17th Virginia Infantry Regiment
The Old Dominion Rifles |
Roster of Company F personnel - Prince William Rifles (From "17th Virginia Infantry" by Lee A. Wallace Jr.) Abbreviations used include:
Please note: All dates are in the British system. (Day/Month/Year) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ARNOLD, William: Farmer; age 35; enl. 26/5/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. F. Absent on re-enlistment furlough 2/62. Present, 12/64. Captured at Fairfax C. H., 16/5/65; paroled by Provost Marshal; doc. shows Arnold as age 46, 5 ft. 11 in., dark hair, blue eyes, fair complexion. BASEY, Edmund B.: b. Fauquier Co.; farmer; age 22; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Prom. to Sgt. Mortally wded. at Seven Pines. Died 31/5/62. BASYE, Luther: enl. 10/3/62, at Buckland; Pvt., Co. F. Captured at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62. Sent to Fort Columbus; and to Fort Warren, Mass. Released 31/7/62, for exchange. Wded. 30/8/62, at Manassas. Present, 10/62. Died in Virginia hosp., Petersburg, 27/10/63, of meningitis. Bur. Blandford Cem., Petersburg. BAXTER, William H.: b. 26/1/36; farmer; age 21; enl. 24/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Absent sick at home, 7-10/61. Absent on re-enlistment furlough and sick, 2/62-2/63. Wded. (left thigh and right hip), at Drewry's Bluff, 16/5/64; returned to duty by end of 1864. Captured at Five Forks, 1/4/65. Sent to Hart's Island, N. Y. Released 20/6/65, after taking the oath. Died 6/1/1906. Bur. Manassas Cem., Rt. 28. BRADY, Edward T.: farmer; age 21; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Rejected by mustering officer 27/5/61, because of physical defects. Conscripted; enl. 1//11/62, at Warrenton, Pvt., Co. F. Re-enlisted for the war, 13/2/64. Taken prisoner and paroled 28/4/65, at Fairfax C. H. BRADY, James D.: b. Prince William Co.; farmer; age 22; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. At home sick, 8/61. Enl. for 2 yrs., 4/4/62. Killed at Seven Pines, 31/5/62. BRADY, John W.: farmer; age 20; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Absent, sick at home, 12/61-2/62. Captured, and sent to Old Capitol Prison, Washington, 9/11/62. Died in the hands of the enemy, 4/1/63, of smallpox. BRADY, Richard.: farmer; age 18; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Absent, sick at home, 10/61-2/62. Present, 4/62. Admitted to Gen. Hosp. No. 13, Richmond with diarrhea, 31/7/62. Died 9/8/62. BRAWNER, George W.: Pvt., Co. F. Present, 12/64. Captured 6/5/65; sent to Point Lookout. Released after taking oath, 23/6/65. BRAWNER, John: enl. 20/3/62, at Orange C. H.; Pvt., Co. F. Absent, det. service, 12/63. Present, 2/64. Taken prisoner, and paroled, 2/5/65, at Fairfax C. H.; doc. states age 21, black hair, black yes, dark complexion, 5 ft. 8 in. Died 1905. BRISTOW, Robert Braxton: b. Middlesex Co.; age 21; school teacher; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Dischd. 17/1/62, for disability from hernia caused by exertion in extinguishing a fire in one of the company's cabins. Applied for clerkship in War Dept., 3/62. Enl. 10/5/63, in Caroline Co., as Pvt., Ashland Light Arty. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. BURGESS, John R.: farmer; age 22; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Admitted to Chimborazo hosp., Richmond, typhoid fever, 10/5/62; transferred to Lynchburg, 1/6/62. Killed at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62. BUSH, Montgomery: carpenter; enl. 5/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt. Prince William Rifles. Deserted 12/5/61. CALLAHAN, Patrick: laborer; age 31; enl. 27/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. In Chimborazo hosp., Richmond, with intermittent fever, 11-12/61. Deserted, 21/11/62, on march from Culpeper C. H. CANTY, Stephen: enl. 17/7/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Deserted 12/8/62, at Raccoon