17th Virginia Infantry Regiment
The Old Dominion Rifles |
Roster of Company B personnel - Warren Rifles (From "17th Virginia Infantry" by Lee A. Wallace Jr.) Abbreviations used include:
Please note: All dates are in the British system. (Day/Month/Year) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ASHBY, Benjamin A.: laborer; age 18; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal, mustered in 26/5/61 at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Wded. at Williamsburg, 5/5/62. AWOL, 7-8/63. Confined at division guard house, 2/64. Hospitalized in Richmond, 5-6/64. Absent sick, 12/64. BAKER, William: Pvt., Co. B. Appears on a list of prisoners received at Atheneum Prison, Wheeling, 3/6/62; age 17, farmer. Arrested at Winchester on charges of being a guerilla. Sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Transferred 28/3/63, to City Point, Va., for exchange. BALTHIS, William H.: tinner; age 18; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Re-enlisted 3/3/62. Deserted 10/6/62. BEATY, William: conscripted; enl. 1/2/63, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. AWOL, 2/63. No further record. BENNETT, William: Pvt., Co. B. deserted near orange C. H., 15/9/63. Reported at Harrisonburg, Pa., 7/10/63; sent to Philadelphia. BONHAM, M.: Pvt., Co. B. Appears on list of prisoners paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. BOONE, John William: b. Augusta Co., 1840; silversmith; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Cpl., Co. B. Shown as a Pvt. on roll, 1-2/62. Admitted to Gen. Hosp. No. 21, Richmond 6/5/62; transferred to Huguenot Spgs. Transferred to cavalry, 10/11/62. Enl., 1/12/62, at Bunker Hill; Pvt., Co. E, 7th Va. Cav. Badly burned 26/12/62, and sent home. Captured at Front Royal, 6/11/63; sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, and to Fort Delaware. Released 12/6/65, after taking oath. BOWEN, Andrew J.: farmer; age 27; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Orderly Sgt., Co. B. Elected 2nd Lt., Co. E. (Mountain Rangers), 7th Regt. Va. Cav. Not re-elected in 4/65. BOWEN, Thomas A.: wheelwright; age 25; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Absent sick at Farmville, Orange C. H., and Lynchburg, 4-89/62. Dischd., 1862. Died 20/2/1909. BOWEN, Walter: b. "Belle Coil", Fauquier Co., 14/7/21; farmer; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Elected Capt., Co. E (Mountain Rangers), 7th Regt. Va. Cav., 18/6/61. Not re-elected 1/5/62. Bur. Walnut Hill, Warren Co. BROWN, Charles A.: res. Warren Co.; transferred from Co. E, 7th Regt. Va. Cav., 10/5/63, to 17th Regt. Va. Inf., Pvt., Co. B. Absent, Commissary Sgt., Corse's brigade, 1863-1864. Present, 10/64. Captured at Five Forks, 1/4/65; sent to Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor. Released 20/6/65, after taking oath. Died 16/2/1908. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. BROWN, David: laborer; enl. 26/5/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Present 8/62. AWOL, 12/62. BROWN, James E.: laborer; age 19; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Prom. to Cpl., 3/63. Reduced to ranks, 1/8/63. Present, 12/64. Reported by Bureau of Conscription, 7/3/65, to be in Warren Co., near Buckton Stn. Paroled at Winchester, 17/4/65. BROWN, James H.: student; age 20; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Cpl., Co. B. Resgnd. 6/61, as Cpl. Apptd. Regt. Commissary Sgt., 1/8/61, and Brigade Commissary Sgt., 12/62. Transferred to Co. E, 7th Regt. Va. Cav., 5/63. Prom. to Sgt. Admitted to Jackson Hosp., Richmond, 30/5/64. No further record. BROWN, John C.: laborer; age 21; enl. 1/5/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co B. On duty as teamster, 1861-62. Admitted to Chimborazo hosp., Richmond, with typhoid fever, 9/3/62; released, 29/4/62. Dischd. 13/5/62, in Henrico Co. Died, 7/9/1926. Bur. Rockland Community Cem., near Front Royal. BROWN, John N.: b. Warren Co.; enl. 3/3/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Died of pneumonia, Gen. Hosp. No. 1, Richmond, 25/6/63. BROWN, Joseph: conscripted; enl. 1/9/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Absent wded., 10/62. Present, 12/62. Captured at Martinsburg, 3/11/63; sent to Fort Miflin, Pa. Took Oath of Allegiance, 10/11/63. Released 1/1/64, for purpose of working for U. S. government. On U. S. records as a "Rebel deserter". BROWN, Joseph A.: enl. 1/7/62, at Charlottesville; Pvt., Co. C, 12th Regt. Va. Cav. Exchd. from cavalry for Sgt. DeKalb Piper, 15/7/63; assd. as Pvt., Co. B., 17th Regt. Va. Inf. Killed at Drewry's Bluff, 16/5/64. BROWN, Victor Moreau: b. 18/12/34; lawyer; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; 2nd Lt., Co. B. Det. 29/6/61, as Regt. Commissary. Prom. to Brigade Commissary, 3/12/62. Prom. to Major, 11/4/63. Paroled as Quartermaster, Corse's Brigade, Appomattox C.H., 9/4/65. Died 21/8/68. