williamsburg. Paroled at Winchester, 22/4/65, age 31. TOMPKINS, James H. Fitz: enl. at Rock Hill Acad., near Casanova, Warren Co.; Warrenton Rifles, 11/59; clerk; age 22; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Sgt., Co. K. Elected 2nd Lt., 4/62; resgnd. because of poor health, 10/10/62. Removed to Indianapolis, Ind., soon after the war. None found. None found. WALDEN, Richard E.: painter; age19; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Captured 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released for exchange, 31/7/62. Captured in Md., 9/62; paroled. Postwar roster: wded. 31/3/65, at Dinwiddie C. H. Captured and paroled, 5/5/65, at Fairfax C. H. Admitted to R. E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, 14/1/095, age 55. AWOL, dropped 12/12/97. Bur. Warrenton Cem. WALL, William: b. Culpeper Co.; clerk; age 35; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Actg. Hospital Steward, 11/61. Dischd., 22/7/62, under conscription law. WASHINGTON, Mason: enl. 30/7/61, at Centreville; Pvt., Co. K. Captured, 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released for exchange, 31/7/62. Apptd. Cpl., 31/8/62; reduced to Pvt., at own request, 22/1/63. Present through to 12/64. Paroled at Winchester, 3/5/65, age 21. WEAVER, Mason A.: clerk; age 21; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Apptd. Cpl., 17/9/61. Pvt., 6/62, when reported as AWOL since 20/5/62. Last War record. WEAVER, Richard Arell: b. Fauquier Co.; farmer; age 39; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Died of typhoid fever in Richmond, 15/5/62. "He was quite an athlete, fond of sports and a figure in social gatherings," J. A. Jeffries. His uniform of the Warrenton Rifles is in the collections of the Museum of the Confederacy. WHEELER, John Vernon: b. Louisa Co., 3/8/23; conscripted; enl. 14/10/64, at Amherst C. H.; Pvt., Co. K. Captured, 1/4/65, at Five Forks; sent to Point Lookout; released 30/6/65, on oath; document states res. Amherst Co. Postwar occ. merchant, Nelson Co. Died 31/8/1908, at Arrington. WHITE, Benjamin F.: clerk; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Color Cpl., 7/61. On duty with brigade Commissary Dept., 1861-62. WHITESCARVER, George H., Jr.: b. Fauquier Co.; age 22; enl. 6/6/61, at Fairfax C. H.; Pvt., Co. K. Transferred 24/5/62, to Capt. W. H. Howard's Co., Scott's Partisan Rangers (Co. B, 24th Bn. Va. Partisan Rangers). Dischd., 3/2/63, on disbandment of command. He was one of the "first four" to join Mosby in 1863, and became 2nd Lt., Co. A, 43rd Bn. Va. Cav. Partisan Rangers. Killed 18/6/63. WITHERS, Andrew F.: doctor; age 24; enl. 2/5/61, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. K. Paroled at Winchester, 29/4/65. Moved from Warrenton to Texas about 1869, and died soon afterwards. WITHERS, Horace C.: stud. Georgetown College (Class of 1859),; doctor; age 20; enl. 22/4/61, at Warrenton; 3rd Lt., Co. K. Prom. to 2nd Lt., 3/6/61. Resgnd., 8/10/61. 1st Lt., Capt. R. J. Hughes' Co. (Texas) Light Arty., 11/63. On detached service with Engineer Dept., 1864-65. None found. None found. None found. |
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