Ford. Provost Marshal Gen. doc. 18/9/63, states Canty lived at Haymarket, Prince William Co., and this was his first chance to desert. Took the Oath of Allegiance. Sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., 15/8/63. Released and sent to Phila., 24/9/63. CARTER, Andrew J.: farmer; age 27; enl. 30/4/61, at Absent, sick at home, 10-12/61. Wded. (thigh) at Williamsburg, 6/5/62; sent to Henningsen Hosp., Richmond; returned to duty, 13/2/63. Re-enlisted 13/2/64. Taken prisoner at Fairfax C. H., 2/5/65, and paroled. CARTER, James Shirley: b. 25/1/36; res. Prince William Co.; farmer; enl. 31/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Absent, sick, 8-10/61, 6-10/62 (typhoid fever). Captured at Five Forks, 1/4/65; sent to Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor. Released 26/6/65, after taking the oath. CARTER, Marshall A.: farmer; age 21; enl. 30/4/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Prince William Rifles. Rejected by mustering officer for physical defects. Res. Loudoun Co., 1902. CARTER, Winston Lafayette: farmer; age 36; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; 2nd Lt., Co. F. Killed at Williamsburg, 5/5/62. CLOWE, Elijah W.: b. Prince William Co.; carpenter; age 27; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Wded. at Seven Pines, 31/5/62. Dischd. 7/62, being over 35 yrs. of age. Admitted to R. E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, age 74. Died 11/8/1906. Bur. Hollywood Cem., Richmond. CLOWE, Thomas S.: b. Prince William Co.; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Died at his home near Haymarket, 17/12/61, of typhoid fever. COGAN, Charles E.: farmer; age 22; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. On rolls as having deserted 31/8/62, at Manassas. Committed to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C., 9/11/62, prisoner of war. No further information. CORNWELL, John W.: farmer; age 23; enl. 20/4/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. F. Det. repairing roads, 12/61-2/62. Wded. at Seven Pines; absent wded. 6/62-4/63. Det. as company cook, 12/64. Captured at Five Forks, 1/4/65; sent to Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor. Released 20/6/65, after taking the oath. DAVIS, Minor F.: farmer; age 23; enl. 24/5/61, at Manassas Junction: Pvt., Co. F. Escaped from regtl. guardhouse, 12/61, and not heard from since, 4/62. DAVIS, William E.: farmer; age 24; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Sick at home, typhoid fever, 1861-1862. Wded. at Manassas, 30/8/62; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C., 9/11/62. Paroled. Captured at Harpers ferry, 6/4/65; sent to Point Lookout. Released 11/6/65, after taking the oath. Postwar document Wded. at Five Forks. DUVAL, Francis Mc.: book keeper; age 26; enl. 28/5/61, at Manassas Junction: Pvt., Co. F. Dishon. dischd. by order Brig. Gen. A. P. Hill for leaving post at the breastworks on night of 30/4/62, near Yorktown, in the face of the enemy. EBHARDT, Frederick: b. Germany; gardener; age 27; enl. 24/4/61, at Haymarket; Cpl., Co. F. Prom. to Sgt., and reduced to Pvt., 1862. Wded. and captured 30/8/62, at Manassas; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C., 9/11/62. Paroled 18/11/62, and admitted to Gen. Hosp., Petersburg. Returned to duty, 22/12/62. Present 12/64. Admitted to R. E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, 5/5/98. Died 18/1/1904. Bur. Hollywood Cem., Richmond. ELLIS, Thomas R.: saddler; age 18; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Det. duty at Richmond, 4/62. Wded. (head) 6/4/65, at Sayler's Creek. Died 27/4/65, at field hosp., U. S. 5th Army Corps, City Point. Bur. City Point Natl. Cem., Hopewell. FLYNN, John: laborer; age 38; enl. 30/4/61, at Manassas Junction: Pvt., Co. F. Det. to ambulance corps, 1864. Wded. (right leg) and captured, 4/65, at Petersburg; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C., and