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. BROWN, Washington: conscripted; enl. 1/9/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Absent, paroled prisoner, 10/62. Present, 12/62. Reported in 8/63, as AWOL since 22/7/62. BROY, Elias: b. Warren Co.; enl. 9/3/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Killed at seven Pines, 31/5/62. BRORY, William A. J.: b. Shenandoah Co., 26/5/30; farmer; enl. 10/3/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. In hosp., Orange C. H., 3-4/62. Admitted to Chimborazo hosp., Richmond, with dysentery, 30/5/62; transferred to Lynchburg. Dischd., 23/7/62. Died 1/7/1912. BUCK, Alvin Duval: b. Warren Co., 19/12/38, son of William Mason Buck; clerk; enl. 19/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Absent, clerk to Asst. Adjt. Gen., Thos. Jordan, Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard's hdqr's., 1861-1865. Paroled 1/5/65 at Greensboro, N. C. Died 16/7/1922. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. BUCK, Charles Newton: b. Warren Co., 30/12/42, son of Dr. Isaac Newton Buck; student; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Absent, sick, in Warren Co., 2-4/62. Absent, wded., 4/8/62, accidentally, 10/62. Arrested, 22/2/64, in Warren Co.; sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Transferred to City Point, Va., for exchange, 25/2/65. Admitted to Chimborazo hosp., Richmond, 10/3/65; rt. foot amputated. Furloughed 2/4/65, for 30 days. Died 27/6/1925. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. His knapsack with "W. R." on the cover, is in the Warren Rifles Confederate Museum, Front Royal. BUCK, Irving Ashby: b. Warren Co., 24/11/40, son of William Mason Buck; enl.25/7/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Clerk to Lt. Col. Thos. Jordan, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard's hdqr's., 1861-1862. Blog. sketch has Buck as a hdqrs. messenger for Beauregard at battles of Manassas and Shiloh. Commd. Capt., Asst. Adjt. Gen., Maj. Gen. Pat R. Cleburne's staff, 1862-1863. Wded. severely near Jonesboro, 2/9/64. Returned to Front Royal after the war. In business at Baltimore until early 1900's when he returned to Front Royal. Died, 8/9/1912. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. Buck's Cleburne and His Command was published by Neale Pub. Co., 1908. BUCK, Richard Bayly: b. Warren Co., 28/1/44, son of Marcus Blakemore and Jane Letitia (Bayly) Buck; student; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Sgt., Co. B. Prom. to Orderly Sgt. Prom to 2nd Lt., 1862. Det. enrolling conscripts, 1862. Wded., Dinwiddie C. H., 31/3/65. Prisoner of war in U. S. hosp., Farmville, 4-6/65. Died 14/2/88. His correspondence 1861-1865, is in the Alderman Library, Univ. of Va. CAIN, John F.: conscripted; enl. 1/2/63, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. AWOL, 12/7/62-5/12/64, in arrest at Petersburg. Present, 8-12/64. Paroled at Winchester, 8/5/65. CAMPBELL, Thomas R.: constable; age 27; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Absent, on sick leave at Front Royal, 12/61. Regtl. returns shows captured and paroled at Williamsburg, 5/5/62. Muster rolls states "suffered himself to be captured by the yankees". CARDER, Stephen H.: b. Page Co., son of Elizabeth Carder; tinner; age 19; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Prom. to Cpl. Mortally wded. at Seven Pines. Died 5/6/62. CHAPMAN, Samuel Forrer: b. near Luray, 27/8/38; minister; enl. 24/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Transferred to Dixie Arty. (Page Arty.), 13/10/61. Joined in 1863, Mosby's 43rd Bn. Va. Partisan Rangers; Apptd. Adjutant. Apptd. Captain, Co. E, 28/7/64. Served until disbandment, 21/4/65. Mbr. Stonewall Jackson Camp, C. V., Staunton, 6/2/1906. Moved to Covington, Va., where he died 21/5/1919. Bur. Cedar Hill Cem., Covington. CHRISMAN, John William: b. Frederick Co., Va.; enl. 22/2/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Died 6/5/62, from wounds received at Williamsburg. CHUNING, Walter A.: b. Orange Co.; laborer; age 21; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Died of disease, 19/10/62, in hosp., Richmond. CLINE, William R.: b. 1844; laborer; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Shown on rolls as Sgt., 2/63. Transferred to Co. B, 7th Regt. Va. Cav., by S. O. No. 222, A. & I. G. O., Richmond, 5/9/63. No further service record. Res. Fulton, Mo., 1900. COOK, Giles, Jr.: b. Warren Co., 28/3/45; mbr. Home Guard, Front Royal, 1861; enl. 3/10/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Wded. at Sharpsburg, 17/9/62. Wded. at Suffolk, 15/4/63; hospitalized at Petersburg. Absent wded. through 10/63. Transferred as Pvt., Co. E, 7th Regt. Va. Cav., 18/3/64. Det. service at brigade hdqrs., 8/64. Paroled at Winchester 16/5/65. Mbr. Warren Adjunct Memorial Assn., 1882. Pres. Front Royal Natl. Bank. Ruling Elder, Presby. Church. Died in 1919. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. COOLEY, Samuel C.: farmer; age 18; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Wded. at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62. Exchd. 21/12/62, from infantry to cavalry. Enl. 1/1/63, at New Market; Pvt., Co. I, 12th Regt. Va. Cav. Served as Regtl. Color Sgt., 1864. Paroled at Winchester 22/4/65. COOPER, Edward: enl. 7/3/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released 31/7/62, for exchange. Wded. at Manassas, 30/8/62. Prom. to Cpl., 6/5/63; reduced to ranks, 1/8/63. Paroled at Winchester, 19/4/65, age 22. COPP, Leonard: b. Md.; shoemaker; age 29; enl. 3/5/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Absent sick at Chimborazo hosp., Richmond, 4/62. Died 2/5/62. Bur. Oakwood Cem., Richmond. CORNWELL, Lebbeus: laborer; age 22; enl. 24/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Absent sick, 7-8/61, 10-12/61. Present, 2/63 through to 12/64. Paroled at Winchester, 5/5/65. COSTELOW, George B.: laborer; age 20; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Teamster, 1862-63. Muster roll 8/63 shows him AWOL since 28/6/63. No further record. CUSAC, John D.: laborer; age 27; enl. 26/4/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Warren Rifles. Cpl. when rejected 26/5/61, by mustering officer. DARR, Marcus D.: b. Warren Co.; carpenter; age 21; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co B. Killed at South Mountain, Md., 14/9/62. DARR, Philip C.: b. Warren Co.; carpenter; age 19; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co B. Died in Gen. Hosp. No. 3, Richmond, 3/7/62, from wounds received at Frayser's Farm. DERFLINGER, Jonas J.: laborer; age 21; enl. 26/5/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co B. Wded. at Manassas, 30/8/62. Paroled at Winchester, 19/4/65. DIVINE, John A.: b. 1843; clerk; enl. 22/5/61, at Alexandria; Pvt. Co B. Prom. to Cpl., and to Sgt., 1862. On conscript duty, 2-3/63. Paroled 6/6/65, at Wash., D. C., where he died 5/10/69. Bur. Union Cem., Leesburg. DUKE, George W.: cooper; age 19; enl. 24/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co B. Absent sick, 6-8/63. Paroled at Winchester, 1/5/65. DYKE, Nathan: Pvt., Co B. Exchd. 8/63, from 7th Va. Cav. for Sgt. William R. Cline, formerly in Co. B, 7th Va. Cav. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. EARLE, Baalis: farmer; age 27; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Dischd., 25/9/61. ECKARDT, Charles Henry Polk: b. 11/12/43; laborer; enl. 5/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Absent on furlough, 2/62. Killed 31/3/65, at Dinwiddie C. H. ELBON, Joseph; enl. 22/2/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Det. as cook and nurse, hosp., Orange C. H., 1863-64. Nurse, hops., at Dunlop's farm, near Petersburg, 1864. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. EVERLY, Samuel F.: blacksmith; age 14; enl. 14/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Warren Rifles. Rejected 25/5/61, by mustering officer. FARMER, Edward: enl. 9/3/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Deserted 10/6/62. FARRA, Walton Acton: carpenter; age 24; enl. 18/4/61, at Harpers Ferry; Pvt., Co. B. AWOL, 24/8/61; returned as a deserter 28/12/61. Wded. severely, 6/64. Absent wded., 12/64. Paroled 18/4/65, at Winchester. FISHER, David F.: enl. as Pvt., Co. C. 6th Regt. Va. Cav. Captured at Front Royal, 30/5/62. Exchd., 5/8/62, at Aiken's Ldg. Exchd. from cavalry to infantry, 21/12/62; Pvt., Co. B, 17th Regt. Va. Inf. Deserted; in jail at Abingdon, 5/10/63. FOX, Anthony: conscripted; enl. 1/2/63, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Returned to the company from which he had deserted. FOX, Charles William: b. Warren Co., son of Thos. Fox; farmer; age 23; enl. 23/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Died, 29/10/61, in hosp., Front Royal. FOX, Lemuel F.: farmer; age 22; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Wded. at Seven Pines. absent, teamster with brigade, 8/63. Captured 3/4/65; sent to Point Lookout. Released 12/6/65, after taking oath. FRISTOE, Scott W.: printer; age 20; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Absent sick at Front Royal, 7-10/61. Present 1863-64. GARRETT, James W.: enl. 21/8/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Present to 12/64. Paroled at Winchester, 26/4/65, age 32. Died In Mo., 1913. GARRETT, Newton W.: b. 1836; farmer; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Sick in Warren Co., 1-8/62. Paroled at Winchester, 26/4/65. Died 1923. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. GARRISON, Thomas Nehemiah: farmer; enl. 26/4/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Prom. to Cpl., 8/61, and Sgt., 1862. Wded. 17/9/62, at Sharpsburg; absent wded. throughout 12/64. Paroled at Winchester, 6/5/65, age 36. GORDON, James W.: laborer; age 36; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Died in Shenandoah Co., 9/4/62. GROVE, Amos: b. 21/3/25; farmer; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Dischd. by conscription act, 18/7/62, over age. Died 15/12/91. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. GROVE, George W.: shoemaker; age 22; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Prom to Cpl., 5/6/61. Absent sick, 1862-1863. Baggage guard, 6-10/64. Absent as regtl. shoemaker, 12/64. Paroled at Winchester, 17/4/65. GRUBBS, Francis C.: laborer; age 20; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Prom. to Cpl., 8/63. Admitted 27/4/64, to Epis. Church Hosp., Williamsburg, phthesis pulmon. Died at S. C. Hosp., Petersburg, 12/6/64. Bur. Blandford Cem., Petersburg. HARRY, James P.: age 19; enl. 10/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Reported AWOL, after 16/4/63. HAWKINS, Matthew W.: enl. 15/11/63, at Ivor Stn.; Pvt., Co. B. Absent sick, fever, 6-12/64. Paroled at Winchester, 22/4/65, age 46. HEATH, James W.: laborer; age 18; enl. 24/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Dischd. 8/7/61, for disability, occasioned by accidental gunshot wound (head). HICKERSON, William H.: enl. 15/11/63, at Ivor Stn.; Pvt., Co. B. Killed 5/6/64, at Cold Harbor. HOPE, George H.: clerk; age 20; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Det. as clerk, in Adjt. Gen's. Office, Gen. Beauregard's hdqrs., 1861-65. Paroled 21/4/65, at Burkeville Junction. HOPPER, Hanson W.: Warren Co.; enl. 5/3/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Captured at Dinwiddie C. H., 31/3/65; sent to Point Lookout. Released 13/6/65, after taking oath. HOPPER, James: laborer; age 21; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Died in Warren Co., 14/10/62. None found. JOHNSON, John J.: student; age 18; enl. 29/4/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., C. B. Det. as clerk to Provost Marshal, 1861-62. Transferred, 13/11/63, to Co. E, 7th Regt. Va. Cav. Killed at Gettysburg, 1/7/63. JONES, William: conscripted; enl. 1/2/63, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. In regtl. guard house, 8/63. KELLER, George B.: enl. 15/11/63, at Ivor Stn.; Pvt., Co. B. Killed 14/5/64, at Flat Creek Bridge. KENDRICK, James W.: b. 26/5/28; enl. 16/7/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Apptd. Asst. to Quartermaster and Commissary depts., Gen. Hosp., Front Royal, 1861. Captured at Front Royal, 1862; paroled. Died 15/11/1907. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. KENNER, William B.: laborer; age 22; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Absent sick at Front Royal, 7-8/61. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. KERRICK, William T.: shoemaker; age 21; enl. 24/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Dischd., 31/7/61, disability. KIDWELL, John T.: laborer; age 21; enl. 24/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. AWOL, 1/8/63. LAKE, John Harvey: farmer; age 24; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Prom. to Cpl., 1/8/61. Dischd., 18/9/61. LEHEW, Charles Edwin: b. Lost River, Hardy Co. (now West Va.,) 6/7/34. Occ. "capitalist," when he enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Det. as brigade wagon master, Quartermaster Dept., 1862-64. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. Died 3/3/1901, Front Royal. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem. Brother of Francis Westley Lehew. LEHEW, Francis Westley: b. Lost River, Hardy Co. (now West Va.,) 25/2/37, ed. Front Royal; farmer; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Prom. to Sgt., 30/6/61, and to 1st Sgt., 5/8/61. Prom. to 1st Lt., 28/4/62. Wded. at Second Manassas, or in Md. 9/62. Prom. to Capt., 1862. Captured at Dinwiddie C. H. 31/3/65; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C. and to Johnson's Island, Ohio. Released 18/6/65, after taking oath. Died 3/12/1918, at Cedarville, Warren Co. LITTLETON, Edward S.: farmer; age 19; enl. 28/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Captured in Md., 9/62.; paroled. Captured at Suffolk, 15/4/63; sent to Fort Monroe; paroled and exchd. Captured at Five Forks, 1/4/65; sent to Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor. Released 20/6/65, after taking the oath. McDONALD, William H. H.: blacksmith; age 20; enl. 31/5/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Captured 31/3/65, at Dinwiddie C. H.; sent to Point Lookout. Released 29/6/65, after taking oath; doc. shows address Leon Co., Fla. McKAY, Thomas B.: enl. 13/7/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Det. as teamster and wagon master, 1861-62. Dischd., 1862, having furnished a substitute. MILLER, David: laborer; age 30; enl. 24/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Dischd., 20/9/61, permanently disabled by sore feet. MILLER, Hampton M.: b. Brock's Gap, 14/10/36; farmer; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Sgt., Warren Rifles. Rejected by mustering officer, 26/5/61. MILLER, Joseph W.: student; age 25; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Wded. 9/62. Det. on conscript duty, 2-8/63. Wded., Flat Creek Bridge, 13/5/64; absent through to 12/64. MILLS, Henry: conscripted; enl. 1/2/63, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. AWOL, 2/63. MITCHELL, Robert B.: farmer; age 18; enl. 10/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Det. with Capt. Presstman, (Co. I), making roads. Re-enlisted 3/4/62, as Pvt., Co. D, 6th Regt. Va. Cav. Wded. 11/10/63. Captured 7/6/63; exchd. 