17th Virginia Infantry Regiment
The Old Dominion Rifles |
Officers of the 17th Virginia Infantry Field and Staff of the 17th Virginia (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Company officers (A) Alexandrian Riflemen (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Company officers (B) Warren Rifles (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Company officers (C) Loudon Guard (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Company officers (D) Fairfax Riflemen (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Company officers (E) Mount Vernon Guards (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Company officers (F) Prince William Rifles (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Company officers (G) Emmett Guards (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Company officers (H) Old Dominion Rifles (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Company officers (I) O'Connell Guards (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Company officers (K) Warrenton Rifles (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.)
Field and Staff of the 17th Virginia (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Montgomery Dent Corse; Colonel Morton Marye; Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel Arthur Herbert; Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel William Mumford; Lieutenant Colonel, Grayson Tyler; Acting Major, Lieutenant Colonel George William Brent; Major Robert Henry Simpson; Major Andrew Jackson Humphreys; Adjutant John Carlyle Herbert Bryant; Adjutant William Wythe Zimmerman; Adjutant Magnus Muse Lewis; Surgeon Harold Snowden; Assistant Surgeon, John William Leftwich; Assistant Surgeon, Upton H. Dulany; Assistant Surgeon Lewis Archer Boswell; Assistant Surgeon John Lipscomb Johnson; Chaplain George Hatley Norton; Chaplain Robert M. Baker; Chaplain William B. Richards, Jr.; Acting Quartermaster Robert Henry Turner; Assistant Quartermaster Charles W. Green; Acting Quartermaster, Assistant Quartermaster Victor Moreau Brown, Acting Quartermaster, Commissary William W. Athney; Sergeant Major Thomas Goodwin Hart; Sergeant Major Addison E. Saunders; Acting Sergeant Major David A. Marks; Sergeant Major George C. Adie; Quartermaster Sergeant Charles James Wise; Quartermaster Sergeant William Ott Rust; Acting Quartermaster Sergeant Andrew J. Bradfield; Commissary Sergeant Thoedore Lambert Chase; Commissary Sergeant Fenton Mercer Henderson; Ordnance Sergeant George Wise; Ordnance Sergeant John B. Withers; Ordnance Sergeant Edgar C. King; Ordnance Sergeant Ira Deavers; Color Bearer Aaron Brice Francis; Color Corporal, Color Sergeant Robert R. Steele; Color Sergeant, Ensign Mahlon Gregg Hatcher; Color Sergeant John Calhoun Harrison; Color Corporal Daniel R. Young; Color Corporal William Todd Morrill; Color Corporal Charles W. Diggs; Color Corporal Washington M. Harper; Color Corporal John Murphy; Color Corporal Robert Edward Buchanan; Color Corporal Joseph L. Gregg; Color Corporal John Nightingill; Regimental Drummer William Henry Harrison Smith; Regimental Drummer William C. Milburn; Hospital Steward Company officers (A) Alexandrian Riflemen (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Captains - Morton Marye, Andrew Jackson Humphreys, William W. Smith, Philip Beverley Hooe Lieutenants - Thomas Perry, John Addison, Charles W. Green. Company officers (B) Warren Rifles (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Captains - Robert Henry Simpson, Francis Westley Lethew Lieutenants - Newton W. Snyder, Thomas William Petty, Victor Moreau Brown, Smith Spangler Turner, William Miller Richardson, Richard Bayly Buck, Walter Scott Roy Company officers (C) Loudon Guard (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Captains - Charles Binus Tebbs, George R. Head, William B. Lynch Lieutenants - Charles B. Wildman, Jesse J. Stansbury, William W. Athey, George T. Lambden, Francis B. Littleton Company officers (D) Fairfax Riflemen (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Captains - William H. Dulany, John T. Burke, William A. Barnes Lieutenants - Francis G. Fox, Alexander C. Williams, Francis Asbury Ashford, George W. Gaines Company officers (E) Mount Vernon Guards (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Captains - Samuel H. Devaughn, James Montgomery Steuart Lieutenants - William H. Smith, William W. Allen, Charles Javins, Albert Magruder Tubman, William Morton Simpson Company officers (F) Prince William Rifles (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Captains - George Stanton Hamilton, Grayson Tyler, James Edward Herrel Lieutenants - Winston Lafayette Carter, John Richard Jordan, Joel N. Hulfish, William S. Harrison Company officers (G) Emmett Guards (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Captains - James Edward Towson, Jr., Robert Fitzgerald Knox Lieutenants - William H. H. Kemper, Francis John Power, John Fayette Addison, William E. Gray, Samuel Brown Paul Company officers (H) Old Dominion Rifles (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Captains - Montgomery Dent Corse, Arthur Herbert, William Holmes Fowle, Jr. Lieutenants - Douglas French Forrest, William W. Zimmerman, Thomas V. Fitzhugh, Arthur Carrington Kell, William Fowler Gardner Company officers (I) O'Connell Guards (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Captains - Stephen Wilson Presstman, Raymond Fairfax Lieutenants - Horatio Sidney Wallace, James E. Green, Thomas O'Shea, George C Adie, Robert Castleman Paul Company officers (K) Warrenton Rifles (Source:- 17th Virginia Infantry By Lee A. Wallace, Jr.) Captains - John Quincy Marr, Benjamin Howard Shackleford, John W. McGee, James D. Kirby Lieutenants - Alexander Marr Brodie, Lewis M. Slaughter, James H. F. Tompkins, Stephen Clark Lindsay, John Roberts Turner |
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Last updated - 28th November, 2003 |