Elmira, N. Y. Released after taking oath, 7/7/65. gave age as 45 yrs., and res. Bristol, Conn. FOLEY, Alexander R.: b. Prince William Co.; farmer; age 18; enl. 16/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Had been a noncommissioned officer, but was reduced to private, 1/6/64, for inefficiency. Died 26/2/62, of typhoid fever at his home in Prince William Co. FOLEY, Richard A.: b. Prince William Co.; farmer; age 34; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Absent sick, yellow jaundice, 12/61. Dischd., 26/7/62, age 36. Bur. Antioch Baptist Church Cem., Prince William Co. FOLEY, Willis F.: shoemaker; age 19; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Captured at Williamsburg; exchd. at Aiken's Ldg., 5/8/62. Deserted about 7/8/62. GALLEHER, Marion W.: b. Loudoun Co.; farmer; enl. 23/7/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. F. Wded. (face) 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm. Dischd. 1//11/62, for disability. Died 4/8/1908. GOUGH, Alexander: enl. 1/3/62, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Absent, "barefooted," 8/62. Deserted 1/11/62, at Culpeper C. H. Paroled prisoner of war, Office of Provost Marshal Gen., Army of the Potomac, 12/11/62. GOULDING, Henry: b. Prince William Co.; enl. 4/3/62, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Killed 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm. GRAYSON, Alexander B.: b. Fauquier Co.; enl. 17/7/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. F. Killed at Williamsburg, 5/5/62. HAISLIP, Charles S.: res. Prince William Co.; farmer; age 23; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Regtl. Color Cpl., 1862. Reported to Bureau of Conscription as AWOL, 7/3/65. Paroled as with signal corps. HAISLIP, James N.: res. Prince William Co.; carpenter; age 22; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. On list of prisoners captured at Fort Whitworth, Petersburg, 2/4/65. Sent to Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor. Released 20/6/65, after taking oath. HAMILTON, George Stanton: b. 22/2/29; doctor; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Capt., Co. F. Absent, sick at home, 8/61 and 2/62. Dropped 28/4/62, at reorganization. Died 12/6/1912. HAMBRICK, Lewis H.: shoemaker; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Sgt., Co. F. Absent sick, 11-12/61. Dischd. 27/12/61, disability. HARRINGTON, Daniel: b. Ireland; laborer; age 35; enl. 29/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Dischd., 10/6/64, near Cold Harbor, being over 45 yrs. HARRISON, John Calhoun: physician; age 26; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. reduced form NCO for inefficiency, 6/6/61. Regt. Color Cpl., 1861-1862. Dischd., 1/63. Employed as contract surgeon. Apptd. Asst. Surgeon, P. A. C. S., 3/11/64, and served at Richmond, Wytheville, Raleigh, N. C., and Wilson, N. C. HARRISON, William S.: enl. 3/3/62, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. rejected, 21/5/61. Wded. (wrist) at Seven Pines, 31/5/62. Prom. to 1st Lt., 25/6/64. Present through to 12/64. Paroled at Fairfax C. H., 29/4/65. HAWLEY, Artemus B. D.: farmer; enl. 9/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Captured at Williamsburg, 5/5/62; sent to Fort Delaware; exchd., 5/8/63, at Aiken's Ldg. Captured at Manassas Gap, 21/7/63; sent to Point Lookout; exchd. 