6/63. Signed clothing receipt roll 2/5/64, last record. MYERS, Gasper: stage driver; age 21; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Prom to Cpl., 1863; reduced to Pvt., 1/8/63. Paroled at Staunton, 11/5/65. NAIL, James I.: carpenter; age 25; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Deserted 11/3/62, on march from Centreville, and after receiving $50 re-enlistment bounty. Captured 3/6/63; sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. OLIVER, James H.: farmer; age 28; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Det. as teamster and wagon master, 1862-21/10/64. Bur. Howellsville Meth. Cem., Warren Co. OVERALL, J. H.: age 50; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Dischd., 15/6/61, because of age. PAINTER, John R.: farmer; age 24; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Dischd., 30/11/61, disability. Enl. 15/10/63, at Ivor Stn. in same company. Deserted to the enemy about 27/5/64. PAINTER, William H.: farmer; age 21; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Deserted at Williamsburg, 5/5/62. Took the Oath of Allegiance. PETERSON, Elijah: moulder; age 19; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Dischd., 30/11/61, disability. Mbr. Confederate Veterans Assn., D. C. Camp 171, U. C. V. Died about 1921. PETERSON, John W.: moulder; age 25; enl. 28/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Transferred from 17th Regt., Miss. Vols., into which he had been mustered 27/5/61, at Holly Spgs. On roll 6-10/62, as having deserted 10/6/62. PETTY, Bertrand W.: enl. 8/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Wded. 15/4/62. Prom. to Sgt., 1/8/64. Wded. near Suffolk, 15/4/63. Prom. to Orderly Sgt., 15/3/64. In Chimborazo Hosp. No. 4, 6/64, with remittent fever. PETTY, George Norton: b. 25/11/39; farmer; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Sgt., Co. B. Resgnd. as Sgt., 15/8/61. Transferred 9/11/62, as Pvt., Co. I, 12th Regt. Va. Cav. Captured at Front Royal, 11/1/63; sent to Camp Chase, Ohio, and to City Point, 28/3/63, for exchange. In hosp., Charlottesville, acute diarrhea, 8/64. Paroled at Winchester, 28/4/65. Died 11/12/1913. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. PETTY, Henry S.: res. Warren Co.; conscripted; enl. 29/4/64, assd. to 17th Regt. Va. Inf., 5/5/64; Pvt., Co. B. His brother, diarist J. T. Petty, noted 24/5, that Henry "looked hearty and dirty as Confederates usually do." Captured at Five Forks, 1/4/65; sent to Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor. Released 21/6/65; described as: 5 ft. 8 1/2/ in., light complexion, light hair, grey eyes. PETTY, James Thomas: b. Falmouth, Va., 1836; moved to Wash., D. C., 1851; book keeper; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Captured, 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; prison document describes him as 5 ft. 8 in., dark hair, hazel eyes, dark complexion. Sent to Fort. Warren, Mass.; released 8/7/62, for exchange. Clerk to brigade Commissary, 1862-1864; rejoined company. Wded. at Dinwiddie C. H., 31/3/65. In Wayside Hosp., Farmville, 4/4/65. Paroled at Lynchburg, 15/4/'65. Empl., D. C. government 54 yrs., as a book keeper, auditor, chief of tax arrears division. Mbr. Odd Fellows for 71 yrs., and active in the Masons. Mbr. Confederate Veterans' Assn., D. C. Camp 171, U. C. V. Died in Wash., D. C., 3/5/1929. Bur. Arlington Natl. Cem., Confederate section. Petty's diary, 1861-63, in the collections of the Museum of the Confederacy. His diary for 1864, is at the Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania Natl. Military Park. PIPHER, Dekalb: laborer; age 23; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Prom. to Cpl. Wded. 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm. Prom. to Sgt., 1862. Transferred 27/7/62, to Pvt., Co. C, 12th Regt. Va. Cav. Absent on detached service, 4/64. Roll of Honor, C. M. L. S.: killed. None found. REAGER, Lewis .: enl. 15/11/63, at Ivor Stn; Pvt., Co. B. Killed 14/5/64, at Flat Creek Bridge. REID, Peter; farmer; age 19; enl. 24/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Det. as scout with 2nd Lt. W. S. Roy, (Co. B), on Nansemond River, 1864. Paroled 27/4/65, in Warren Co. RICHARDSON, Charles U.: scholar; age 18; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Wded. at Seven Pines. On duty as courier, 12/62-12/63. Transferred 15/3/64, as Pvt., Co. E, 7th Regt. Va. Cav. Captured 18/5/63; sent to Fort McHenry; exchd. Paroled at Winchester, 26/4/65. Moved to Nebraska, 1871. Sheriff, Custer Co., for two terms. Died at Broken Bow, Neb., 3/12/1910, age 67. RICHARDSON, William Millar: res. Rose Hill, Front Royal; farmer; age 19; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Prom. to 2nd Lt., 28/4/62. Died in enemy hands, 25/5/62, from wounds (arm amputated) received 5/5/62, at Williamsburg. Re-interred at Rose Hill, 1866. RINKER, Romanus: carpenter; age 21; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Regtl. teamster, 1862-64. Postwar roster: wded. at Dinwiddie C. H., 31/3/65. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. RITENOUR, Benton: enl. 10/11/62, at Culpeper C. H.; Pvt., Co. B; transferred to the cavalry. AWOL, 12/7/63. RITENOUR, Isaac: laborer; age 18; enl. 24/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Deserted 31/5/61; captured 7/7/61, and returned to duty 17/7/61. Wded. at Williamsburg, 5/5/62. On furlough, 26/5-27/6/62. Last record. ROBERTS, Marcus: laborer; age 20; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Accidentally killed Charles B. Steed (Co. B), 21/2/64, at Goldsboro, N. C. Killed 14/5/64, at Flat Creek Bridge. ROY, Thomas Benton: b. Warren Co.; law student; age 22; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Det. as clerk at Gen. P. G. T. Beauregard's hdqrs., 1861-62, Commd. Captain and A. A. G., 5/7/62, Lt. Gen. W. J. Hardee's staff. Prom to Major, 15/8/62. Prom. to Lt. Col., 13/6/63. Chief of Staff, 25/7/63. Recommended for promotion to Colonel, 28/12/64. Postwar res. Selma, Ala. Ed., Selma Messenger. Admitted to the bar, but a hearing loss curtailed his practice. Married Sallie Hardee, daughter of Gen. Hardee. Moved abroad to provide an education for their adopted daughter, and never returned to the U. S. He died in Berlin, Germany, 20/11/1910, at the age of 72. ROY, Walter Scott: b. Warren Co., 1842; scholar; age 19; Enl. 21/4/61, at Harper's Ferry; Pvt., Co. B. Prom. to Sgt., 1861. Wded. 30/8/62, at Manassas. Prom. to 2nd Lt., 1863. Absent, detailed as commandant of scouts on Nansemond, 1863-64. Paroled 27/4/65. Died 1924. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. RUST, Bushrod: b. Indiana, 26/10/43. Enl. 3/5/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Warren Rifles. Dischd., 26/5/61. Enl. 18/6/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Capt. Walter Bowen's Co., 7th Regt. Va. Cav. Transferred to Co. I, 12th Regt. Va. Cav., 25/4/62. Paroled at Winchester, 28/4/65. Res. Roanoke, 1897, a "distinguished educator." Died 16/8/1914, at Johns Hopkins Hops., Baltimore. RUST, William Ott: b. Westmoreland Co., 19/8/40, son of John and Nancy McAfee Rust; removed to Front Royal; clerk. Enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Regtl. Commissary Sgt., 30/6/61;resgnd. Apptd. Sgt., Co. B. Wded. 5/5/62, at Williamsburg. Absent, clerk for brigade quartermaster, 1862-64. Actg. Quartermaster Sgt., 17th Regt. Va. Inf., 8-10/64. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. Operated a tannery at Front Royal after the war, and was later Cashier, Front Royal Natl. Bank. Died at Front Royal, 3/11/1933, as the remaining survivor of the Warren Rifles. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. SAFFELL, Edwin M.: b. Warren Co.; tinner; age 19; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Nurse, Gen. Hosp., Camp Winder, Richmond, 5-10/62. Dischd., 2/2/63, disability. SAINEY, John: Pvt., Co. B. Dischd., 13/8/62, under conscription law, being a non-resident of the Confederacy. SANTMYERS, Thomas W.: b. 19/9/39; enl. 26/5/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Wded. 30/8/62, at Manassas. Paroled at Winchester, 26/4/65. Died 9/7/1906. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. SCROGGIN, Louis A.: farmer; age 20; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Det. as teamster and forage master, 1861-65. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. SCROGGIN, Peyton R.: cabinet maker; age 21; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Wded. (rt. side of chest), 5/5/62, at Williamsburg; captured and sent to Wash., D. C. where he died 23/6/62, at Cliffburne U. S. Gen. Hosp. Bur. Arlington Natl. Cem. SEEMERS, John: b. Hanover, Germany; cabinet maker; age 28; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Dischd., 13/8/62, age 31. SETTEL, George W.: laborer; age 21; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Wded. at Williamsburg, 5/5/62; ret. to duty, 1/8/62. Prom. to Cpl., 1863; reduced to the ranks, 1/8/63. Captured 31/3/65; sent to Point Lookout; released 20/6/65, after taking the oath. SIMMONS, Charles E.: b. Frederick Co., Va.; enl. 22/2/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Died of Typhoid fever, 25/5/62, at Gen. Hosp. No. 20, Richmond. SIMPSON, John W.: b. Bon Air, Warren Co.;. enl. 25/2/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Killed, 30/8/62, at Manassas. Brother of Robert Simpson. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. SIMPSON, Robert Henry: b. Warren Co., 26/7/26; grad. V. M. I. (Class of 1845); teacher, Front Royal Male and Female Acad.; Capt., Warren Rifles, 1859. Enl. 18/4/62, at Winchester; Capt., Co. B. Captured, 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; description: 5 ft. 8 1/2 in., dark hair, grey eyes, sallow complexion. Sent to Fort Warren, Mass.; released for exchange, 31/7/62. Wded., 30/8/62, at Manassas. Prom. to Major, 1/11/62. Wded. at Drury's Bluff; (rt. leg amputated, 7 p.m., at field hospital); moved to Baptist Institute Hospital, (Gen. Hosp. No. 4), Richmond, 18/5/62. Died 5:30 a.m., 9/6/64. Bur. Hollywood Cem., Front Royal. His sword and revolvers are on display at the Warren Rifles Confederate Museum, Front Royal. SMITH, John: Pvt., Co. B. enl. as substitute for Thomas B. McKay. Deserted, 31/5/62. SNYDER, Newton W.: carpenter; age 33; enl. 21/4/61, at Harper's Ferry; 1st Lt., Co. B. Detached as Asst. Quartermaster and Asst. Commissary of Subsistence, hosp., Front royal, 10/9/61-2/62. Detailed to Quartermaster Dept., Charlottesville, 1864. Paroled, 24/4/65, at Winchester, age 40. SPENGLER, Abraham Stickley: b. Warren Co.; enl. 18/4/62, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Died of typhoid fever, 21/7/61, at home in Warren Co. Brother of Daniel and Samuel Spengler. SPENGLER, Daniel Hupp: b. Warren Co., 16/4/36; enl. 26/5/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Absent, sick leave in Warren Co., 7-8/61, and 1/1/62-4/62, last record. Died 3/6/1913, at Hamsburg, Pa. Brother of Abraham and Samuel Spengler. SPENGLER, Samuel Franklin: b. Warren Co.; enl. 26/5/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Died at Strickler House (hotel), Front Royal, 6/9/62, from effect of wound received at Manassas, 30/8/62. SPICER, Charles W.: shoemaker; age 25; enl. 3/5/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Dischd., 6/6/62, at Gen. Hosp., Charlottesville, disease of the foot. STEED, Chaney J.: b. Warren Co.; Pvt., Co. B. Died at home, 28/10/62, of wounds received at Manassas. STEED, Charles B.: enl. 3/5/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Accidentally killed by Marcus Roberts at Goldsboro, N. C., 21/2/64. STEELE, Benjamin: conscripted; enl. 1/2/63, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. B. AWOL, 12/7/63, last record. STEELE, John W.: enl. 26/5/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Killed at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62. Son of John H. Steele, Warren Co. STEELE, John W.: enl. 10/11/62, at Culpeper C. H.; Pvt., Co. B.; transferred from the cavalry. AWOL, 1/7/63. Last Record. STICKLEY, Philip: b. Warren Co., 30/8/42; laborer; enl. 4/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Wded., 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm. Brigade ambulance driver, 1863-64. Captured 1/4/65, at Five Forks. Released from Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor, 20/6/65, after taking the oath. Died 27/4/1929. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. STOKES, Joseph: conscripted; enl. 1/2/63, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Postwar roster: died of wounds received at Dinwiddie C. H., 31/3/65. STUDD, C.: Pvt., Co. B. Wded., 30/8/62, at Manassas. Only record. SUTTLE, C. N.: Pvt., Co. B On regtl. return, 5/62, as wounded at Williamsburg. THOMPSON, Elliott D.: farmer; age 21; enl. 26/5/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Absent wded., 17/9/62-30/3/63. Paroled at Winchester, 1/5/65. THOMPSON, Gilbert: laborer; age 20; enl. 24/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Deserted 3/6/61, arrested, and deserted again, from the guard house at Manassas Junction, 16/8/61. TIMBERLAKE, Richard Lewis: grad. Dickinson College, Pa.; farmer; age 23; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Sgt., Co. B. Resgnd. as Sgt., 5/8/61. Baggage guard at Gordonsville, 4/62. Enl. 17/10/62, as Pvt., Co. B, 12th Regt. Va. Cav. Killed at Sycamore Church, Prince George Co., 16/9/64, on Hampton's cattle Raid. Buried at "Sherwood," Warren Co. TRIPLETT, Leonidas: student; age 22; enl. 19/4/61, at Harper's Ferry; Pvt., Co. B. On sick leave at Mt. Jackson, 12/61. AWOL, 6/62-2/63. Died in 1881. Bur. Warrenton Cem. TRIPLETT, William B.: clerk; age 25; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Captured, 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released 31/7/62, for exchange. Apptd. 