3/3/64. HERRELL, James Edward: b. Fauquier Co., 24/3/43; moved to Prince William Co., 1857; clerk; Enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Sgt., Co. F. Elected 1st Lt., 26/4/62. Enrolling conscripts, 8-10/62. Prom. to Capt., 9/6/64. Captured and paroled at Fairfax C. H., 5/5/65. Postwar occ. mercantile pursuits and actg. magistrate. Deputy Sheriff, 1891-1893. County Treasurer, 1900-1912. Clerk, Prince William Co. Mbr. Ewell Camp, U. C. V., and prominent in the Masons. Died 11/3/1916, at Manassas. HITE, George L.: res. Shenandoah Co.; conscripted; enl. 9/6/63, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. F. Captured, 7/4/65, at Amelia C. H.; sent to Point Lookout. Released 13/6/65, after taking oath. Admitted to hosp., Charlottesville, 16/6/65, with debility. Sent home 17/6/65, a paroled prisoner. Admitted to R. E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, 17/11/98. Dischd. at own request, 1/4/99. Re-admitted, 20/9/1901. Sent to asylum, 19/4/1903. HIXSON, Felix G.: miller; age 21; enl. 24/4/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Killed at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62. HUDDLESTON, Robert J.: conscripted; enl. 14/6/63, in Buckingham Co.; Pvt., Co. F. Spent much of 1863-64 absent in hosp., Petersburg and Farmville, with pneumonia and fever. Paroled at Farmville, 4/1865. HULFISH, Joel N.: wheelwright; age 19; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Sgt., Co. F. Elected Lt., 26/4/62. Killed at Frayser's Farm, 30/6/62. Bur. St. Paul's Epis. Church Cem., Haymarket. Son of Garrett and Susan Hulfish. HUNTON, Logan: merchant; age 20; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Transferred 2/8/61, to Co. A. (Mountain Rangers), 7th Regt. Va. Cav. Transferred 1/12/61, to Co. H, 4th Regt. Va. Cav. Dischd. 28/5/62, disability. Married Sarah A. Ball, 23/3/69. Res. Buckland, Prince William Co. HURST, James R.: farmer; age 23; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Died in hosp., Petersburg, 16/9/62, stabbed by David Manly, Co. G. Bur. Blandford Cem., Petersburg. HUTCHISON, Frederick M.: enl. 17/7/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. F. Wded. (thigh) 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm. Enrolling conscripts, Camp Lee, 4-6/63. Paroled at Fairfax C. H., 19/5/65, age 28. HUTCHISON, Robert Leachman: b. 8/9/40; farmer; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Captured on Nansemond River, 29/3/64; sent to Point Lookout; exchd., 30/10/64. Captured and paroled 5/5/65, at Fairfax C. H. Died 21/5/1912. Bur. Graham Cem., Orange Co. None found. JORDAN, John Richard: b. New Baltimore, Va., 2/9/34; machinist, Alexandria, 1852; moved to Haymarket, 1859; merchant. Enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; 1st Sgt., Co. F. Commd. 2nd Lt., 26/10/61. Resgnd. 20/4/62. Apptd. Third Asst. Engineer, C. S. Navy, 29/4/62, and First Asst. Engineer, Provisional Navy, 2/6/64. Served on Escambia, Raleigh, and Huntsville. Paroled 10/5/64, at Hubba, Ala. Postwar occ. machinist, Baltimore; spent several years at Paducah, Ky.; returned to Haymarket; and then to Baltimore, where he was Supt., E. J. Codd's machine Works, and Marine Surveyor for The British Lloyds. Died at Baltimore, 5/12/93. KENNARD, George W.: farmer; age 26; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Absent sick 9/8/62, to 4/63. Deserted. KING, Joseph H.: enl. 1/3/63; Pvt., Co. F. On rolls as having deserted about 7/9/63. U. S. records show him captured 24/1/64, near Sudley's Farm, Prince William Co. Sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C. and to Point Lookout. Released 12/6/65, after taking oath. LEE, Reuben M.: farmer; age 30; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Prom. to Cpl., 1/1/62. Wded. at Boonsborough, Md., 14/9/62. Postwar roster: died of wounds received at Five Forks, 1/4/65. McDONOUGH, James: b. Montgomery Co., Md., 25/9; wheelwright; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Dischd. 26/7/62, age 37, over age. Died 7/12/1908. McINTOSH, William S.: plasterer; age 30; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Dischd., 1/12/61, disability. Conscripted; enl. 1/11/62, at Warrenton; Pvt., Co. F. In hosp., Charlottesville, 3-11/63. Died in Chimborazo Hosp. No. 4, Richmond, 7/12/64, of acute dysentery. MARSHALL, John G.: farmer; age 22; enl. 24/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Deserted 1/11/62, at Culpeper C. H. MAYHUGH, Oscar G.: b. Prince William Co.; farmer; age 23; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Died at his home, 1/7/61, of typhoid fever. MOORE, John A.: cooper; age 27; enl. 13/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Wded. (rt. leg) 1/4/65, at Five Forks. Died 28/4/65, in the U. S. Hosp., Army of the James, Point of Rocks. Bur. Point of Rocks. NEWMAN, Marmion Rush: clerk; age 20; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Wded. and captured at Williamsburg, 5/5/62; exchd. 