24/9/62, as 2nd Lt., Co. D, 18th Regt. Va. Cav. Captured 2/7/63, at Hancock, Md.; sent to Fort Delaware, and Johnson's Island, Ohio; escaped; rejoined company before 31/10/64. Last record. TURNER, James H.: b. 15/2/39; res. Front Royal; doctor. Enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Absent at Front Royal, unwell, 8-10/61. Dischd., 3/12/61, disability. Assisted in the Confederate hospitals at Front Royal. Died 8/12/1911. Bur. Prospect Hill Cem., Front Royal. TURNER, Robert Henry: lawyer, Front Royal; mbr. 1861 State Convention; age33. Enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Actg. Asst. Quartermaster, 17th Regt. Va. Inf., 1/4/62. Appt. Capt., and Asst. Quartermaster, 21/5/62, assd. to 17th Va. Mbr. Va. House of Delegates, 1863-65. Apptd. Major and Quartermaster, 3/1/63, assd. to Corse's brigade. Assd to special duty 8/2/63; rejoined the brigade, 1/7/64. Paroled 9/4/65. Judge, 13th Judicial Circuit of Va., nearly 25 yrs. Died 2/11/1900, at Front Royal. TURNER, Smith Spangler: b. Warren Co., 21/11/42; Cadet, V. M. I. (Class of 1864), 1 yr.; with cadet command at Harper's Ferry, and served as drill officer to 9/61. Enl. 10/3/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Prom. to 2nd Lt., 26/4/62. Apptd. 1st Lt., 1862. Cited for gallantry at Boonsborough, Md., 14/9/62. Injured left foot; sent to Stuart Hosp., Richmond, 27/3/65; ret. to duty, 2/4/65. Paroled at Danville, 25/6/65. Math. Instructor, female seminary, Winchester, 1865-67. Practiced law. Mbr. Va. legislature. Mbr. Bd. of Visitors, V. M. I. Elected to U. S. Congress; re-elected 1894, and served to 1897. Died at Front Royal, 8/4/98. Turner, in late 1864, prepared the history of Company B for Joseph Jackson, Jr., Recorder Va. Forces; see VMHB, 68, pp. 3-57. TYLER, Gustavus: student; age 19; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Sick furlough, 25/7-14/8/61, 18/10-14/11/61. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. Joined his brother, James Monroe Tyler, in St. Louis after the war. Later he was engaged in trade at Fort Benton, Montana. Died at Fort Fetterman, Wyoming, 1887. TYLER, James M.: merchant; age 30; enl. 30/6/61, at Camp Pickens; Pvt., Co. B. Never mustered into service. Presumably the brother of Gustavus Tyler, Co. B. None found. VENABLE, James T.: res. Frederick Co.; farmer; enl.5/2/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Wded. 30/8/62, at Manassas. Arrested in Frederick Co., 29/1/262; sent to Camp Chase, Ohio. Transferred 28/3/63, to City Point, Va., for exchange. Last record. WALTER, Henry S.: carpenter; age 20; enl. 14/5/61, at Alexandria; Pvt., Co. B. Prom. to Cpl., 26/5/61. AWOL, 30/3/63, last record. WALTER, William: clerk; age 19; enl. 18/4/61, at Winchester; Pvt., Co. B. Transferred, 19/10/61. WEAVER, Robert Lewis: b. 18/3/41; laborer; enl. 10/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Prisoner at Point Lookout and Elmira, N. Y., 1863-12/64. Died 25/3/1925. WILLEY, Achilles: enl. 25/2/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62; sent to Fort Columbus, N. Y. Harbor; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Exchange delayed by illness. Delivered 6/10/62 for exchange at Aiken's Ldg. Paroled at Winchester, 21/4/65. WILLEY, Atwell L.: laborer; age 19; enl. 26/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. AWOL, 12/62. Last record. WILLEY, Jacob W.: res. Frederick Co., Va.; enl. 25/2/62, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Captured, 14/9/62, at South Mountain; sent to Fort Delaware. Exchd., 10/11/62, at Aiken's Ldg. Captured at Dinwiddie C. H., 31/3/65; sent to Point Lookout. Released 22/6/65, on taking Oath of Allegiance. WILLIAMS, George: enl. 19/3/63, at Petersburg; Pvt., Co. B. Exchanged from cavalry for J. J. Johnson. AWOL, 12/7/63. Postwar roster: dischd., over age. WILLIAMS, George A.: enl. 13/1/62, at Centreville; Pvt., Co. B. On duty as clerk, Gen. Beauregard's hdqrs., 1862. Apptd. Capt., and A. A. G., Brig. Gen. St. John R. Liddell's staff, 12/7/62 to 8/63. Assd. to Brig. Gen. D. G. Govan's staff, 21/12/64. Paroled at Greensboro, N. C. 1/5/65. Moved to New Orleans, 1869. Occ. mbr. cotton and tobacco firm, wholesale dry goods firm, pharmacy, director of the Union Bank. Mbr. New Orleans, Boston, and Pickwick clubs. Died 29/12/1929, as Supt. Confederate Home of Louisiana. Bur. Army of Tenn. tomb, Matairie Cem., New Orleans. WILLIAMS, George N.: b. Warren Co.; tailor; age 34; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. Dischd., 17/7/62, over 35 yrs. of age. Admitted, 7/1/1902, to R. E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, age 75. Died 12/2/1902. WILLIAMS, William: laborer; age 26; enl. 3/5/61, at Front Royal; Pvt., Co. B. AWOL, 26/7/63. Last record. None found. YATES, James M.: res. Frederick Co.; Pvt., Co. B. Arrested 28/12/62, in Frederick Co.; sent to Wheeling, and to Camp Chase, Ohio, where he was released 26/3/63. U. S. records show he was a Frederick Co. farmer, age 24. None found. |
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