5/8/62, at Aiken's Ldg. Apptd. Regtl. Color Cpl., 1/4/63. Paroled at Winchester, 26/4/65. O'SHEA, Thomas: shoemaker; age 26; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Prom. to Cpl., 1/11/61. Elected 2nd Lt., 26/4/62. Absent, wded., 6/62. Comdg. company, 2-4/63. Captured at Manassas, 15/8/63; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C., and to Fort McHenry, Md. Took the Oath of Allegiance, 27/9/63; stated res. Phila. PATTIE, James A.: b. Culpeper Co.; res. Prince William Co.; carpenter; age 27; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Cpl., Co. F. Elected Sgt., 11/11/61. Captured 1/4/65, at Five Forks; sent to Hart's Island, N. Y. Harbor. Released 21/6/65, after taking the oath. Admitted to R. E. Lee Camp Soldiers' Home, Richmond, 13/9/1902. Did 14/11/1904. Bur. Prince William Co. Diary, 25/1/64-21/1/65, in Handley Library, Winchester. PATTIE, Oscar F.: res. Prince William Co.; carpenter; age 35; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Prince William Rifles. Rejected by mustering officer 27/5/61, because of health. Died 27/7/73. PAYNE, James R.: farmer; age 19; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Admitted to Chimborazo Hosp., No. 4, 7/3/65, with chronic rheumatism and apoplexy. Died 15/3/65. PAYNE, Levi W.: farmer; age 22; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Captured near Madison C. H., 22/9/63; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C. In U. S. Hosp., Kalorama, 1-2/64, with variola; vaccinated. Released from Old Capitol Prison on oath, 22/3/64; sent to New York. PICKETT, George S.: farmer; age 24; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Prom. to Cpl., 1/6/61. Wded. at Sayler's Creek, 6/4/65; sent to Point Lookout. released 16/6/65, after taking oath. PIERSON, George W.: enl. 15/7/61, at Manassas; Pvt., Co. F. Wded. at Seven Pines, 31/5/61. Captured and paroled at Fairfax C. H.; 4/5/65, age 29, light hair, blue eyes, fair complexion, 5 ft. 9 1/2 in. PIERSON, James: age 20; enl. 29/4/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Rejected by mustering officer, 27/5/61, because of physical defects. PIERSON, Robert A.: enl. 15/7/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Deserted 31/8/62, at Manassas. Paroled 4/5/65, at Fairfax C. H., age 27. POLEND, Charles J.: farmer; age 21; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Injured hand, 13/5/61; sent home. AWOL, 10/7/61. Dropped from rolls as a deserter, 10/61. POLEND, John T.: farmer; age 26; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. At home in Prince William Co., sick, 26/6/61 to 10/62. Deserted, absent since army left Centreville 10/3/62. Present 4/63, 5 mos. pay deducted by order of court-martial. Deserted on or about 7/9/63. Returned 4/12/64, and put in division guard house. Paroled 26/4/65, at Edwards Ferry, Md. POSEY, John T.: enl. 2/9/62, at Leesburg; Pvt., Co. F. transferred from Co. K, 2nd Florida Inf. in which he had enl. 23/7/62, at Jacksonville. Paroled at Appomatox C. H., 9/4/65. None found. RENNOE, John L.: laborer; age 18; enl. 15/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Wded. on scouting duty at Allen's Farm, near Richmond, 23/5/62; sent to Gen. Hosp. No. 212, Richmond. On register, 21/1/65, as a "deserter from the enemy." Received by Provost Marshal Gen., Army of the Potomac, 23/1/65, from Provost Marshal, Bermuda Hundred. Took the oath and was sent to Wash., D. C. where transportation was furnished to Norfolk, with New Bern, N. C. as his destination. RIZEN, John F.: laborer; age 26; enl. 15/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Absent, sick at home and hosp., for much of his enlistment. Absent after army left Centreville, 9/3/62. Postwar roster: dischd. at Fairfax C. H. ROGERS, Jesse S.: farmer; age 24; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Prom. to Cpl., 1/6/61. Wded. (thigh), at Seven Pines. Prom. to 1st Sgt., 1862. Paroled at Winchester, 24/4/65. Res. Leesburg, 1909. ROLLINS, George W.: enl. as a volunteer, 7/10/64, at Richmond; Pvt., Co. F. Postwar roster: wded. at Five Forks, 1/4/65. Paroled at Fairfax C. H., 28/4/65, age 17. ROLLINS, James D.: farmer; age 21; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Wded. 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm; on furlough, 7-8/62. Paroled at Fairfax C. H., 1/5/65. SHERWOOD, James B.: b. Prince William Co.; painter; age 20; enl. 28/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Dishonorably discharged by order of Brig. Gen. A. P. Hill for leaving post on the night of 30/4/62, near Yorktown in face of the enemy. SHERWOOD, William W.: b. Alexandria 1843; res. Prince William Co.; mbr. Prince William Rifles; shoemaker; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Prom. to Cpl. Paroled at Fairfax C. H., 5/5/65; described: 5 ft. 7 in., dark complexion, black hair, hazel eyes. Postwar occ. shoe business, Alexandria. Mbr. R. E. Lee Camp, C. V. Died 15/12/1907. Diary 1862-63, in collections of Va. Hist. Soc. SIZEMORE, John: enl. 1/3/63; Pvt., Co. F. received 16/1/65, as a "rebel deserter," Provost Marshal Gen., Army of the Potomac, Bermuda Hundred. Took the oath; sent to Wash., D. C., and to Alexandria. SMITH, William Randolph: b. Prince William Co., son of James and Ann Smith; farmer; age 20; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Prom. to 1st Sgt., 1862. Killed 30/6/62, at Frayser's Farm. Bur. Antioch Baptist Church, Prince William Co. Known amongst friends as "Ran." See Diary of William Randolph Smith, published 1986, by Manassas Chapter, U. D. C. SPEAKE, Edward: tailor; age 45; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Prince William Rifles. Rejected by mustering officer because of age. STOKES, Henry P.: b. Pittsylvania Co.; enl. 9/6/63, at Danville; Pvt., Co. F. Died of pneumonia, 23/3/64, at C. S. Hosp., Petersburg. Bur. Blandford Cem., Petersburg. SULLIVAN, James R.: cooper; age 20; enl. 1/5/61, at Manassas Junction; Pvt., Co. F. Wded. at Boonsborough, Md., 14/9/62. On duty as a nurse, Staunton, 4/63. Hospitalized at Richmond, debility, 7/64; furloughed 8/64. Captured and paroled at Fairfax C. H., 1/5/65. SUTHERLAND, William C.: well digger; age 30; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt. Co. F. Deserted on the night of 30/4/62, near Yorktown in front of the enemy. Committed to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C., 23/9/62, last record. TILLETT, James F.: farmer; age 19; enl. 24/5/61, at Manassas Junction: Pvt., Co. F. At home with measles, 8-10/61. Deserted 11/62, Culpeper C. H. TURNER, Thomas W.: farmer; age 26; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; Pvt., Co. F. Absent for most of 1861-63. Captured 5/8/63, in Fauquier Co.; sent to Old Capitol Prison, Wash., D. C., and to Point Lookout. Exchd., 5/12/63. Paroled at Winchester, 26/4/65. TYLER, Grayson: Prince William Co.; farmer; age 25; enl. 26/4/61, at Haymarket; 1st Lt., Co. F. Elected Capt., 26/4/62. Prom. to Major, 1864. Prom. to Lt. Col., 8/7/64. Captured 6/4/65, at Sayler's Creek; sent to Johnson's Island, Ohio. Released 25/7/65, on taking the Oath of Allegiance; described as 5 ft. 11 1/2 in., fair complexion, light hair, blue eyes. Died 17/12/97. None found. None found. WARREN, James F.: Pvt., Co. F. Paroled 17/5/65, at Charlestown, West Va., age 29. No record of enlistment. None found. None found. None found. |
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